1,756 search results for “synthesis he molecular” in the Public website
Understanding functional dynamics and conformational stability of beta-glycosidases
Due to their central physiological roles in living organisms, retaining beta-glycosidases have been the subject of tremendous research efforts to examine their structure/function relation using numerous biophysical and biochemical approaches.
Biomimetic models of [NiFe] hydrogenase for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution
The growing demand of energy indicates that global energy resources in the form of fossil fuels will not be sufficient in the future. In order to solve potential future energy problems development of a sustainable hydrogen economy is highly desirable.
Direct and two-step activity-based profiling of proteases and glycosidases
Promotores: Prof.dr. H.S. Overkleeft, Prof.dr. G.A. van der Marel
A neolithic settlement on the Dutch North Sea coast c. 3500 CAL BC.
Multilevel governance and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic literature review
In this article, the authors summarise the literature on the effects of multilevel governance on governments’ policy responses to Covid-19.
A systematic literature review of security and privacy by design principles, norms, and strategies for digital technologies
The article offers a comparative systematic literature review of the principles, norms, and strategies associated with Security by Design and Privacy by Design
ACPA - Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
At ACPA, the collaboration between Leiden University and the University of the Arts The Hague, artistry and academia meet at the highest level.
D-lightful Sunshine Disrupted
This study stresses the importance of investigating vitamin D deficiency in every community to better understand the deteriorating effect that sociocultural practices may have had on health.
Pots, Farmers and Foragers
Pottery traditions and social interaction in the earliest Neolithic of the Lower Rhine Area
Greenifying industrial biotechnology through the creation of synthetic endosymbionts
Is it possible to synthesize industrially relevant compounds in a sustainable manner through the use of light-capturing cyanobacteria?
Archaeological investigations on St. Martin (Lesser Antilles).
The sites of Norman Estata, Anse des Pères and Hope Estate with a contribution to the 'La Hueca problem'
Student projects
Are you looking for a research project? We have projects available for motivated 6–9-month internship students with particular interest in organic/polymer synthesis, formulation development, gene delivery, protein delivery, and the preliminairy in vitro screening of drug delivery platforms. Students…
Microscopy and Spectroscopy on Model Catalysts in Gas Environments
In surface science there is great effort to move from studying simple, flat model surfaces in vacuum to investigating more complex model catalysts in gas environments (in situ). This thesis gives three examples of such studies using microscopy and spectroscopy.
Integrating palaeoproteomics into the zooarchaeological analysis of Palaeolithic bone assemblages
Doctoral Thesis
Development of kinase inhibitors and activity-based probes
Promotor: H.S. Overkleeft, J. Neefjes, Co-promotor: M. van der Stelt
Azafaros is valorizing a library of compounds
The company Azafaros was established in 2018 to translate innovative science from Leiden University and Amsterdam University Medical Center into novel disease-modifying treatment modalities for rare genetic metabolic disorders such as lysosomal storage diseases.
Potential interference of fungal endophytes in Vanilla planifolia on vanilla flavor compounds biosynthesis
Natural vanilla flavor is one of the most important in the world. However, the cost of this flavor is expensive. Production of this flavor by alternative methods, could reduce the cost.
Exploring chemical space in covalent and competitive glycosidase inhibitor design
Glycoside hydrolases (glycosidases/GHs) are widely abundant enzymes in all kingdoms of life and are important biocatalysts that catalyze the hydrolysis of glycosidic linkages in oligo/polysaccharides, glycoproteins and glycolipids with tremendous efficiency
Heme biosynthesis and regulation in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger
Promotors: Prof.dr. P.J. Punt, Prof.dr. C.A.M.J.J. van den Hondel
Design and development of conformational inhibitors and activity-based probes for retaining glycosidases
Glycosidases are essential in fundamental biological processes and are responsible for the degradation of most (oligo)saccharides, glycolipids and glycoproteins.
Self Defense: Mimicking natural deterrent strategies in plants using adhesive spheres and volatiles
How can we make agricultural production systems more sustainable as the worldwide demand for healthy, safe food continues to grow? How can we develop healthy new food crops that have higher yields while requiring fewer harmful chemicals?
Cheminformatics: Analyzing small-molecule activity data
While bioinformatics methods deal with the analysis of sequence information (be it proteins or DNA), the field of cheminformatics is concerned with the analysis of small-molecule datasets.
From data to models: reducing uncertainty in benefit risk assessment: application to chronic iron overload in children
M. Danhof, Co-promotor: O.E. Della Pasqua
Deciphering the Atomic Structure of the Electrified Metal Oxide- Electrolyte Interface
PhD defence
Jeuken Lab / Bioenergetics
Research in the Lars Jeuken group focusses on redox-active proteins and membranes enzymes, aiming to understand bacterial respiration at the molecular level for the development of antimicrobials and bio(photo)catalysis in synthetic cells.
ERC Synergy Grant to unlock sugar codes for health and a sustainable society
Hermen Overkleeft and his colleagues Gideon Davies (University of York) and Carme Rovira (University of Barcelona) will receive a 9.1 million euros Synergy Grant from the European Research Council. Together, they will form the Carbocentre Synergy team for research into enzymes that work on glycans:…
François Mesnard
PhD at Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens - France
Mass Spectrometry-Based Degradomics Analysis of Toxoid Vaccines
The chemical and structural heterogeneity of toxoid vaccines makes their analysis challenging. However, detailed insights on a molecular level can be obtained by mass spectrometry.
Precision modeling of breast cancer in the CRISPR era
The molecular mechanisms that instigate a healthy cell to become malignant are fueled by (epi)genetic alterations in so-called driver genes.
Single-molecule fluorescence in sequence space
The sequence-dependence of biomolecular interactions involving nucleic acids and proteins is essential for numerous processes inside the cell. Insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms have been obtained using various biochemical and biophysical methods on two different levels — bulk and sin…
From molecules to monitoring: Integrating genetic tools into freshwater quality assessments
Freshwater is an important resource, but at a great risk of species decline due to habitat loss, pollution and over-exploitation, and invasive alien species.
Catalysis and Surface Chemistry
In the Catalysis and Surface Chemistry group, we investigate how catalysis works on the molecular level. The group is divided in six subgroups, focusing on different aspects of heterogeneous catalysis, homogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis.
Orion's Dragon and Other Stories
Stellar feedback is a crucial ingredient in the evolution of galaxies.
Resolving rapid radiations
What are the phylogenetic relationships among the members of speciation bursts?
Zebrafish as vertebrate model of Gaucher disease
Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are a group of orphan diseases characterized by lysosomal dysfunction or impaired lysosomal catabolism and affect collectively about 1 in 5000 live births.
Role of integrin adhesions in cellular mechanotransduction
Promotor: B. vd Water, T. Schmidt, Co-Promotor: E.H.J. Danen
Quantitative biology of polar auxin transport and plant development
The availability of complete plant genome sequences together with the ever increasing amount of data on the molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms of plant development require mathematical and computational models to obtain a complete overview of and generate new insights into the quantitative…
Mycobacterial dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors identified using chemogenomic methods and in vitro validation
Source: PLoS ONE, Volume 10, Issue 3 (2015)
Protoplanetary disk anatomy: examining the structure and chemistry of planetary birthplaces with simple molecules
This thesis examines the link between simple molecules and the underlying structure and chemistry within protoplanetary disks - the birthplaces of planets.
Bioorthogonal Antigens as Tool for Investigation of Antigen Processing and Presentation
In order to be able to develop effective medicine and treatments to prevent or cure autoimmune diseases or cancer we need to understand the mechanisms how they arise and what drives their course.Unravelling the fundamental molecular mechanisms influencing the onset and course of diseases such as allergies,…
Management Team and Daily Board
Daily management at the Institute of Biology Leiden is executed by the Scientific Director, the Director of Education, the Director of Operations and the Management Assistant. Research and education are managed collaboratively, with strategic input from various representatives and gremia, including…
Tony Koemans
Kristine Bertheussen
Zirui Li
Conact the Cellular Chemistry group
Biology (BSc)
Biology is the study of life. Are you interested in understanding life, from the molecular level to entire ecosystems? Do you want to use your understanding and knowledge of biology to benefit the health of both humans and the environment? If so, Biology is the right study programme for you.
Protein motions revealed by paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy
Metabolomics Facility
The Metabolomics Facility of the University of Leiden has brought together two research groups from the Faculty of Science that are well-known for their expertise in two different fields: the Biomedical Metabolomics Facility Leiden, experts in clinical metabolomics and the Natural Products Laboratory,…
Five Leiden professors elected to KNAW
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences has elected five Leiden professors from different disciplines as new members. Two of the new members are women.
Accelerating the Photocatalytic Water Splitting in Catalyst−Dye Complexes
As a virtually inexhaustible source, solar energy plays a major role in future global energy scenarios.