819 search results for “immigrants young” in the Public website
Citizenship, Migration and Global Transformations
Globalization, migration, technological innovation and climate change pose challenges to citizens in European countries. These challenges test the limits of cross-national and cross-generational solidarities, touching upon the very foundations of governance and society. This research program aims at…
Meloni’s migration plan contrary to international law
Italy recently struck a deal with Albania to accommodate thousands of boat migrants in two reception centres in Albania. Is this not contrary to asylum law? Mark Klaassen, Assistant Professor in immigration law comments in a Dutch RTL news article.
How these young researchers are preparing for their first scientific conference
Three Psychology students will present a poster of their thesis research on Alzheimer’s and dementia at the international conference AAIC Neuroscience Next. ‘I remind myself to recognise - without fear or shame - when I don't know something.’
Border control and checks: a symbolic measure
As part of its plans to introduce a stricter asylum policy, the Dutch cabinet wants to expand checks at internal borders within the EU. Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude tells Dutch daily newspaper NRC that this is a symbolic measure: ‘Border checks will not counter the right to seek…
Maartje van der Woude
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Ieke de Vries: 'We're expecting too much from minors and young adults if we think they can protect themselves from sexual exploitation.’
What starts off gently may end dramatically. Many young people these days fall victim to sexual exploitation. How can we prevent this suffering? Ieke de Vries points to the living environment of (potential) victims.
Legal Risks in EU Law
This book presents concrete solutions for managing the legal risks distorting the development of various areas of EU law. It pursues an innovative and effective approach to identify legal risks, their causes at the EU level and their impacts on the functioning of the Union and its Member States. It…
Institute for Philosophy
The philosophers at the Institute for Philosophy develop new perspectives and insights not only on topical themes such as immigration and climate change, but also on more fundamental philosophical questions.
- Visa and residence permit
Stellar radio beacons for Galactic astrometry
A century ago, it was unclear whether the stars in the sky were clustered in groups, or widely spread in the universe.
Rooswijk 1740
Een scheepswrak, zijn bemanning en het leven in de 18de eeuw
Asylum Policy, Boat People and Political Discourse - Boats, Votes and Asylum in Australia and Italy
This book compares the policies of Australia and Italy towards boat people who have arrived in the two countries since the early 1990s.
East Asia
Our East Asia experts work across various disciplines on global issues such as migration, heritage, and colonialism.
Working on Labor. Essays in Honor of Jan Lucassen | Studies in Global Social History, Volume: 9
This collection of seventeen essays takes its inspiration from the scholarly achievements of the Dutch historian Jan Lucassen. They reflect a central theme in his research: the history of labor.
"Putting Yourself in Their Shoes”: Fostering Positive Attitudes Towards Venezuelan Migrants Among the Youth in Ecuador
Does “putting yourself in the migrant’s shoes” elicit more positive attitudes toward migration? Can perspective-taking – the active consideration of others’ mental states and subjective experiences – help undermine negative stereotypes and prejudice against migrants? We explore these questions in Ecuador,…
The Agta of the Northern Sierra Madre. Livelihood strategies and resilience among Philippine hunter-gatherers
Promotores: G. Persoon, R. Schefold
Language policy and planning
From the smallest level of interaction among families and close friends, over the meso-level of schools, shops, churches, religious communities and companies, to the highest level of nation-states and international organisations: Language Policy and Planning (LPP) is everywhere!
Colonial Soldiers in Europe, 1914-1945: "Aliens in Uniform" in Wartime Societies
Colonial Soldiers in Europe, 1914-1945:
Public perception of terrorism attacks: A conjoint experiment
This article researches the public perception of terrorist attacks by measuring the importance the public assigns to attributes of terrorist attacks.
Related master’s programmes
Did you know that after succesful completion of the minor American Studies, you can apply for the master’s programme North American Studies? Find out more below.
Peter Rodrigues on reception of asylum seekers outside EU
Rodrigues was asked to comment on the intention of certain Dutch political parties to examine whether the Netherlands, together with Denmark, could accommodate asylum seekers outside the EU, possibly in Rwanda.
Young Alumni Day 2022
Alumni event
The PolSci Bookshelf: books released in 2023
The end of the year often means looking back with lists, overviews and stories. This combines nicely in a list of all the books published this year by various political scientists at Leiden University. Indeed, in terms of books, these scholars have certainly not been idle. A unique collection of stories,…
Year in review FSW 2023
In this year in review we show you various projects we're very proud of. Driven by our values at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
- Young Interfaculty Live Lunch
IBL Young Researchers Symposium
Back again: border controls in the Schengen area
Jorrit Rijpma responds in Dutch newspaper the Volkskrant to attention surrounding the reintroduction of border controls in the Schengen area.
About the programme
During the two-year Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence (research) programme you will learn from inspired academics and learn how to conduct quality research.
Digging for data: the rise and fall of a Miocene mammal biodiversity hotspot in the Vallès-Penedès (Catalonia, Spain)
The Vallesian, 11.1-9 Ma, was a special time in the Vallès-Penedes basin near Barcelona, where a biodiversity hotspot existed. Europe had a subtropical climate, with rhinos, forest giraffes, lions, hyenas, flying squirrels and primates.
Faithful Protection: The Use of Scripture in Egyptian Amulets (7th – 12th Century CE)
A selected group of unpublished amulets from various collections in the world will be studied and edited.
The field and the classroom
The field and the classroom invites ethnographers to engage with critical and engaged pedagogies. Breaking down the barriers between fieldsite and lecture hall, this research cluster aims to interrogate the structures and values that shape anthropological and sociological education today.
- Leiden University Nationalism Network events
On the Term 'Environmental Refugee': Normative Assumptions and Empirical Realities
The authors compare assumptions about normative utility of the term 'environmental refugee' with empirical evidence compared to 'environmental migrant'.
LION scholarship
Editorial: Sanity and Resilience in Times of Corona
This editorial to RHCPP discusses how COVID-19 can be seen as a 'creeping crisis' according to the authors of its lead article (Boin et al, 2020) and how resilience may depend on the real heroes behind the scenes of response to disaster and adversity.
Are you a British citizen currently studying or working at Leiden University? Or are you a Leiden University student (thinking of) studying abroad in the UK? Find out about the effects of Brexit.
Gender equality, cybersecurity, and security sector governance
In this article, James Shires and Tatiana Tropina, assistant professors at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, map the relationship between gender equality and cybersecurity governance as a component of good security sector governance (SSG). Here, it highlights the way in which cybersecurity…
The limits of tolerance: before and after Brexit and the German Refugee Crisis
This study investigates how two social and political developments, in the UK and Germany, impacted on the experiences of minorities and the attitudes of majorities vis-à-vis tolerance in those two countries. The results provide a thought-provoking picture of the views of minority and majority groups…
Children’s Rights Monitor 2012
The Children’s Rights Monitor provides a thematic overview of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Netherlands.
Students from the UK
Are you a British citizen currently studying at Leiden University? Find out about the effects of Brexit such as the transition period, residence permits, tuition fees and more.
Public Administration Science (BSc)
Are you engaged in society and interested in social issues? Study the Bachelor's in Public Administration in The Hague and learn how to analyse and solve complex challenges such as the housing crisis and energy transition, right in the administrative heart of the Netherlands.
Policy, Public Administration and Organisation (BSc)
In the Public Administration specialisation in Policy, Public Administration and Organisation, you will analyse current issues such as the housing crisis, energy transition, and immigration. You will learn how policy is developed and how public organisations function from various perspectives.
About the programme
Governance of Migration and Diversity is a cooperation between three leading universities: Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam (LDE).
Beyond the dichotomy between migrant smuggling and human trafficking
On 25 May, Roxane de Massol de Rebetz defended the thesis 'Beyond the dichotomy between migrant smuggling and human trafficking: a Belgian case study on the governance of migrants in transit'. The doctoral research was supervised by Maartje van der Woude, Joanne van der Leun and Masja van Meeteren.
Looking back: Interfaculty Lunch at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave -test submap
It is the spring of Arts and Science! On Tuesday April 16, Young Academy Leiden organized an interfaculty lunch during the Spring of Arts and Science, a season of interdisciplinarity that is being organized together with Jong Universiteit Leiden (JUL). This first event was a visit to Rijksmuseum Boe…
Looking back: Interfaculty Lunch at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
It is the spring of Arts and Science! On Tuesday April 16, Young Academy Leiden organized an interfaculty lunch during the Spring of Arts and Science, a season of interdisciplinarity that is being organized together with Jong Universiteit Leiden (JUL). This first event was a visit to Rijksmuseum Boe…
- Leiden University Young Interfaculty Lunch
Waar staat het Nederlandse asielbeleid nu en straks?
Landen proberen steeds strengere maatregelen te nemen om minder aantrekkelijk te worden voor asielzoekers. Mark Klaassen, universitair docent vreemdelingenrecht, noemt het Europese asielbeleid in de Volkskrant ‘een race naar beneden.’
IX Annual Convention, Austria Center Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2015
Impressions by Oene de Haan - PhD candidate at Utrecht University
Historical Sociolinguistics Young Researchers Forum
Conference, Workshops, masterclass and keynote lecture