509 search results for “hybrid date” in the Public website
University introduces lay talk and it looks like this
Complex research with a generous sprinkling of jargon: PhD defences can be difficult for non-experts to follow. In the compulsory new lay talk, PhD candidates begin by explaining their dissertation in words of one syllable. And it’s not just the PhD’s family and friends who appreciate this.
First eLaw Conference: Law and/versus Technology
The first eLaw Conference held at Leiden University was a success and fostered timely discussions on the legal challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies.
eLaw Research Colloquium 2021; 'Law Gone Digital'
On Friday 10 December 2021, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) of the Leiden Law School, hosted its annual Research Colloquium exploring the theme 'Law Gone Digital'. The event gathered presentations by eLaw PhD candidates and professors on a wide range of topics at the interface of…
Executive Board column: Which parts of online learning do we want to keep?
Luckily we’ve been able to meet up on campus again for a few months now after two years of mainly online teaching. Alongside the inconvenience, enforced digitalisation has brought us valuable innovations and smart tools. The question is: what’s going well and what could we do differently? I’d love to…
Dissertation: existence and development of the European security architecture
On Thursday 15 April, Sabine Mengelberg, associate professor at the Faculty of Military Sciences of the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA), will defend her thesis on changes in European security architecture. Permanent Change? The Paths of Change of the European Security Organizations is the title of…
Reporting from ESOF: ‘How can we use science to solve the next crisis?’
From global warming to the decolonisation of knowledge. At the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) in Leiden over 500 speakers from 60 countries have come together to discuss the big themes of our times. Why have the delegates come?
Guest lecture on Deterrence in the era of Great Power Competition
During the guest lecture on 9 February, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Rob de Wijk and Frans Osinga discussed the situation in Ukraine and Taiwan. The crises in eastern Ukraine and the increasing tensions around Taiwan highlight the challenges the West faces in deterring aggression in the new era of key dynamics…
ISGA researchers in international media
Terrorism, crisis, violence, intelligence, diplomacy, war and peace are topics that are broadly covered in ISGA's research activities. Regularly, ISGA researchers appear in international media to discuss their research expertise. This item offers an overview of non-Dutch and non-English articles and…
Call for Papers: The 12th Korean Screen Culture Conference (KSCC) 2025 CFP
The annual Korean Screen Culture Conference (KSCC) is dedicated to exploring all aspects of Korean screen culture, including television, K-pop, internet, computer gaming, webtoons, and film from both North and South Korea.
Van Marum Colloquium: CO2 Electrolysis Systems for Chemical and Food Production
Of Monsters and other Men: green Islam and the tidalectics of ecological crises in maritime Asia
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO) conference
Van Marum Mini Symposium
Information Disorder - Public Lecture by Eliot Higgins
Trapped in Transformative Agreements? A Multifaceted Analysis of >1,000 Contracts
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Rob van Nieuwpoort
CompaRe: Smart and lean integration: finding regional solutions to global challenges
- Symposium - The Future of AI is Human
PhD Info Session - docARTES, PhDArts and the Dual PhD Centre
Course, Information session
- Emerging Powers and Development Finance across the World
A New Database, Family Tree and Origins Hypothesis for the Indo-European Language Family
Lecture, Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (CIEL) Seminars
- Six public graduation presentations
Justice for Syria is possible, but only if political will exists
Atrocities have been the order of the day in Syria since war broke out in 2011, but the perpetrators are rarely tried. According to PhD candidate Elizabeth Van Schaack, the international community could bring justice in Syria, but only if there is political will. PhD defence on 29 April 2020.
This was 2021! An overview of Humanities in the news
Online, hybrid, on campus... It was an unpredictable year, also for the Faculty of Humanities. Luckily, there were also non-corona related stories. Let's review 2021 with this list of the most-read news articles per month.
Here is how students help the municipality of Leiden to build sustainably
The municipality of Leiden aims for circular construction, but how do you reconcile that with the growing demand for housing? For the Kennisatelier Duurzaamheid, master's students from Industrial Ecology are investigating whether the municipality can build enough houses up to 2030 and still use half…
LUC The Hague Introduction Week 2020
The logistics and organisation of LUC’s introduction week 2020 were put under the spotlight this year in light of the restrictions which remain in place with respect to COVID-19. In the face of adversity, LUC rose to the challenge and met the learning curve with patience, dedication and resilience.
Cleveringa professor Gert Oostindie: ‘We stood up for our own freedom but ignored that of others’
Now that war is once again raging in Europe, the question of when you need to stand up against injustice has become more relevant than ever. In his Cleveringa lecture on 24 November historian Gert Oostindie will discuss why colonial domination was not regarded as an issue in Leiden for a long time.
"Getting Organized"
In January 2014, the research project The Promise of Organization hosted a fruitful three-day conference:
Back at the office? ‘Don’t expect to be productive right away’
For some it will sound like music to their ears, but for others is may sound less appealing: now the advice on working from home has changed, we can once again go to the office. After a period of working from home, which for some lasted almost two years (with maybe a short break), it can be a big transition.…
Biology students expose exotic amphibians in the dunes
During the spring of 2021, a group of eight biology students from Leiden set out into the dunes in search of amphibians. Using DNA, they determined the geographic origin of the animals. And guess what? In many cases they discovered exotic populations of animals that do not naturally belong in The Netherlands.…
Klaas van Leest receives Dick Stufkens Prize 2021
The Dick Stufkens Prize 2021 for the best PhD thesis of the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry (HRSMC) has been awarded to Klaas van Leest for his thesis 'Open- Shell Cobalt Complexes with Redox-Active Ligands; Electronic Structure and Nitrene Transfer Reactivity'. Van Leest, who is now…
SAILS Newsletter June 2021
Dear reader, Right now you are reading the very first SAILS newsletter. In this newsletter, you will find news, events and meet the researchers of the SAILS program. If you want to be updated about our events and receive the newsletter in the future, join the SAILS mailinglist! If you know anyone…
Vidi grants for 12 researchers from Leiden University
An impressive 12 researchers from Leiden University have been awarded an 800,000-euro grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This will enable them to develop their own line of research over the next five years.
A university in times of corona: one year on
It is exactly one year ago that the university had to close, bang in the middle of the academic year. Suddenly, on that third Monday in March, we found ourselves at home, working and studying online – many of us from that cramped attic or student room. The momentous coronavirus year in pictures.
Low-key opening of the academic year symbolises new beginning
The 2020-2021 academic year has begun. The new academic year may have been opened in a pared-down ceremony, but a ceremony it was nonetheless, with around 150 guests in the familiar setting of Pieterskerk and around 1,000 people watching the livestream. ‘Universities will always exist, however rapidly…
Recap of the 2021 Anthrooplogy PhD Conference
After a long period of isolation under pandemic, the PhD candidates of the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology seized the opportunity to organize an in-person, on-site event: the CADS PhD Conference for 2021. With the theme
Belajar dan Beraktivitas Seru di Kenormalan Baru
Lugduno Batava Praesidium Libertatis adalah slogan Universitas Leiden dalam bahasa Latin yang kurang lebih bermakna "Leiden adalah bastion kebebasan". Universitas yang didirikan pada tahun 1575 ini adalah "tropi" yang diberikan oleh Willem van Oranye karena jasa masyarakat Leiden membebaskan kota tersebut…
Collaboration across borders: virtual learning between Leiden University College and Myanmar
Jyothi Thrivikraman set up a Virtual International Collaboration project with a university in Myanmar.
Call for Papers | Forum 2025 - Emotions in Multilateral Diplomacy: Exploring Affect in International Organisations in Volatile Times
Forum editors: Seda Gürkan, Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA), Leiden University, s.gurkan@fgga.leidenuniv.nl and Özlem Terzi, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, o.terzi@vu.nl
Rector Hester Bijl on education in times of corona: ‘We have high hopes, but we are also realistic.'
The Dutch universities as a whole are lobbying for a 'normal' academic year from the end of August, where on-campus teaching will be possible. It's a view that Leiden University shares. Rector Hester Bijl talks about what teaching will be like then. She also looks back on a year of lockdown.
This is a list of scientific publications by students and staff of the Media Technology MSc programme.
Structures of Power: US Infrastructure Building in the Circum-Caribbean During the Bad Neighbor Era
Lecture, RIAS-Sciences Po Seminar Series on Modern North American History
Bantu Syntax and Information Structure Conference
Gig economy and digital labour in Iran: what space for workers’ rights between public discourses and legal practices?
Lecture, Research Seminar
Forecasting Finlandization: How will Xi’s China seek to revise East Asia’s regional order?
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Gijs Wijnholds
OSCoffee: Unintended consequences of the shift towards Gold Open Access publishing
Spionnen op de Noordzee
- Liveable communities – Liveable Planet
The Loyalty Trap: Federal Civil Servants Under Trump
Lecture, Event