1,835 search results for “translational” in the Public website
Empirical and experimental research focusing on literary, legal, medical and audiovisual translation.
Translation (MA)
The specialisation in Translation at Leiden University offers a unique combination of translation theory, research and practice. This prepares you for either a further academic career as a researcher or a professional career in the language industry.
Translation & editing
The Academic Language Centre interpreting and translation service has extensive experience in translating to and from Dutch and English. Our services are characterised by professionalism, quality, and reliability.
- Translation Café
Translational Neuroscience
Within the LUMC medical research profile Translational Neuroscience innovative multidisciplinary research is performed on a number of severe disorders of the brain, nerves and muscles.
Linguistics: Translation
Are you thinking about studying Linguistics: Translation? Learn more and watch the introduction videos.
The Translation Lab
The Translation Lab hosts research and training activities in various aspects of translation, including audiovisual translation, machine translation and AI, translation process research and user’s reception.
Translational Immuno-Pharmacology
The Translational Immuno-Pharmacology group works on translating the efficacy of anti-infective therapy from preclinical (e.g. in vivo) to clinical, and is led by Rob van Wijk. Infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, are in constant need of new therapies that work better, faster, and with less risk…
Cultural Translation and Reception
A core interest of our cluster members concerns processes of reception, transformation and (interlingual and intermedial) translation in medieval and early modern art, literature and media from diachronic and synchronic perspectives (in time, space, and between media).
Translational drug discovery and development
We cover the entire spectrum from target identification to the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of novel medicines in clinical practice.
Fundamental and translational medical biochemistry
Through metabolism, biochemical processes give rise to the complexity of life. Acquired and inborn errors in metabolism underlie many diseases occurring in man. The challenge for present day medical biochemistry is to find, and integrate, pieces of information at molecular, cell and organismal level…
Translation and the cultural Cold War
A new special issue on translation and the cultural Cold War sheds light on the understudied and yet important role of translation in cultural transfer.
Translating China: Henri Borel (1869-1933)
Audrey Heijns defended her thesis on 28 June 2016
Translating China: Dutch Sinologist Henri Borel
This study will investigate the role of Henri Jean Francois Borel (1869-1933) as an ‘interpreter of China'.
Translation of diploma and/or transcript
For questions about a English diploma statement and/or a transcript in English, you can contact your faculty or the administration of your study.
Translational Symmetry Breaking in Holographic Strange Metals
In this thesis, we have used numerical approaches to study the effects of translational symmetry breaking on strange metallic systems as realised by the holographic duality.
Systems pharmacology-based translational drug pharmacokinetics
High-throughput holistic preclinical screens are increasingly used in drug discovery, to assess both drug efficacy and drug safety.
Art beyond Japan: Contemporary art in the politics of translation
Investigation of 1.) The whereabouts of the epistemological dissonances in art criticisms on Post-war contemporary art from Japan between two different language realms, in this case in English and Japanese; and 2.) What the dissonances disclose, disturb, and contribute in the process of the establishment…
Children's Response to Humor in Translated Poetry
My research examines children’s responses to humor in children’s poems translated from English into Filipino.
Children's Response to Humor in Translated Poetry
On the 12th of December, Alice Ross T. Morta successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Alice on this achievement!
Translations of Greek Tragedy in the Work of Ezra Pound
Turning the tables on the misconception that Ezra Pound knew little Greek, this volume looks at his work translating Greek tragedy and considers how influential this was for his later writing.
Here it is. A Nahuatl translation of European cosmology
Context and contents of the Izcatqui manuscript in the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
Critical edition and annotated translation of the Niśvāsamukha
This project will lead to a critical edition and annotated translation of the Niśvāsamukha, the opening book of the Niśvāsatattvasaṃhitā.
Development of organ-on-a-chip systems for translational and personalized medicine
We have developed a microfluidic platform for complex 3D organotypic cell cultures (so-called organ-on-a-chip systems) which are suited for integration in 96 or higher well plate format.
Polar auxin transport: translating environmental signals into plant developmental responses
1. What is the exact role of PIN proteins in PAT? 2. How is PIN polarity established, and how is it modulated by AGC kinase-mediated phosphorylation? 3. What is the role of the AGC kinase, as modulators of PAT, in translating environmental signals, such as gravity, light or mechanical stress, to plant…
Molecular mechanisms of adverse outcome and translational biomarkers
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) remain one of the major reasons for patient mortality and (early) drug withdrawal. Currently, different in vivo and in vitro models are used to assess the toxic potential of drugs in the pre-clinical phase. Unfortunately, the predictive value of this model does not fit…
Translational pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics in zebrafish: integration of experimental and computational methods
The zebrafish is a promising vertebrate model organism in early drug discovery and development.
‘The metropolis and the life of spirit’ by Georg Simmel: A new translation
Two previous English translations of this classic essay by Georg Simmel have been in wide circulation, shaping the worldwide reception of Simmel’s urban theor
Assessor-Centered Translation Quality Assessment: A Theoretical Model and a Case Study
Behrouz Karoubi defended his thesis on 15 June 2016
TRANSAUTOPHAGY: European network for multidisciplinary research and translation of autophagy knowledge
TRANSAUTOPHAGY is a European COST action to promote multidisciplinary research on autophagy and translation of knowledge to applications.
signals on genes: on the combination of DNA mechanics, genetics and translation speed
DNA carries various forms of information. Out of these forms of information the most well-known is classical genetic information.
development and applications: healthy-to-diseased CNS pharmacokinetic translation
Accurate prediction of the unbound drug concentration-time profile at the CNS target site is crucial for the assessment of the right drug concentration-effect relationship. PBPK models have supported the PK prediction of the CNS target sites and the translation of PK data between species and between…
A time-space translation mechanism for patterning the vertebrate anteroposterior axis
My PhD project studies how the temporally sequential Hox gene expression is regulated during head-tail patterning of the frog embryo.
Paippalādasaṁhitā of the Atharvaveda, Kāṇḍa 15: A New Edition with Translation and Commentary
The aim of this dissertation is to present a critical edition of kāṇḍa 15 of the Paippalādasaṁhitā (PS) of the Atharvaveda.
MA Translation awarded European Master’s in Translation label
The MA Linguistic’s specialization in Translation has now been admitted to the prestigious European Masters in Translation (EMT) Network.
In love with translating: alumna Anna became a literary translator
A permanent job or start your own company? After her studies in English Language and Culture and History, Anna Visser (28) was faced with this exact choice and chose the latter. She started working as a freelance translator. How did this go and how did her studies benefit her?
Maria Sherwood-Smith
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
FILTER Translation Award
Anne Sytske Keijser, Mark Leenhouts, and Silvia Marijnissen have won the 2022 FILTER Translation Award for De droom van de rode kamer
Alina Karakanta
Faculty of Humanities
S. Valdez
Faculty of Humanities
philosophical chapters of the Tattvārthādhigama; With an English translation of the Tattvārthādhigamabhāṣya I, II.8 25, and V
Lucas den Boer defended his thesis on 23 April 2020
critical edition of the three 'new' Anuvākas of Kāṇḍa 17 with English translation and commentary
On the 11th of June, Umberto Selva successfully defended his doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Umberto on this great result.
Understanding (the value of) machine translation
Leiden University Lecturer Lettie Dorst wins a prestigious Comenius Senior Fellow grant for a project about machine translation and its use in higher education.
Translational data science: applications in health care
How can you tie together scientific research and practical applications? That is exactly what Professor of Translational Data Science Marco Spruit is concerned with, he tells FMT Gezondheid. 'It's about taking socially relevant questions as a starting point for your research.'
Translating humorous children's poetry? Content matters most
Translating poetry is notoriously difficult. Translating poetry in such a way that the humorous nature of a poem remains intact is even more difficult, even though it is precisely jokes that can encourage children to read more, notes PhD candidate Alice Morta.
What is the future of translation software within the university?
Is there a place for machine translation engines like Google Translate within the Faculty of Humanities? Associate professor Lettie Dorst’s new educational website aims to help students and teachers find an answer to this question. ‘The use of AI tools, such as Bing and ChatGPT, shouldn’t be seen as…
Poetry Translation Competition: Fun and Games with Language
In November, Leiden organized a book presentation to celebrate the first Dutch translation of the collected works of the twentieth-century poet W.H. Auden. A poetry translation contest added lustre to the occasion. There were no fewer than three winners.
Towards translation of CNS pharmacokinetics from mice to men
PhD candidates Mohammed Saleh and Berfin Gülave (Division of Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacy) published their research paper on “Using the LeiCNS-PK3.0 Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model to Predict Brain Extracellular Fluid Pharmacokinetics in Mice”.
Mirae Kim on translation issues at K-pop
K-pop is wildly popular. Fans all over the world sing along to the Korean songs, often without understanding exactly what the lyrics mean. University lecturer Mirae Kim explains why these songs are so difficult to translate in the video series
Lettie Dorst
Faculty of Humanities