147 search results for “suicide ideation” in the Public website
The SAFE study: Suicidal ideation Assessment: Fluctuation monitoring with Ecological momentary assessment
Can we predict fluctuations in suicidal ideation in a person’s daily life, from hour to hour?
Christina Kalampouka
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Podcast: Starting the conversation on trauma and suicidality
What do you do if you suspect someone around you is struggling with suicidal thoughts but you aren’t sure how to bring it up? And how can we support loved ones who’ve experienced trauma? In this episode clinical psychologis Joanne Mouthaan shares valuable insights on how to approach these topics and…
Podcast: Starting the conversation on trauma and suicidality
What do you do if you suspect someone around you is struggling with suicidal thoughts but you aren’t sure how to bring it up? And how can we support loved ones who’ve experienced trauma? In this episode clinical psychologist Joanne Mouthaan shares valuable insights on how to approach these topics and…
Depression and Suicide Prevention
Our mission is to improve the description, prediction, understanding and the prevention and treatment of mood disorders, including unipolar and bipolar depression, as well as suicidal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. To tackle this ambitious mission, we focus on several research streams.
ew research: Sleep plays key role in predicting suicidal thoughts
A restless night aggravates symptoms in those experiencing suicidal thoughts, as psychologists Liia Kivelä and Niki Antypa have found in their study on the short-term risk factors of suicide. They argue that targeting sleep could thus be essential for suicide prevention.
Dynamics of Despair: Examining Suicidal Ideation Using Real-Time Methodologies
PhD defence
Homicide followed by suicide in the Netherlands: Is there a copycat effect?
Homicide followed by the suicide of the perpetrator often leads to shock and incomprehension. It has been suggested that media reporting on such cases could lead to an imitation effect.
Renske Gilissen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
The aim of our research program is to better understand the etiology and course of mood, anxiety and stress-related disorders, such as depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We investigate both the transdiagnostic mechanisms underlying these disorders and work on improving the treatments…
Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity
The Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity (LEIDS) measures cognitive reactivity (CR) to sadness, an aspect of cognitive vulnerability to depression, conceptually similar to rumination.
Liia Kivelä
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Renske Gilissen Professor by Special Appointment of Suicide Prevention
Every day, 5 people die by suicide in the Netherlands. Suicide is a complex phenomenon and consequently many questions remain about how to reduce the number of suicides. Renske Gilissen will strengthen both research and education on suicide prevention at Clinical Psychology in Leiden. From June 1,…
Psychology education on suicide prevention honoured with Casimir prize
'We are very happy with this recognition! The great thing about this prize is that it celebrates team effort', Joanne Mouthaan responds to the Casimir Prize for the education project 'E-learning Suicide Prevention'. Colleague Maartje Schoorl calls the prize the icing on the cake of good education in…
What works in suicide prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
113 Suicide Prevention gave a guest lecture about suicide prevention at the Spanish Steps in Wijnhaven
Online e-health intervention to improve sleep and the biological clock in university students
Learning about circadian rhythms can help students to improve their sleep and overall well-being
How Finland managed to halve its suicide rate
Finland reduced its suicide rate from 30 deaths per 100,000 citizens. Marieke Liem and Leah Prencipe discuss this in The Conversation.
Niki Antypa
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
113 campaign: ‘It’s okay to feel uncomfortable about talking about suicide’
Talking about suicide is important, but anything but comfortable. To make this difficult subject easier for students and staff to discuss, the university is organising a campaign week in line with the national campaign ‘1K Z1E J3’ (I see you) being run by Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie (113 is the…
scope of the Social Resilience & Security programme: investigating suicide prevention skills and mental health of Ukraine refugees
The Social Resilience & Security interdisciplinary programme broadens its scope by embedding two research projects lead by Dr. Joanne Mouthaan. The projects adress suicide prevention skills and mental health of Ukraine refugees. Both projects will be integrated in the programme with the aim to improve…
What Works in Suicide Prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
Disclaimer: Manuscripts related to the Resilience Center are for academic purposes only and are not intended for mass distribution or copying. Please refer to applicable laws for fair use, including copyright holders' restrictions on publications.
Live supervision of training in clinical psychology therapeutic skills
Anne Krause and Niki Antypa received a facultairy 'Grassroots' subsidy of 1.000 euros for education innovation. They're going to implement live supervision of students during therapy/coaching sessions in the International Practice Internship.
Marc Baggelaar graduates cum laude on body’s own marijuana
PhD candidate Marc Baggelaar of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) graduated cum laude on Thursday 6 April. His thesis on the endocannabinoid system in the brain is very comprehensive and of high quality, according to the jury. ‘A very talented young scientist, that definitely belongs to the top…
The HOPES study is one of the largest investigations of this kind to date! By studying existing brain scans and data collected form over 4,000 14-25 year olds, the project team hopes to identify specific changes in the brain that make young people vulnerable to suicidal thoughts and behaviours.
The Negative Effects of Bullying
Disruptive Conflicts in Computopic Space
Can you imagine a radically different world? In our times dominated by neoliberal capitalism, we seem to lack not only viable alternatives, but also the capacity to envision anything outside of the status quo.
No evidence for link between depression and diet
Evidence that the right diet can prevent or alleviate depression is weak. In literature reviews on the subject, the authors often reach strong conclusions, nonetheless. This is what Florian Thomas-Odenthal, a master’s student in Psychology at Leiden University, discovered in his thesis research. Publication…
Our research examines mental health risk and resilience in young people. We do so by integrating cultural, social, cognitive and neurobiological factors and their interactions.
1K Z1E J3 bench placed on Wijnhaven Rooftop Garden: ‘Don't be afraid to start a conversation'
‘Een goed gesprek begint met iemand écht zien.’ (A good conversation starts with truly seeing someone). That text is written on a plaque that was screwed onto a IK Z1E J3 (I see you) bench on the Wijnhaven Rooftop Garden on Monday morning. The bench acts as a symbol to create room for discussions about…
The Development of the Pivot State Concept Based on Mackinder’s Heartland Theory
The research addresses the question of “what is the impact of geopolitical changes to the pivot states in the Middle East? With special focus on Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.”
Transversal Democracy Projection in the Mediterranean: A De-centred Practice Analysis
This book expands on the existing literature on the international dimension of democratization by introducing the concept of democracy projection. Democracy projection is defined as the projection of (democratic) norms through the every-day practice of interactions-beyond any donor-recipient relationship-between…
Skill, craft, and poiesis-intensive innovation
'Skill, craft, and poiesis-intensive innovation' is written by Cristina Grasseni and is published in FormAkademisk.
Social Resilience and Security
Social resilience and security has never been more important. Over the last 2 years, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a considerable disturbance to our personal and social lives. As a result, the general population reports more stress, loneliness and decreased quality of life. At the same time, there…
History of Leiden University
Read on these pages all about the history of Leiden University, the oldest university in the Netherlands. The Academia Lugduna Batava was founded in 1575 and its motto is: Libertatis Praesidium ('Bastion of Freedom').
Involvement in Bullying and Personality
Adding fuel to the conflict : how gas reserves complicate the Cyprus question
In this research I assess the impact of the recently discovered gas reserves south off Cyprus on the escalation of the Cyprus conflict.
Year in review FSW 2023
In this year in review we show you various projects we're very proud of. Driven by our values at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Violence in institutions for juvenile offenders
This study focuses on violence involving juveniles in conflict with the law who are deprived of their liberty in different institutions within the framework of the (juvenile) criminal justice system (inter alia, police detention, pre-trial detention and deprivation of liberty after conviction or sen…
Domestic Homicide
Behavioral Sciences Mental Health Psychological Disorders - Adult Aggression in Adults Psychological Science Social Psychology Criminology & Delinquency Social Sciences Criminology and Criminal Justice Crime and Crime Prevention Criminal Behaviour and Forensic Psychology Violent Crime Law Criminology…
The European Public Servant: A shared Administrative Identity?
European integration is under pressure. At the same time, the notion of a European administrative space is being explicitly voiced. But does a shared idea of the public servant exist in Europe?
Peace Mediators as Norm Entrepreneurs: The EU's Norm Diffusion Strategy in Montenegro's Referendum on Independence
On a referendum held on May 21, 2006, 55.5% of voters in Montenegro voted in favor of their country’s independence. While in numerical terms the outcome shows overwhelming support for independent Montenegro, from a normative standpoint it was a narrow win. The normative framework that regulated rules…
The Challenge of Enforcing Rule of Law in International Organizations
Growing public backlash against international organizations (IOs) and attacks of national political elites on the rule of law increasingly challenge governance by IOs.
Advancing Authoritarian Memory: Global China’s New Heroes
Rising geopolitical tensions are causing states and national elites to innovate their use of the past for present-day political ends. This is certainly true for the People’s Republic of China, which celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2024 amid mounting superpower rivalry, ideological tensions with the…
Blended Care for Adolescents with Social Anxiety
Is blended care a feasible and effective treatment method for social anxiety in adolescence?
The Makings of a Terrorist: Continuity and Change Across Left-, Right- and Jihadist Extremists and Terrorists in Europe and North-America, 1960s-Present
In this article, Bart Schuurman and Sarah Louise Carthy conduct further research into the understanding of the causes of terrorism by assessing differences and similarities between left-, right- and jihadist extremists and terrorists. The article draws on the Analysen zum Terrorismus, one of the most…
Book “Terrorisme”: discussing core questions about terrorism
Recently, Europe was again shaken by some attacks. This ‘Elementair Deeltje’ places terrorism in a historical perspective and gives an up-to-date overview of this form of political violence.
Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychology is a discipline concerned with the application of psychological science to the assessment and treatment of mental disorders.
More than 600 staff members and students of Leiden University did not survive the war. Two of them were Caroline van Loen and Elsa Oppenheim .
Interactive platform
Explore an interactive i-doc platform for virtual navigation of ethnographically investigated case studies in Gdańsk, Turin, and Rotterdam.