Universiteit Leiden

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Board of Examiners

The role of the Board of Examiners is to ensure that study programmes adhere to their Course and Examination Regulations. The Board of Examiners oversees all tests and examinations within the institute and determines whether students have acquired the knowledge and skills required for the awarding of their degree.

Each institute has a Board of Examiners, the members of which are appointed by the Faculty Board. The Board of Examiners is responsible for the effective organisation and quality assurance of all tests and examinations within the institute. If you would like to request a change to your academic requirements, for example an exemption or extension, it is the Board of Examiners who will make the final decision on your request.

Each programme has a Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners of your department is responsible for the effective organisation of the tests and examinations. According to the statutory regulations, only lecturers are eligible for membership of a Board of Examiners.  If you have any questions or problems, you can approach the Departmental Teaching Committee, or the student member of the Faculty Board (Assessor).

Contact the Board of Examiners
Questions addressed to the Board of Examiners can be send no later than 1 week before the meetings take place. Please note: always use your umail-account!

In the committee database you can find who the members of the Board of Examiners are and when they meet.

Study Abroad Course selection and approval

Please read this document on the guidelines for course selection as an exchange student or free mover.

Please fill out the course approval form for the Board of Examiners. The Board can only guarantee that you will receive an answer before the start of the Academic Year if you submit your form before July 1st.

You will find more information regarding studying abroad here.


Students who choose to follow a minor at Leiden University or at another university or who choose to create their own minor, are asked to fill out the course approval form for the Board of Examiners. The Board can only guarantee that you will receive an answer before the start of the Academic Year if you submit your form before July 1st.


Requests for exemptions

A student who wishes to be exempted from a course, has to direct a request to the Board of Examiners.

The request contains at least:

(a) the specific course for which exemption is requested;

(b) the grounds on which the request is based;

(c) if these grounds include results credit points obtained in another degree, within or without Leiden University, an official description of the course concerned and an official transcript of the credits obtained.

The Board considers requests only from registered students. It will decide on the request within four weeks after having received it.

Requests for individually adapted programs

A student who wishes to adapt the degree program to his or her individual requirements, can direct a request to the Examinations Committee. The request contains at least:

(a) a list of the courses in the degree program involved;

(b) a list of the alternative degree elements;

(c) a motivation for proposing those elements as viable alternatives.

The Board considers requests only from registered students. It will decide on the request within four weeks after having received it.

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