Universiteit Leiden

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Thesis Boost Days

Help! The thesis deadline is fast approaching… To help you give your thesis that final push, the Writing Lab will organize two Thesis Boost Days on May 20th and 22nd!

What is a Thesis Boost Day?

What is a Thesis Boost Day, you ask? You’re welcome to join us from 09:30 to 16:30 to work on your thesis undisturbed—we will provide coffee, tea, and healthy snacks! Running into trouble with referencing, argumentation, structuring or other writing issues? We’ve got you covered: our writing coaches will be present all day to think with you about your work. During the day we will also organize several lightning Writing Booster sessions with tips & tricks for thesis writing. And because it’s healthy to take a step back from your work every now and then, a coach of the University Sports Center will come around in the afternoon for a short pilates class to get us stretched and refreshed! Would you rather just keep on working? No problem: all elements of the Thesis Boost Days are optional and you’re free to walk in and out when that suits you. Our coaches can help both in Dutch and English.

Where and when?

May 20th in Leiden: Lipsius 1.49 and 1.50 from 09:30 to 16:30.

May 22nd in The Hague: Wijnhaven 3.06A, 3.06B and 3.08A from 09:30 to 16:30.


You can find the preliminary program—for both May 20th and May 22nd—below:

Writing space (Lipsius 1.50 / Wijnhaven 3.06A & B, writing coaches present all day):

Workshop space (Lipsius 1.49 / Wijnhaven 3.08A):

09:30 – Kick-off



11:00 – Writing Booster 1


12:00 – Pilates with USC

12:30 – Healthy lunch



13:00 – Writing Booster 2

14:00 – Coffee break



15:00 – Writing Booster 3

16:30 – Wrap-up and evaluation



Are you interested? You can register by sending an email to writinglab@hum.leidenuniv.nl on May 1st at the latest. Let us know if you’d like to join us one or both days!

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