275 search results for “labour maken” in the Student website
Gerrard Boot
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Heleen Andriessen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Barend Barentsen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Stefan Sagel
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Yvonne Erkens
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Leiden labour law students visit Czech Labour Inspectorate in Prague
During the recent study trip that Sine Labore Nihil (the labour law study association) took to Prague, Leiden’s labour law students visited the Czech Labour Inspectorate. Miloslav Kase, the Inspectorate’s Head of Legal Affairs, gave a lecture and students had the chance to ask questions to a full panel…
Dennie Oude Nijhuis
Faculty of Humanities
Julia Foudraine
Maarten Berg
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Paul van der Heijden
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Lea Hauser
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jaewook Lee
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Madeleine Wark
Faculty of Humanities
Mark Klaassen and Olaf van Vliet discuss European labour migrants in FD
The Netherlands cannot stop European labour migrants coming here. Nor does The Hague have much influence on the influx of asylum seekers. But experts believe that we should be able to reduce the need for labour migrants by using intelligent economic policies.
Leiden master's student in Labour Law is ‘student intern of the week’ in Dutch magazine Mr.
Eva Lammers is currently studying for a master's degree in labour law at Leiden University and expects to graduate in autumn 2023. Lammers did her internship at law firm JPR in Deventer and was thrown in at the deep end from the start. 'Assignments aren’t arranged for you, you've got to arrange them…
Atse Fokkens
Faculty of Humanities
Stefan Thewissen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Hirad Rezaiejoo
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Dennis Bos
Faculty of Humanities
Emile Cammeraat
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Egbert Jongen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Bart van der Steen
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Workplace and Community: the social and cultural processes of labour movements
Hari Nugroho explores the role of local dynamics in shaping Indonesian labour movements. By focusing on the micro-level, this research reveals how labour organisation strategies are influenced by individual actors' personal histories, their interactions, and the way in which they respond the local economic…
Dive into the origins of the International Labour Organisation and the League of Nations
The Leiden interdisciplinary research programme Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) and the Embassy of Ireland are jointly organising a special book launch in The Hague. On 13 November, Gerry Finnegan, author and a former director of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), will…
Marike Knoef
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
together at Leiden University against diversity bias in AI for the labour market
eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, hosted the first Horizon Europe BIAS Project co-creational workshop geared towards defining the requirements for identifying and mitigating diversity bias in AI systems used for recruitment purposes.
André Leliveld
Costanza Franceschini
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Leo Lucassen
Faculty of Humanities
Ready for Quantum?! (in Dutch)
Lecture, NGL-lezing
Integrative learning to improve connection with labour market: 'Digital skills are badly needed'
Many humanities graduates find work in digital heritage, but a good pedagogical model to match education is lacking. University lecturers Karin de Wild and Peter Verhaar want to change this with a Comenius grant.
Gerrard Boot on abuses in parcel industry
Three directors of PostNL have been arrested in Belgium, suspected of human trafficking among other things. Abuses also exist in the Dutch parcel delivery sector. Why does the Netherlands act less firmly?
The self-employed hard hit by coronavirus crisis
Self-employed workers’ hours have significantly decreased during the coronavirus crisis. Their average hours worked decreased most at the start of the crisis, by more than five hours per week. And it was difficult to return to their pre-crisis hours in the quarters that followed. This is the conclusion…
Olaf van Vliet
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Mies Grijns
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Alexandra Tutwiler
Faculteit Archeologie
Workshop How to find a job in the Netherlands
Career and apply for jobs
Vitaliteit, Leefstijl, en een Gezonde Omgeving
Wil jij bijdragen aan vitaliteit en gezondheid in Leiden Noord? Doe dan een Master onderzoek rond thema's als eenzaamheid, gezondheid en leefstijl of gezond gedrag in de publieke ruimte. In samenwerking met Leren met de Stad en Incluzio, voer jij jouw onderzoek uit op de locatie van Leren met de Stad…
Clare Fenwick
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
ESOF 2022: The future of work
Opportunities and challenges of digitalisation, the platform economy, and flexibilisation of European labour markets.
Recent afgestudeerd masterstudent arbeidsrecht schrijft artikel voor Tijdschrift voor Arbeid
Rose Horstman bewerkte haar scriptie tot een artikel met de titel ‘de L-factor’ over de rol die de leeftijd van een werknemer speelt bij de begroting van de billijke vergoeding. De billijke vergoeding is een financiële tegemoetkoming die onder bijzondere omstandigheden bij ontslag wordt verstrekt.
Handreiking voor seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer is niet streng genoeg
Seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer moet strenger worden aangepakt. Zo stelde regeringscommissaris seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag Mariëtte Hamer na haar benoeming begin 2022. Een jaar later verschijnt haar ‘Handreiking meldingen van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer’.…
Ariadne Schmidt
Faculty of Humanities
Promotieonderzoek: 'Stel rechten slachtoffers centraal bij aanpak arbeidsuitbuiting migranten'
Arbeidsuitbuiting van migranten wordt als een vorm van het strafrechtelijke delict mensenhandel beschouwd. De rechtspositie van de slachtoffers is mede daardoor ondergeschikt aan de strafrechtelijke procedure. Dat kan en moet anders, stelt Gerrie Lodder in haar proefschrift. Promotie op 21 april 202…
Olaf van Vliet appointed Professor of Economics
The Executive Board has appointed Olaf van Vliet as Professor of Economics at Leiden University, specialising in social security and labour market policy from an international perspective. The chair is affiliated to both the Department of Economics (Leiden Law School) and the Institute of Public Administration…
Income differences in the Netherlands: it’s not as equal here as you might think
Egbert Jongen researches income inequality in the Netherlands. Where are the differences and what can we do about them? This Professor of Economics and Socioeconomic Policy will explain more in his inaugural lecture on 1 July. ‘We can learn from countries with less difference between men and women and…
'With Urban Studies in Practice, we bring the outside world inside'
Working for a social client during your studies: this is what happens at Urban Studies. For the course Urban Studies in Practice, third-year students carry out projects for public clients, such as the municipality of The Hague.
Vincent Stavleu
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Laetitia Fourie
Instituut voor Publiekrecht
Randstad helps students find relevant part-time jobs: ‘Bring on that smart student!’
You speak Japanese, know everything about medieval art or understand exactly what Hegel meant. And then you graduate. Many Humanities students find it hard to enter the labour market. A relevant part-time job can help. Therefore, the faculty has been working together with the employment agency Randstad…