1,068 search results for “asylum and migratie policy” in the Public website
After graduation
Once you have obtained your bachelor’s degree, you will be ready for a next step: continuing your studies or entering the labour market. Completing the African Studies programme will give you an excellent preparation for both options.
AI Policy Leaders Academia Award for Gianclaudio Malgieri
Dr Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law at eLaw, will receive the AI Policy Leaders Academia Award from CAIDP Europe (Center for AI and Digital Policy Europe) alongside Professor Alessandro Mantelero from the Politecnico di Torino. The award is 'for their collective call on EU policymakers…
New Public Prosecution Service policy aimed at more community service
The Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) will handle more criminal cases without involvement of the courts. The aim: more community service and fewer prison sentences. Jan Crijns, Professor of Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law, commented on the proposal in ‘Trouw’ newspaper.
Symposium about Rein Dool painting and University exhibition policy
At a symposium on 26 May, experts, staff and students from Leiden University will discuss what should happen with Rein Dool’s painting in the Academy Building and what the guidelines for the University’s exhibition policy should be. These issues will be explored from diverse perspectives during the…
Hauke Ward
Paul Wouters
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Müge Kinacioglu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Seda Gürkan
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Emilio Solis Sanchez
Noa Schonmann
Faculty of Humanities
Jian Wang
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
WODC study evaluation Modern Migration Policy Act available
The Modern Migration Policy Act aims to ensure that the admission of regular migrants is effective and manageable.
Casper Wits in POLITICO on the EU's China Policy
University lecturer Casper Wits wrote an opinion piece on the ongoing diplomatic tensions between the European Union and China for POLITICO. In this article, he argues that 'rather than shrinking from the fight, the EU must develop a China policy that prioritizes progressive values and human rights.…
Andrew Gawthorpe in Various Media on Trump’s Policies
Trump caused a lot of controversy in his first month as president. University lecturer Andrew Gawthorpe discussed the new administration’s decisions in various media.
Minister wants to learn from dissertation on veteran policy
Theo van den Doel received his PhD in January for his research on veteran support. This showed that for long the government learned little from past missions. He has since presented his dissertation to the Lower House of Representatives, and the Minister for Defence, Kajsa Ollongren, has responded to…
ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy
The application window for the 26th ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy is now open. The deadline for applicants to send their applications to you is 30 June 2017.
Meloni’s migration plan contrary to international law
Italy recently struck a deal with Albania to accommodate thousands of boat migrants in two reception centres in Albania. Is this not contrary to asylum law? Mark Klaassen, Assistant Professor in immigration law comments in a Dutch RTL news article.
Who is to blame? Stories of European Union migration governance in Italian, Maltese, and Spanish newspapers
The article examines how Southern European member states' newspapers portray European irregular migration governance.
Cautious communicators: Strategic communication of European Union commissioners in regulatory decision-making
Müller, Braun & Fraussen examine the conditions under which commissioners appear in the news and which communication strategies they pursue.
Professors argue for independent council for government policy
Professors argue for independent council for government policy
Veni award for Stephanie Rap
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Veni funding to Stephanie Rap. This award offers promising young scientists the opportunity to develop their own ideas over a period of three years.
Differences that make all the difference. Gender, migration and vulnerability (migration to the Netherlands 1945-2005)
The proposed project evaluates how the vulnerability of migrant men and women was constructed in political, public and media discourses, and how differences in the constructed vulnerability influenced the decision to migrate, the migration process, and the subsequent settlement process.
ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy 2019
One of ECSL’s most successful activities is the ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, which is open to students of all levels of study, as well as a few young professionals already working in the space or space-related sectors. The course is now in its 28th year and boasts a large family of alumni…
Vaccination policy should respond to the motivations of vaccine refusers
Research by Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), The Hague University of Applied Sciences and Erasmus University Rotterdam shows that about 15 percent of Dutch people do not want to be vaccinated. If better use were made of the knowledge of local professionals such as GPs, it would be easier to…
One hundred years of education policy in 5 crucial moments
In 2018, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) is celebrating its 100-year existence. To commemorate this occasion, policy historian Pieter Slaman conducted a comprehensive survey of the ministry. We now look back on 5 crucial moments.
Aviation Law and Policy Series
The book, published by Kluwer Law International, on drones entitled
Committee appointed on Rein Dool painting and exhibitions policy
A diverse (ad hoc) committee will advise Leiden University’s Executive Board on its exhibitions policy in a broad sense, with a special focus on the painting by Rein Dool in the Academy Building.
Peter Rodrigues speaker at national student congres on the refugee crises
During the four-day meeting (25-28 February) organised by AEGEE-Leiden Peter Rodrigues - Professor of Immigration Law -was invited to speak about the refugee crisis for 300 international students.
LUCIR Seminar: Refugees and asylum seekers in East Asia: Perspectives from Japan and Taiwan
A behavioral view on responsibility attribution in multi-level governance
This article provides a behavioral perspective that examines responsibility attribution to the national government (upward) and policy implementers (downward) as a function of performance relative to decision-makers' aspiration levels. The study proposes that perceived accountability increases the propensity…
Nicolas Blarel, ’Modi’s historic visit to Israel’
Political scientist Nicolas Blarel (Leiden University) analyses the background and implications of India’s prime minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Israel.
Small-State Influence in EU Security Governance: Unveiling Latvian Lobbying Against Disinformation
Sophie Vériter explores a small state’s impact on EU security governance, a hard challenge means against big states in this policy area.
Human Rights at Risk: Global Governance, American Power, and the Future of Dignity
Human Rights at Risk brings together social scientists, legal scholars, and humanities scholars to analyze the policy challenges of human rights protection in the twenty-first century.
Daan Weggemans’ view on the deradicalization policy of municipalities
Municipalities claim successes in the fight against radicalization. But when do you call deradicalisation policy a success? Trouw gives 4 options.
Joris Larik hosts Brexit Policy Roundtable in The Hague
On 15 November 2019, Dr. Joris Larik, Assistant Professor at LUC and Convener of the International Justice major, convened a policy roundtable on “Brexit’s Next Chapter: The Revised Deal and Global Britain” .
Tineke Cleiren
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Interactive documentaries
This chapter introduces interactive documentaries (also known as i-docs) in digital and audiovisual anthropology. Interactive documentaries allow an audience to actively engage with an interface in order to experience the content. For example, opening Miranda Dahlin’s Exiliados: Mexican Asylum in El…
Leiden University hosts successful Matra Rule of Law Training Programme
Between 18 and 29 March 2024, a group of 28 civil servants and policymakers from pre-accession countries participated in the Matra Rule of Law Training Programme on the Management of Borders. This event was organised and hosted by Leiden University at its campuses in Leiden and The Hague.
Opinion: Renaming ministries plays crucial role in shaping political agenda
Three new ministries have been formed in the Netherlands: Asylum and Migration, Housing and Spatial Planning & Climate and Green Growth. Of course, this is not merely an administrative act. These ministries carry a strong and political charge and play a crucial role in shaping a government's political…
Nicolas Blarel, ‘Why are India-Israel ties so special?’
India’s prime minister Narendra Modi admires Israel’s achievements, but structural differences between Indian and Israeli national security situations, differences in the leaders’ worldviews and the absence of a common enemy inhibits stronger strategic rapprochement, argues political scientist Nicolas…
How can local policies contribute to global sustainability goals?
The challenges of building a sustainable society are unprecedented. But the Dutch municipalities cannot be faulted for their commitment. They are working hard, conclude Professor Eefje Cuppen and Lian Merkx, programme manager for energy at the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG). To exchange…
Papers: Who rules over migrants? Autocratic elements in migration policies
We are pleased to invite paper proposals for the 1.5-day interdisciplinary workshop: “Who rules over migrants? Autocratic elements in migration policies”, that will take place at the University of Leiden on 14 and 15 November 2024.
- Seminars & Presentations
Introducing Steven Hill, our new Associate Senior Policy Fellow
Steven Hill will be appointed as Associate Senior Policy Fellow at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) for a period of two years.
Waar staat het Nederlandse asielbeleid nu en straks?
Landen proberen steeds strengere maatregelen te nemen om minder aantrekkelijk te worden voor asielzoekers. Mark Klaassen, universitair docent vreemdelingenrecht, noemt het Europese asielbeleid in de Volkskrant ‘een race naar beneden.’
Rijpma invited by Nuffic Neso to speak in Minsk
Jorrit Rijpma visited Minsk (Belarus) on 11 and 12 September upon invitation by Nuffic Neso Russia
Second MOSE Young Researcher Workshop and Roundtable on The External Dimension of JHA
On Friday 14 June 2019, the second young researchers workshop was held within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair on Mobility and Security in Europe. It was followed by an expert round table organized in cooperation with the Centre for the Law on EU External Relations (CLEER) of the Asser Institu…
Jorrit Rijpma appointed professor of European Law
From 1 June 2020, Jorrit Rijpma will be holding the chair in European Law, specialization Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.
Does the Netherlands still have an extraparliamentary cabinet?
A clear, unambiguous definition of an extraparliamentary cabinet still seems to be missing in the political arena of The Hague. Caroline van der Plas, Farmer–Citizen Movement (BBB) party leader, wants to discuss this issue with the party chairs of the Dutch coalition parties. Wim Voermans, Professor…
De herziening van de Nederlandse Grondwet
Op 17 februari 1983 trad de geheel herziene Nederlandse Grondwet in werking. Het radioprogramma Villa VdB – gepresenteerd door Jurgen van den Berg – besteedde aandacht aan het 42-jarige jubileum van die gebeurtenis. Van den Berg ging daarover in gesprek met hoogleraar staatsrecht. Wim Voermans.