Universiteit Leiden

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Master Honours Challenges

Do you want to gain problem-solving experience? Shape your future with a Master Honours Challenge at Leiden University!

What is a Master Honours Challenge?

Master Honours Challenges (3-10 EC) combine theory with practice. You are trained as a problem-solver and experience what it's like to think as, for instance, an entrepreneur, researcher or policy-maker that aims to tackle a problem.

The scope of the challenge can vary widely, from a societal problem to an issue of a specific organisation. In case of the latter, you may for instance work with a company, municipality or NGO or take the first steps towards your own business. 

In your Master Honours Challenge, you will work closely with a team of students from different disciplines. You will learn to work together professionally in an interdisciplinary way and thereby prepare yourself for life after your master's.

Why a Master Honours Challenge?

  • Discover your path. Try out new topics, fields, and skills and discover what suits you.
  • Prepare for a problem-solving career. Gain experience with working with other disciplines on complex issues. 
  • Broaden your skillset. Pitch for stakeholders, make a podcast, shoot a documentary, set-up an exhibit or create your own business. 
  • Build a network. Work with motivated students and teachers, as well as real-life partner organisations.

How did students experience their challenge?

On the course Race in Law & Policing

  • 'This was really valuable space for reflection on topics most typical normal courses do not approach - or at least not in this depth.'
  • 'It was nice to make the short films instead of writing yet another paper. Nice, fun, interesting, diverse.'

On the course Entrepreneurship and Impact:

  • 'It literally starts from scratch and explains things beautifully. It requires students to connect with people, which helps them to understand the real problems people have.'
  • 'The course enabled us to gain skills that are essential in our everyday life and that can open opportunities for the future.'

On the course Planet in Peril:

  • 'I really liked how involved everyone was. Lecturers had conversations, rather than just teaching us facts.'
  • 'The interdisciplinary part was at times uncomfortable, but exhilarating. Everyone was in the same boat.'

Study credits and certification

Master Honours  Challenges are worth 3-10 EC. Upon successful completion, you will  have your course mentioned on your diploma supplement as an extracurricular course. Upon request, you can get a certificate via usis-ha@ha.leidenuniv.nl. Students from Erasmus University Rotterdam and TU Delft automatically receive a certificate and grade transcript.  


Honours MA Classes
071 527 6594
Old Observatory
Sterrenwachtlaan 11
2311 GW Leiden
Post Office Box 331
2300 AH Leiden
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