1,299 search results for “latin american” in the Public website
Leiden Jewish Studies Association Thesis Prize
The Leiden Jewish Studies Association awarded the inaugural “Best Thesis in Jewish Studies” in December 2023.
Finding one’s own voice as an indigenous filmmaker
In this dissertation Itandehui Jansen examines the ‘Voice’ of the filmmaker from a political and aesthetic perspective.
Instruments on Cross-Border Insolvency Law
Recent insolvency cases highlight the growing importance of cross-border insolvency matters in international transactions. To this end, many instruments have been introduced and implemented in recent years across the world. At this page we present a selection of relevant instruments in the field of…
Respiratory-chain enzymes
Many metalloenzymes that are key to bioenergetics are membrane enzymes, with canonical examples the complexes I, II, III and IV in the mitochondrial inner membrane. To study these enzymes in a native-like lipid membrane environment, we aim to develop novel bioelectrochemical techniques.
Knowledge from now
Osteoarchaeologists help forensic scientists solve crimes. They also study bone material from the Second World War in order to identify victims.
Picturing Intimacy: Mediation and Self-representation in a Boston’s Religious Festivals
Taking as a point of departure the Italian American community in Boston and its process of collective remembrance surrounding Saint Anthony’s Feast, we address the limits and potential of montage.
Associations and Journals
An overview of Professional Associations and Journals
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The diplomacy of decolonisation. America, Britain and the United Nations during the Congo crisis 1960-1964
The book reinterprets the role of the UN during the Congo crisis from 1960 to 1964, presenting a multidimensional view of the organisation.
Lindley Murray (1745–1826), Quaker and Grammarian
In this dissertation, a comprehensive portrait of the American-born Quaker Lindley Murray (1745–1826) is painted and the influence of Murray’s Quakerism on his language use is investigated by analyzing a corpus of 262 of his unpublished private letters.
The diplomacy of decolonisation
The book reinterprets the role of the UN during the Congo crisis from 1960 to 1964, presenting a multidimensional view of the organisation.
Adult language acquisition and syntactic change
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
The world wakes up with President Trump
Should we be deeply concerned about the America of Donald Trump? Or will he bring about positive change? This was the main topic of discussion between researchers and students at the Big Leiden Presidential Breakfast on 9 November.
JEDI Fund 2023
On this page you will find more information about the selected projects of the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Fund for 2023.
The combination of global questions and a wide range of local sources characterizes the Leiden University Institute for History.
‘Indonesians want more focus on fine details in research on war of decolonisation’
After a lobby lasting many years, the Dutch government has decided to finance an independent study of the war of decolonisation (1945-1950) in the former Dutch East Indies. This is partly due to the work of Professor of Colonial and Post-Colonial History, Gert Oostindie, Director of the KITLV. ‘The…
The papyrus collection
The foundation of the ‘Leids Papyrologisch Instituut’ took place on 19 January 1935. Prior to then, the founders – J.C. van Oven (1881-1963, Roman Law), B.A. van Groningen (1894-1987, Greek) and M. David (1898-1986, Legal History) – had already been teaching Greek papyrology at Leiden University.
Dies Natalis 2024
On 8 February 2024 Leiden University celebrated its 449th anniversary.
Chat with a student
Do you have a question about student life in Leiden, studying at Leiden University, or do you want more information about the Arts and Culture master's programme? Chat with a current student for answers to your questions!
‘We moeten diversiteit minder vieren, het moet vanzelfsprekend zijn’
Op welke manieren kan inclusieve communicatie ervoor zorgen dat mensen zich welkom voelen? Hierover ging het D&I-symposium van Universiteit Leiden.
Link between Rembrandt and the University
There are various links between Rembrandt and Leiden University
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of Leiden University Medical Center with the Anton de Kom University of Suriname.
Programme structure
The English Language and Culture programme focuses on four areas, namely: philology, literature, linguistics and language acquisition. It also offers several specialisation options, ranging from renaissance literature to the use of metaphors.
Athens is universally known as a symbol of democracy, philosophy, and ancient Greek aesthetics. Some of the most famous classical monuments, including the Parthenon and the temple of Hephaestus, can be found here.
The team of WIIS-Netherlands exists out of the board members and the advisory council.
Understanding Ghanaian sign language(s): history, linguistics, and ideology
On the 27th of June, Timothy Mac Hadjah successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Timothy on this achievement!
Private active cyber defense and (international) cyber security—pushing the line?
This article on private active cyber defense by Dennis Broeders is part of a special issue of the Journal of Cybersecurity, based on a selection of contributions taken from the 2019 Conference on Cyber Norms organized by The Hague Program for Cyber Norms.
Falling Short of Expectations: Evaluative Languages in Scholarly Book Reviews, 1900-2000
What evaluative languages (errors, mistakes, vices, etc.) did book reviewers employ? To what extent and on what occasions did they invoke early modern vices? And to what extent did this differ across fields or change over the course of the century?
Freedom on the Offensive: Human Rights, Democracy Promotion, and US Interventionism in the Late Cold War
In Freedom on the Offensive, William Michael Schmidli illuminates how the Reagan administration's embrace of democracy promotion was a defining development in US foreign relations in the late twentieth century.
Contributions to Chibchan Historical Linguistics
On December 5th, Matthias Pache succesfully defended his doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Matthias on this great result.
Spanish English contact in the Falkland Islands
On the 14th of June, Yliana Rodriquez successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Yliana on this achievement!
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Admission requirements
To be eligible for Classics at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Fulbright scholarship takes Sara Polak to Yale
Sara Polak, PhD researcher and lecturer at LUCAS, has won a Fulbright scholarship to work on her research on Franklin D. Roosevelt at Yale University from September 2014 till February 2015.
Martine Bruil
Faculty of Humanities
Metaphysics as Praxis
Metaphysics as Praxis: Rereading Dogen's Metaphysics Through Deleuzian Pragmatism and Pratimutpada
COMET. Human Subject Research and Medical Ethics in Colonial Southeast Asia
Investigating epistemic and ethical practices in medical experimentation on humans in the colonial period in Southeast Asia.
Ontology and Subjectivity in Gilles Deleuze and Dōgen Kigen
This research cross-culturally examines the particular ways both the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (1925 – 1995) and the Japanese Zen Buddhist master Dōgen Kigen (1200 – 1253) considered ontology and one's conception of subjectivity as concretely interwoven with the existential question of life…
Amsterdam's Atlantic: Print Culture and the Making of Dutch Brazil
The rise and fall of Dutch Brazil (1624-1654) was a major news story in early modern Europe, and marked the emergence of a
Francophone Literature in the Low Countries (1200-1600)
In late medieval and early modern times, books, as well as the people who produced and read (or listened to) them, moved between regions, social circles, and languages with relative ease. Yet, in the multilingual Low Countries, francophone literature was both internationally mobile and firmly rooted…
Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome. Rhetoric, Criticism and Historiography
Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome: Greek culture in the Roman world.
HJD Diplomacy Reading Lists
Since 2006, HJD has made an important contribution to shaping diplomatic studies as an international academic field. Our new HJD Diplomacy Reading List presents a diverse collection of analyses categorized into forty-five topics published in HJD over the years. We hope these lists prove a valuable resource…
The Internationalisation of the Labour Question: Ideological Antagonism, Workers’ Movements and the ILO since 1919
This book connects labour history, global history and the institutional or political history of international organisations.
Kidung Surajaya: Suntingan Teks, Terjemahan dan Analisis Makna Isi Teks
Kartika Setyawati defended her thesis on 12 November 2015
Language policy and planning
From the smallest level of interaction among families and close friends, over the meso-level of schools, shops, churches, religious communities and companies, to the highest level of nation-states and international organisations: Language Policy and Planning (LPP) is everywhere!
Comparative Indo-European Linguistics
Almost all languages of Europe and of a large part of western Asia belong to a single language family, which is called Indo-European, and which includes modern languages like English, Dutch, Russian, Farsi, but also ancient ones like Ancient Greek, Latin, Hittite and Sanskrit.
The Government of Disasters: State Formation and Disaster Management In South Africa
In this book, Lydie Cabane examines the history of disaster management in South Africa.
Websites about papyrology
Overview of the most important papyrological websites
The library of the Papyrological Institute is the most complete facility for papyrological studies in the Netherlands.
Violence and Violence Prevention
The Violence and Violence Prevention Research Group at Leiden University explores the complexities of modern violence and prevention strategies to foster safer communities and promote social justice.