1,008 search results for “private identities” in the Staff website
Hybrid working seems to be working
‘It is OK for employees to work flexibly, as long as they spend 40 hours in the office’, said Elon Musk in June 2022. Are we back where we started now that the pandemic is over? What is needed to make flexibility prosper? Helen Pluut is researcher in Organizational Behaviour at Leiden University and…
Maurits Berger on Ruetir about national holidays
Why are the majority of our national holidays based around Christian festivities? Arabist Maurits Berger talks about this in an article on Ruetir.
Two L.A.S. Terra subgroups have changed names
Koffie met Gert Renkema, Hoofd Financieel Economische Zaken van FGGA
Gert Renkema vertelt ons meer over het proces en de gang van zaken rondom de financiën van FGGA.
Els de Busser receives NWO-funding for project in solving cyber security issues
Dr. Els de Busser, assistant professor and researcher at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, as principal investigator of a consortia, has been awarded 1.45 million euros for a project called C-SIDe.
Coffee and a chat with Gert Renkema, Head Financial and Economic Affairs at FGGA
Leiden Law Cast #3: Damaged trust in claims policy with Dr G. Kuipers
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Vibrant illustrations and mind-boggling graphs - Psychology students share insights into their research
Why do some smokers quit much more easily than others? Can we think ourself to insomnia? And does playing music together help to calm conflicts? Psychology students investigated these questions and presented their findings during the Psychology Science Day 2023.
Brechtje Paijmans appointed as endowed professor at Leiden University
Stichting Onderwijsgeschillen (Foundation for Educational Disputes) is pleased to announce that it has established an endowed chair ‘Conflictoplossing en rechtsbescherming in het onderwijs' (conflict resolution and legal protection in education) at Leiden University.
‘Try to connect with as many people as possible during your internship’
Micah DenBraber studied at Leiden University College in The Hague while pursuing an internship at the World Resources Institute (WRI), a self-proclaimed ‘think-and-do-tank’, where he built partnerships with the philanthropic sector, among other things.
The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies and FGGA students are a match made in heaven
Trail, FGGA's internship platform, will be one year old in November. It is therefore high time to get to know the organisations and companies that use Trail. What do these organisations stand for? What work do interns do? And what do FGGA students have to offer?
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
Leiden Classics: Cleveringa’s protest
On 26 November 1940 Professor Cleveringa held his courageous speech protesting against the dismissal of his Jewish colleague, Professor Meijers. Cleveringa was arrested and the university was closed. Every year the university honours Cleveringa with a chair and meetings throughout the world.
Bob Wessels appointed as Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau
On 20 April 2023, during the first lustrum congress of the Conference on European Restructuring and Insolvency Law (CERIL), professor emeritus Bob Wessels was appointed as Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau. Mayor Kolff of Dordrecht presented the decorations to Wessels for his longstanding contribution…
SAILS Summer Conference on Law & AI
Leiden Law School is organising a summer conference on Law and Artificial Intelligence as part of the interfaculty and interdisciplinary research programme on Artificial Intelligence (SAILS) at Leiden University.
IIASL present at launch of sustainability initiative Net Zero Space
On Friday 12 November 2021, the Net Zero Space initiative was launched at the Paris Peace Forum. The International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) of Leiden University is one of the first supporters to the initiative.
Oncode Accelerator launched: patients at the centre of innovative cancer drug development
Providing each cancer patient with the right treatment remains a challenge. Oncode Accelerator aims to change this by innovating the way we develop cancer treatments, thus ensuring the patient is at the heart of the process.
Researchers agree: the future of AI must be human
What rules should regulate AI, who should make them, and how will they be enforced in the digital arena?
Nominees bachelor thesis prizes Political Science 2023
The nominees for the IRO thesis prize 2023 and the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg-prijs 2023. Who wrote the best bachelor theses in Political Science?
- Tips for your administration in Shuttel
Twee LUF-subsidies voor Rechtsgeschiedenis
Het Leids Universiteits Fonds (LUF) heeft recentelijk twee subsidies toegekend voor rechtshistorisch onderzoek. Deze financiering ondersteunt projecten over de bescherming van graftekens en de beperking van maritieme aansprakelijkheid, uitgevoerd door promovendi Eva Drommel en Tim Lubbers.
Leiden University publishes list of research partnerships with the fossil fuel industry
Leiden University is publishing a list giving an overview of its research collaborations with the fossil fuel industry.
Religious Discourse and Tribal Affiliation in Early Islamic Ifrīqiya
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Cleveringa Professor: Holocaust remembrance has led to very different political lessons
From memorials to the armed forces to memory stones for individual victims. It was only later that the Holocaust took a central role in Western remembrance culture, Cleveringa Professor Frank van Vree notes. ‘Nationalists and human rights activists both invoke the experience of the Holocaust.’
ESOF ‘Art Exploring Science’ session will connect art and science
How can we view societal challenges from a different perspective? At the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), Robert Zwijnenberg, Emeritus Professor of Art and Science Interactions, will call for more collaboration between artists and scientists.
Ab de Jong new academic director of LIAS: ‘Feels like home’
Ab de Jong, professor of Comparative Religion, was appointed as the new the academic director of the Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) with effect from 1 September. We asked him about his plans for the future of the LIAS.
Help desks switch to inclusive salutation: ‘Times change, and we change with them’
Dear Sir or Madam? Many colleagues think that sounds out of date. That is why the hundreds of thousands of automated messages sent by university help desks every year will now include a gender-neutral salutation. This change is an extensive but important ICT job, says product owner Julian van der Kr…
Leiden interdisciplinary research opportunities in health and disease prevention
Are you a Leiden researcher looking for opportunities for interdisciplinary research and collaboration in the fields of local communities, health and disease prevention? If so, Health Campus The Hague is the right place for you. Take a look at these four examples of current research.
Perspective for people with borderline personality disorder
‘Raising awareness of the disorder is crucial since borderline personality disorder (BPD) still faces considerable stigma ’, says Anne Krause-Utz (Clinical Psychology) . Together with an international team of excellent scientists, Krause-Utz provides an update of current knowledge about this disorder,…
Not words, but data: guidance on healthcare dilemmas for transgender young people
There are differing opinions about healthcare for transgender young people. Lieke Vrouenraets investigated the ethical dilemmas.
‘Homo sapiens is too arrogant: call us Homo faber, the toolmaker’
We need to dispel the arrogant and misguided idea that modern humans are superior to earlier human species. It is thanks in part to all our predecessors such as Neanderthals that we are who we are today. This is what Marie Soressi, Professor of Hominin Diversity Archaeology, will argue in her inaugural…
Are you are using safe software? Use the tool picker to check
ICT, Security
Can non-vaccinated persons soon be barred?
Private businesses will probably soon refuse access to non-vaccinated persons in the near future. But this is more difficult when it comes to public amenities. Aart Hendriks, Professor of Health Law at Leiden Law School, contributed to an article in Dutch newspaper NRC saying that he anticipates that…
Sjoerd Lopik in Mr. Online on environmental criminal law
Dutch online news platform Mr. Online interviewed external PhD student Sjoerd Lopik about the development of environmental criminal law in the Netherlands and about his experiences combining his job as a researcher with his work in the legal practice.
Bart Custers discusses arrest of Telegram CEO in 'Trouw'
Pavel Durov, CEO of chat and messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France last week. The Russian tech billionaire flew into Paris by private jet and was arrested on suspicion of cybercrimes. Telegram allegedly facilitates criminal activities such as money laundering. This raises the question of how…
Exhibition on art, culture and architecture along the Silk Road
Ornately decorated head pieces and jewellery, images of imposing mosques and photos of local people. The 'Splendours of the Silk Roads' exhibition depicts life and different cultures along this important trade route.
Bart Krans speaker at international seminar in Norway
Bart Krans, Professor of Private Law and Civil Procedure, spoke about ‘procedural agreements and ex officio application of EU law’ at an international seminar that was held at the University of Bergen in June. The results of the seminar will be published in 2023.
Vaccination certificate: opposition and doubts
The Health Council of the Netherlands has published an advisory report entitled ‘Ethische en juridische overwegingen Covid-19’ (Covid-19: ethical and legal considerations). According to the Council, businesses and organisations may request a vaccination certificate, but can only do so under strict c…
New DIKTI-Leiden Fellowship for Indonesian Special Collections
Every year, the DIKTI-Leiden Fellowship programme offers three senior (postdoc) researchers affiliated with a state or private university in Indonesia the opportunity to conduct three months of research in the Leiden University Libraries (UBL) Special Collections.
Call for Abstracts: second international conference Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI)
- Young Academy Leiden meets the Science Faculty
President Korea Foundation op bezoek
On Friday morning, 18 October, Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl and Professor Remco Breuker welcomed Korea Foundation President Gheewan Kim.
International publication about ELS in Dutch legal education
Researchers from the Coherent Private Law research program have published an article in The Law Teacher about the state of the art of Empirical Legal Studies education in the Netherlands.
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid en SEO gaan invoeringstoets klokkenluiderswet uitvoeren
SEO Amsterdam Economics and Leiden University’s Company Law department and Labour Law and Social Security department are to conduct an implementation assessment on the Dutch Whistleblower Protection Act (Wkb) on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
- Changes in FSW house rules for parcels and theft
De Verbranders, a podcast on Europe's borders and resistance against them, is online
De Verbranders, a podcast produced by PhD candidates Neske Baerwaldt (FdR/VVI) and Wiebe Ruijtenberg (FSW/CAOS), is online! You can now listen to the first episode on Soundcloud, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Episodes of the podcast will be introduced in various courses this year.
Man, woman and more: 'Why does my passport have to say I'm a woman?'
Protests against textbooks on trans persons in America and against a reading hour by drag queens in Rotterdam: it has been raining protests recently against people with a gender expression that does not match their birth sex. Why does this evoke such resistance? We asked Professor by special appointment…
Nira Wickramasinghe receives grant to research forgotten Dutch slavery in the Indian Ocean World
Professor Nira Wickramasinghe will research forgotten lineages with an NWO Open Competition grant, in particular the afterlife of Dutch slavery in the Indian Ocean World.
How queer is Artificial Intelligence?
AI is playing an increasingly important role in our lives, but that is not without danger. Eduard Fosch-Villaronga at eLaw warns that AI does not pay enough attention to the LGBTQ community.
Digging for treasure in archives: what did spoken Scots sound like?
How did Scottish speakers sound hundreds of years ago? University lecturer Mo Gordon thinks the answer to that question can be found in church archives. 'It can be a boost to your identity to know the history of your language.'