1,725 search results for “labour make” in the Public website
Participatory sense-making in physical play and dance improvisation: drawing meaningful connections between self, others and world.
The starting point of Hermans' research is how both children's physical play and dance improvisation by professionals can be considered somatic practices where sense-making manifests itself in and between bodies, and through movement.
Coronavirus: Powers of employers to deal with reckless behaviour of workers
In the public debate on the coronavirus, bold assertions from academics, doctors and other medical practitioners are often heard. For example, that the coronavirus would be no more deadly than the flu. Or that measures to combat the virus like wearing face coverings are unnecessary.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
One of the highlights of doing our master's programme is the opportunity to follow your own research project in which you combine the experience of doing a detailed and extended research project with the development of important skill-sets.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
One of the highlights of doing our master's programme is the opportunity to follow a research internship in which you combine the experience of doing a detailed and extended research project with the development of important skill-sets and relevant working experience.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Institute of Public Law
The institute that focuses on Public Law is as broad as the field itself. The Institute of Public Law has six departments, each with its own research agenda.
Gender, Migration and Categorisation: Making Distinctions between Migrants in Western Countries, 1945-2010
This volume is pubished in the IMISCOE-AUP Series and edited by Marlou Schrover and Deirdre M. Moloney.
Transforming data into knowledge for intelligent decision-making in early drug discovery
Promotor: A.P.IJzerman Co-promotor: A. Bender
'How can we make the welfare state immigration proof?'
Scientists of the faculty of Governance and Global Affairs research completely different subject, among which terrorism, cybercrime and migration. In the upcoming weeks we will give the floor to several of our very best researchers. In this episode: migration researcher Alexandre Afonso.
How far does the right to demonstrate go?
A civil servant employed by the municipality of The Hague was cause for discussion after taking part in an Extinction Rebellion protest. Only under additional conditions could the employee in question stay on at the municipality. She decided to resign. According to Barend Barentsen, Professor of Labour…
Thuiszorghulp voortaan recht op sociale zekerheidsregelingen: 'Baanbrekend'
De rechtbank van Rotterdam geeft zorghulp Carol Kollmann gelijk in haar rechtszaak tegen het UWV. De zorghulpverlener vond dat ze recht heeft op een WW-uitkering en het meetellen van haar arbeidsverleden voor de WW, nadat ze erachter kwam dat ze daar door de zogeheten Regeling dienstverlening aan huis…
Slaves To The System: Researching North Korean Forced Labor in the EU
SLAVES TO THE SYSTEM: Locating Responsibility for Forced Expatriate Labour Practices by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
Religion, Class, and the Postwar Development of the Dutch Welfare State
Religion, Class, and the Postwar Development of the Dutch Welfare State. Dennie Oude Nijhuis.
Income differences in the Netherlands: it’s not as equal here as you might think
Egbert Jongen researches income inequality in the Netherlands. Where are the differences and what can we do about them? This Professor of Economics and Socioeconomic Policy will explain more in his inaugural lecture on 1 July. ‘We can learn from countries with less difference between men and women and…
- Working together
Robust Estimation using Aggregated Data for Urban policy making (READ-URBAN)
Read-Urban was a first project to investigate whether policy recommendations can be made with the aid of linked data collections and data science and to gain experience with the success factors for such a process.
Composed Performers: The music-making body from a compositional perspective
Composer Paul Craenen (1972) is actually a pianist, but as part of his PhD ceremony, he performed a composition on PVC pipes. Craenen studies the position and role of the body in music. ‘I am interested in what precedes the resulting sound’.
Making the most of the first time a medicine is administered to humans
Collecting as much information as possible about administering a new medicine to people can save a lot of money.
The Emergence of Democratic Firms in the Platform Economy: Drivers, Obstacles, and the Path Ahead
On 15 February 2022, Morshed Mannan defended the thesis 'The Emergence of Democratic Firms in the Platform Economy: Drivers, Obstacles, and the Path Ahead'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. I.S. Wuisman and Prof. J.A.A. Adriaanse.
Maikel Kuijpers
Faculteit Archeologie
The emergent artistic object in the postconceptual condition
This dissertation investigates the fabric and the infrastructure of contemporary artistic production.
India’s First Diplomat: V.S. Srinivasa Sastri and the Making of Liberal Internationalism
V.S. Srinivasa Sastri was a celebrated Indian politician and diplomat in the early twentieth century. Despite being hailed as the ‘very voice of international conscience’, he is now a largely forgotten figure.
Amsterdam's Atlantic: Print Culture and the Making of Dutch Brazil
The rise and fall of Dutch Brazil (1624-1654) was a major news story in early modern Europe, and marked the emergence of a
Regulatory Management Policies and a Universal Model for Public Policy Making, Legislative Drafting and Managing Stocks of Legislation
On 6 June 2019, Edward Donelan defended his thesis 'Regulatory Management Policies and a Universal Model for Public Policy Making, Legislative Drafting and Managing Stocks of Legislation'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. W.J.M. Voermans.
Barend Barentsen on strikes in regional public transport
For one week, regional public transport drivers will go on strike. At least, that is what Dutch trade unions FNV and CNV are calling for. According to the employers’ association WVOV, half the busses will still be running.
Waarom bouwen Nederlandse vrouwen gemiddeld 40% minder pensioen op dan mannen?
Vrouwen moeten in het nieuwe pensioenstelsel nog beter oppassen voor een te laag pensioen. In een interview met Nationale Nederlanden geeft Suzanne Kali, docent/onderzoeker pensioenrecht, afdeling Sociaal Recht, uitleg over deze pensioenkloof.
Study and Career
It might seem a bit early to be considering this, but what will you do after completing your programme? At Leiden University we ensure that all our students are well prepared for the job market, and we’ll do our utmost to help you get your career off to a flying start.
Differences that make all the difference. Gender, migration and vulnerability (migration to the Netherlands 1945-2005)
The proposed project evaluates how the vulnerability of migrant men and women was constructed in political, public and media discourses, and how differences in the constructed vulnerability influenced the decision to migrate, the migration process, and the subsequent settlement process.
Vincent Stavleu
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Laetitia Fourie
Instituut voor Publiekrecht
Spectacle and Surveillance: The Making and Unmaking of Collective Visual History
What is the iconography of propaganda specifically as it relates to the historical development of political ideologies in modern Egypt and how was/is this propaganda disseminated among creative fields such as cinema, art, monuments, architecture, and literature?
Making the invisible visible: paramagnetic NMR and the transient protein complex
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Ubbink
Making Archaeology Public. A View from the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Beyond
The sixth issue of Ex Novo explores how ‘peripheral’ regions currently approach both the practice and theory of public archaeology placing particular emphasis on usually underrepresented regions of Eastern and Central Europe, the Mediterranean and beyond.
The Palestinian music-making experience in the West Bank, 1920s to 1959: Nationalism, colonialism, and identity
Before 1936, musical practices in Palestine relied heavily on colloquial poetry, especially in rural communities, which constituted most of the population. In this dissertation, Issa Boulos has examined historical records that revealed many differences and similarities between Palestinian communities…
Randstad helps students find relevant part-time jobs: ‘Bring on that smart student!’
You speak Japanese, know everything about medieval art or understand exactly what Hegel meant. And then you graduate. Many Humanities students find it hard to enter the labour market. A relevant part-time job can help. Therefore, the faculty has been working together with the employment agency Randstad…
Barend Barentsen on increase in strike action
With inflation skyrocketing, more and more workers are willing to take action for better working conditions. From regional transport to municipal officials, and from healthcare staff to pharmacy workers, it’s one strike after another in the Netherlands.
Motivational signals in public sector job advertisements and how they relate to attracting and hiring candidates
This article examines how motivational signals in job advertisements relate to public employers’ recruitment success.
Institute of Public Law
The Institute of Public Law comprises all areas of public law, with the exception of criminal law, and including labour law.