1,774 search results for “copan law” in the Public website
Following the Plantation: Law and Human Rights in Indonesia 1870-2020
On Thursday 20 May 2021, Tania Li delivered the annual Van Vollenhoven Lecture.
Anthropology of Law in Muslim Sudan: Land, Courts and the Plurality of Practices
Anthropology of Law in Muslim Sudan analyses the hybridity of law systems and the plurality of legal practices in rural and urban contexts of contemporary Sudan, shedding light on the complex relation between Islam and society.
created equal: Financial markets and some vexing public international law issues
Rutsel Martha, former Minister of Justice of the Dutch Antilles, former General Counsel of Interpol and alumnus of Universiteit Leiden, elaborated on the position of states and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) in international financial law.
Cecily Rose
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Leiden-Edinburgh Global Law: Public Interest Dispute Resolution and Advocacy
The Summer Course on Global Law, offered jointly by Leiden and Edinburgh Law Schools, focuses this year on the theme of Public Interest Dispute Resolution and Advocacy. It offers cutting-edge and research-based education on public interest litigation as a core feature of global legal practice. Registration…
Restatement of Labour Law: new book on employment termination law
The third book in the Restatement of Labour Law Series has recently been published by German publisher Beck. This part addresses employment termination law. The book contains 36 chapters with an extensive overview of employment termination law in the different European countries as well as a comparative…
10 years of Labour Law at Leiden Law School!
Last Friday, we celebrated ten years of the master’s specialisation in Labour Law at Leiden Law School!
Anne Klootwijk
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
towards Coexistence and Cooperation: The Spratly Islands and International Law
On 19 May 2020, Xuechan Ma defended her thesis 'Moving towards Coexistence and Cooperation: The Spratly Islands and International Law'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. N.J. Schrijver.
Framework: A comparative study on the relation with national private law
On 19 September 2019, Lynette Janssen defended her thesis 'EU Bank Resolution Framework: A comparative study on the relation with national private law'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof.mr. W.A.K. Rank and prof. M. Haentjens.
Please give me my divorce: an ethnography of Muslim women and the law in Senegal
On 18 May 2022, Annelien Bouland defended her thesis 'Please give me my divorce: an ethnography of Muslim women and the law in Senegal'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof.dr. J.M. Otto, Prof.dr. M.M.A. Kaag and Dr.ir. C.I.M. Jacobs.
Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child
The drafting of a handbook that serves as the first guide to European law in the area of children's rights, taking into account the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), as well as the decisions of the European Committee of Social Rights…
Arts as an Interface of Law and Justice: Affirmation, Disturbance, Disruption
On 25 Februarry 2021 Hart Bloomsbury brings out a monograph by Frans-Willem Korsten: Arts as an Interface of Law and Justice: Affirmation, Disturbance, Disruption. Its working title was 'Annoyance' but that did not sell. A sign in itself; most struggles for justice have been considered as annoying.
A New Model of Global Governance in International Tax Law Making (GLOBTAXGOV).
Assessing the feasibility and legitimacy of the current model of global tax governance and the role of the OECD and EU in international tax law-making.
Regulating a Revolution: Small Satellites and the Law of Outer Space
On 18 June 2019, Neta Palkovitz Menashy defended her thesis 'Regulating a Revolution: Small Satellites and the Law of Outer Space'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. P.M.J. Mendes de Leon and Prof. dr. G. Molier.
Abuse in the Digital Era: Rethinking Legal Frameworks and Transnational Law Enforcement Collaboration
On 11 June 2020, Sabine Witting defended her thesis 'Child Sexual Abuse in the Digital Era: Rethinking Legal Frameworks and Transnational Law Enforcement Collaboration'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.J. Sloth-Nielsen and Prof. S. van der Hof.
International Law and Governance of the Arctic in an Era of Climate Change
On 15 February 2024, Alexandros Sarris defended the thesis 'International Law and Governance of the Arctic in an Era of Climate Change'. The doctoral research was supervised by Nico Schrijver and Freya Baetens.
The implementation of international law in the national legal order: A legislative perspective
On 5 June 2018 Emile Beenakker defended her doctoral thesis ‘The implementation of international law in the national legal order: A legislative perspective’. The doctoral research was supervised by Professor W.J.M. Voermans.
Online Course International Law in Action: The Arbitration of International Disputes
This course explores international arbitration as one of the most common methods of international dispute settlement. You will gain an in-depth understanding of international arbitration through the analysis of its role as a mechanism of dispute settlement, its institutions, the fields of law it is…
Consuming the Law: Civic Litigation in Rural-Urban Sri Lanka, 1700-1800
What was the social function of the colonial civil law courts in eighteenth-century coastal Sri Lanka? Why did people choose to have their disputes settled by Dutch law courts?
Public Seminar: Global Migration and Refugee Law in Egypt and Morocco
The Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC) and the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law (ACMRL) of the VU University Amsterdam organise a public seminar about global migration and refugee law in Egypt and Morocco, focusing on the International Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers…
Martijn Nouwen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Evianne Gort
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Tom Ottervanger
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Martin Moerings
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Vasiliki Kosta
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Darinka Piqani
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Introduction: maritime conflict management, diplomacy and international law, 1100-1800
Maritime conflict management is the regulation of conflict in relation to the sea. It comprises conflict enforcement, conflict resolution and conflict avoidance. How did victims of maritime conflicts claim and obtain damages or demand compensation or reparation?
Policing the high seas: maritime law-enforcement in a multi-actor environment
Identifying the gaps in the legal framework for EU activities in the maritime security domain, and specifically in the areas of combating piracy, human smuggling or trafficking and drug trafficking.
Esther Huiskers-Stoop
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
The Anthropomorphic Hegemony of Subjectivity: Critical Reflections on Law and the Question of the Animal
On 16 December 2019, Jan-Harm de Villiers defended his thesis 'The Anthropomorphic Hegemony of Subjectivity: Critical Reflections on Law and the Question of the Animal'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. P. Cliteur.
Ellen van Beukering-Rosmuller
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Mamadou Hébié
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Quintijn Mauer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Santy Kouwagam
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
New periodical on Crimmigration and Law
This month the first edition of the new periodical Crimmigratie & Recht (Crimmigration & Law) has appeared. Peter Rodrigues is a member of the board of editors of this journal.
European law takes precendence over Dutch law in nitrogen issue
Statements made by Caroline van der Plas about nitrogen emissions and European law are incorrect: Armin Cuvyers on Dutch radio EenVandaag programme’s item ‘fact or fiction’.
Online Course International Law in Action: Investigating and Prosecuting International Crime
This course provides an insider perspective into the work of international criminal courts and tribunals. You will learn about the investigation and prosecution of international crimes in The Hague.
Call for Papers: H2OLAW Law-Science Interfaces within the Law of the Sea and Fresh Water Law
We are pleased to invite abstracts for the conference ‘H2OLAW – Law-Science Interfaces within the Law of the Sea and Fresh Water Law’ hosted by the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University. The conference will take place on 26 and 27 September 2024 at Leiden University in the…
Federica Casano
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Financial Market Regulation and Supervision in: The Law of the European Union
Matthias Haentjens, Jouke Tegelaar and Dorine Verheij have recently published the chapter Financial Market Regulation and Supervision in the new volume of the prestigious The Law of the European Union (previously Kapteyn and VerLoren van Themaat).
Paul van der Heijden
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Michiel van der Wolf
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Hendrik Kaptein
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Summer School Global and European Labour Law: Labour Law in Flux
From 15-19 July 2019, the department of Labour Law hosted the first Global & European Labour Law Summer School. Participants from 10 different nationalities and 3 different continents joined the Summer School.
First comparative textbook on East African Community law and EU law by Leiden University
Published by Brill Nijhoff and written by leading experts including national judges, academics and practitioners East African Community Law is the first comparative as well as open access textbook on EAC law. The book provides a key resource for the research, teaching, and practice of EAC law. It also…
Het Internationaal Strafhof wankelt maar blijft essentieel
Het Internationaal Strafhof krijgt veel kritiek op haar tanende invloed als het gaat om gerechtigheid in Oekraïne en Palestina. Larissa van den Herik, hoogleraar internationaal publiekrecht, sprak met Trouw: ‘Internationaal recht is altijd in ontwikkeling en is altijd imperfect.’
tension between the ‘rules-based international order’ and international law
The project explores the impact of the clash between defenders of a rules-based order and international law on global governance and the future of legal systems.
Negotiating Conversion and Family Law in eighteenth century Dutch Colonial Sri Lanka
What was the function of the Dutch Protestant Church in Sri Lankan society? Why did people relate to the Church and how did conversion influence their life course?
Inventorying and monitoring of laws and policies related to dealing with ‘jihadism’
An international comparative study of the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States.