Universiteit Leiden

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Master Honours Challenges

Do you want to gain problem-solving experience? Shape your future with a Master Honours Challenge!

Think like an entrepreneur, researcher or policy-maker

In the Master Honours Challenges (3-10 EC) you are trained to be a problem-solver. You experience what it's like to think as, for instance, an entrepreneur, researcher or policy-maker that aims to tackle a problem. Your challenge can relate to a business, an organisation, academia or society as a whole. 

In your challenge, you will work closely with a team of students from different disciplines. You learn how to work together professionally and prepare yourself for life after your master's!

Range of challenges

Master Honours Challenges combine theory and practice in various ways. In some challenges, you will tackle an issue specifically for an organisation, such as a company, municipality or ngo. You could investigate a question they have or design a solution for a problem they want you to address. 

You won't always work with a specific organisation. For instance, you may work on your own business or problem-solve for society as such. It all depends on the challenge in question!

Why a Master Honours Challenge?

  • You meet and work with students of other disciplines, just like you would in the workplace. This is both fun and insightful. 
  • You may work with partner organisations and get a taste of what they value in professional life. 
  • You get to discover whether a work field or area of expertise suits you. 
  • You look into 'hot topics' and complex (societal) challenges.
  • You get to experience experimental education and learn new skills. Some examples of examinations: podcasts, pitches for stakeholders, documentaries, exhibitions. (Please note that this varies greatly between challenges.)

Study credits and certification

Master Honours  Challenges are worth 3-10 EC. Upon successful completion, you will  have your course mentioned on your diploma supplement as an extracurricular course. Upon request, you can get a certificate via usis-ha@leidenuniv.nl. Students from Erasmus University Rotterdam and TU Delft automatically receive a certificate and grade transcript.  


Honours MA Classes
071 527 6594
Old Observatory
Sterrenwachtlaan 11
2311 GW Leiden
Post Office Box 331
2300 AH Leiden
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