Universiteit Leiden

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Legal protection

According to the Act on the Equal Treatment of the Disabled and Chronically Ill, it is strictly forbidden to discriminate on the grounds of disability and chronic illness when providing employment, accommodation, goods and services.

Protocol on studying with a disability

Leiden University has drawn up its own protocol on studying with a disability in accordance with the Act on the equal treatment of the disabled and chronically ill (Wet gelijke behandeling op grond van handicap of chronische ziekte – in Dutch).

Barrier-Free Studying project

Leiden University and a number of other institutions have signed a statement of intent concerning the improvement of inclusivity and accessibility in education. This statement of intent was prompted by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability and has led to the launch of the Barrier-Free Studying project.

Netherlands Institute for Human Rights

The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights explains, monitors and protects human rights, promotes respect for human rights (including equal treatment) in practice, policy and legislation, and increases the awareness of human rights in the Netherlands.

Complaints procedure

If you feel that you have been improperly treated, if you disagree with a decision that has been made, or if you have a complaint of another nature there are several complaints procedures in place.

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