Universiteit Leiden

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Honours education at Leiden University

Do you want to look beyond your studies? Follow your curiosity with honours education at Leiden University!

What is honours education?

Honours education is a testing ground in which you can grow further on a personal, professional and academic level. In addition to your studies at Leiden University, you take one or multiple courses that challenge you, bring inspiring insights and provide you with valuable skills. You will also learn to think outside-the-box and solve societal problems together with students from other disciplines. 

Find out what Honours can do for you!

Whether you are a bachelor's or master's student, you can choose from a wide range of honours education, from a single subject to a one- or two-year programme. 

Explore a different discipline with an Honours Class, get to know yourself in the Leiden Leadership Programme or design your career path with Designing Your Life. Discover what suits you via the overview below!

For bachelor's students For master's students

Overview of all honours programmes at Leiden University

An overview of all honours programmes can be found below:


Honours Academy
+31 71 527 6594
Old Observatory
Sterrenwachtlaan 11
2311 GW Leiden
Post Office Box 331
2300 AH Leiden
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