1,291 search results for “worden s representation” in the Student website
S Snieder
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Diana Davila Gordillo
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
S. Houterman
S.C.A. Lefebvre
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
S. Valdez
Faculty of Humanities
Luc Sträter
Procederende belangenorganisaties: ‘Zo worden ook de meest kwetsbaren gehoord’
Interest organisations are increasingly taking legal action and that’s a good thing for democracy, says PhD candidate Rowie Stolk. ‘It means that the most vulnerable social groups – including children and refugees, who tend to have a weaker political position – are protected.’
Cynthia van Vonno
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Numbers are not an exact representation of an objective reality
Tim van de Meerendonk explores how farmers, insurance advisors and local politicians in India try to make sense of insurance figures through their moral convictions.
Results of University elections: swing in student representation
The results of the 2022 University elections are out. The student section of the University Council will be different from how it has been in the past two years. Unlike last year, the student parties that stood for election did not all win a seat.
Marijn Nagtzaam
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Xingni Jiang
Victor Meijers
Andrew Gawthorpe
Faculty of Humanities
Afrooz Kaviani Johnson
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Lies Punselie
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Aleksandra Khokhlova
Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
moeten vaak eerst problemen als schimmel op de muren of financiële sores worden aangepakt
Medici kunnen veel repareren, maar ziekte voorkomen of uitstellen is beter. Daarvoor is vaak leefstijlverandering nodig en dat blijkt lastig. Gezondheidswetenschappers Sandra van Dijk (Universiteit Leiden) en Valentijn Visch (TU Delft) doen onderzoek naar de vraag hoe je mensen kunt helpen met gedragsverandering…
Other associations
As well as study associations, Leiden University also has a number of other associations through which you can develop your skills and gain experience that will come in useful in your later professional life.
Tom Louwerse
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Censorship in cooperation: the representation of the Indonesian massacre in literature
How do you recount historic events if you are not allowed to talk about them? For his dissertation, Taufiq Hanafi tried to find out how a period of mass murder – despite heavy censorship – found a place in Indonesian literature. PhD defence 31 March.
Apollonia Bolscher
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
ASCL Seminar: Neoliberal Authoritarianism in Rwanda: A Feminist Analysis
Inequality & Diversity MSc Policy in Practice | Leiden University
Explore inequality and diversity issues with research internships at top organizations. Unravel challenges and make an impact today!
P.J. Veth
Nonnensteeg 1-3, Leiden
Suzy Duivenvoorde
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Bernhard Hommel
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Anne Klootwijk
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Elizabeth (Liesbeth) de Lange
Marie-leen Ryckaert
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Rehana Dole
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Sofia de Jong
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
When deciding what to study you undoubtedly read a lot of information about your study programme. Leiden University employs various systems to provide information about programmes and courses and to facilitate communication between lecturers and students.
Developments in local politics research
Vitaliteit, Leefstijl, en een Gezonde Omgeving
Wil jij bijdragen aan vitaliteit en gezondheid in Leiden Noord? Doe dan een Master onderzoek rond thema's als eenzaamheid, gezondheid en leefstijl of gezond gedrag in de publieke ruimte. In samenwerking met Leren met de Stad en Incluzio, voer jij jouw onderzoek uit op de locatie van Leren met de Stad…
Marit Ruitenberg
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Untold Stories: representation, heritage and museums
Conference, D&I Symposium
‘Strengthen the position of the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands’
Relations within the Kingdom of the Netherlands are imbalanced, says Professor by Special Appointment Wouter Veenendaal. The Caribbean autonomous countries and special municipalities do not have enough of a say and have administrative problems to contend with.
Picturing West Lake: the Representation of An Iconic Place in Tu and Hua
Lecture, IIAS/LIAS Masterclass
Marieke Baldee
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Katrien Klep
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Marijana Vujosevic
Faculty of Humanities
Jonathan Powell
Faculty of Humanities
Maëlle Picout
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Nina van Capelleveen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Leiden researchers explain shock PVV victory
Geert Wilders and his PVV party have won the 2023 elections. What was the deciding factor for this victory?
Simon Otjes
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Nikoleta Yordanova
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Alexandros Ntaflos
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Lucy Opoka
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid