787 search results for “democratic” in the Public website
Multidisciplinary minor gives insight into cybercrime, disasters and terrorism
Safety and security risks ranging from cybercrime to terrorism threats are a growing concern worldwide. Technological developments have made security issues increasingly complex. This is typically a topic for the multidisciplinary Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities (LDE) curriculum.
Courts as an Arena for Societal Change
On 8 and 9 July 2022, Leiden Law School hosted the second conference of the Research Group on Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI).
Call for papers: International Conference 'Adat Law 100 years on: towards a new interpretation?'
The Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society (VVI), in collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), will organize a two day conference on the continued importance of adat law in present day Indonesia on 22 and 23 May 2017.
Visit of Chilean President Michelle Bachelet
Monday 25 May saw the visit to Leiden of President Michelle Bachelet of Chile, accompanied by Queen Beatrix and Princess Máxima. Following a talk in the Academy Building on strengthening democracy in Latin America, the President signed a number of Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs).
Referendum in Bolivia: test for democracy
The Bolivian people will make their opinion known on a change to the constitution in a referendum on 21 February. Leiden University organised a symposium on the referendum on 11 February. The aim of the change is to allow President Evo Morales to remain in power until 2025.
Opening lecture “Traveling through Europe’s darkness and daylight – A geopolitical Odyssey”
The master programme was officially opened by H.E. Kees Klompenhouwer – the Ambassador of the Netherlands to the Czech Republic. During his lecture, entitled “Traveling through Europe’s darkness and daylight – A geopolitical Odyssey”, Ambassador Klompenhouwer shared valuable insights on the history…
How accessible is information from Dutch public authorities to journalists?
Journalists in the Netherlands are unhappy about the handling of their requests under the Dutch Open Government Act (Wet open overheid, Woo). They say these requests take too long, produce too little results, and that communication could be better.
Introducing: Adriejan van Veen
Since February 1, 2015, Adriejan van Veen is working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for History. Here, he is preparing a NWO grant proposal on local experiments with candidate selection in British and Dutch politics in the nineteenth century.
Meet researcher Constant Hijzen
Scientists of the faculty of Governance and Global Affairs research completely different subject, among which terrorism, cybercrime and migration. In the upcoming weeks we will give the floor to several of our very best researchers. In this episode: Constant Hijzen researches secret services.
Political elites and regime change in the Middle East and North Africa: accommodation or exclusion?
Political scientist Kevin Köhler (Leiden University) has been awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). This prestigious grant enables him to set up a research group in the coming five years. Köhler and his team will examine how elite conflict affects processes of regime change…
What next – emergency measures or an emergency Act?
Negatieve ambtelijke adviezen lieten eerder zien dat het uitroepen van een asielcrisis op grond van het vreemdelingennoodrecht vanuit democratisch en rechtsstatelijk oogpunt niet aanvaardbaar is. Wim Voermans, hoogleraar staatsrecht, licht in Nieuwsuur toe welke hordes bij zowel bij de inzet van het…
Dimiter Toshkov and Honorata Mazepus in The Economist about the 'winner-loser gap'
The Economist published an article about a working paper about the effects of democratic elections on satisfaction with democracy. The paper was written by Dimiter Koshkov, Associate Professor at the Institute of Public Administration and Honorata Mazepus, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security…
Dr. Anouk de Koning awarded with Urban Citizen Fellowship
Cultural Anthropologist dr. Anouk de Koning has been awarded the Urban Citizen Fellowship to carry out research about democratisation of local democracy in Amsterdam.
Political scientist Nikoleta Yordanova awarded NORFACE Network research grant
Nikoleta Yordanova, a political scientist at Leiden University, will lead an international research consortium funded by the European NORFACE Network to complete a multi-disciplinary project ‘Willingness and Capacity for EU Policy Action in Turbulent Times: Conflicts, Positions and Outcomes’ (EUINACTION).…
Video: Does our democracy need an upgrade?
In a lecture for the University of the Netherlands, Reijer Passchier, assistant professor in constitutional and administrative law, speaks about the state of our democracy. ‘Is it not time to upgrade our democracy?’
Rechtspsycholoog Linda Geven wint Gratama Wetenschapsprijs 2023
Met haar spannende onderzoek naar strafrechtelijke waarheidsvinding in Europa sleept Linda Geven dit jaar de Gratama Wetenschapsprijs voor jonge talentvolle wetenschappers in de wacht.
Bastiaan Rijpkema appointed Professor by special appointment of Tolerance
Bastiaan Rijpkema has been appointed Professor by special appointment of the new chair Tolerance at the Faculty of Humanities with effect from 1 July 2021. The chair was established by Stichting Leerstoel Uytenbogaert.
Open University and Leiden University start Joint Legal Technologies Program
The Open University and Leiden University will join forces to offer a (Dutch-taught) Joint Legal Technologies Program for professionals. In doing so, they can provide the advanced legal informatics training that is necessary in our rapidly digitising society. The joint program is a further development…
New TRAFIG publication \ Governing protracted displacement: What access to solutions for forcibly displaced people?
The international regime governing displacement shows a number of gaps, most notably with regard to (internally) displaced people who are not covered by the definition of refugee of the Refugee Convention. These protection gaps translate into solution gaps for displaced people.
Leiden celebrates tenth anniversary of ERC
The European Research Council, better known as the ERC, turns ten this year, and researchers from Leiden celebrated this on 23 June. The ERC is an important provider of research funding, also to Leiden University. Over the past ten years researchers from the University have been awarded over 70 ERC…
- Volume 11 (2016)
Key Publications
Here’s a selection of key publications by members of the CPP:
Britse kiezer heeft genoeg van gerommel met rechtsstaat
Jorieke Manenschijn vertelde NU.nl over hoe de Britten tijdens de verkiezing uit onvrede over de pogingen van de Conservatieven om wetten via een juridisch achterdeurtje te laten passeren, op Labour stemmen.
Instagram blokkeert ‘per ongeluk’ democratische zoektermen
Een dag na de inauguratie van Donald Trump als nieuwe president van de Verenigde Staten werden zoektermen gelieerd aan Biden, Harris en Obama op Instagram aangemerkt als ‘gevoelige content’. Promovendus Danny Mekic waarschuwt in de Volkskrant voor techbedrijven: ‘Extreem onwenselijk’.
Reijer Passchier to teach course in the nationwide AI course Ethics
This course in ethics is a continuation of the popular Nationale AI-Cursus from 2018. In which over 300,000 people have since participated.
Esteban Szmulewicz reflects on ‘Democracy on the Front Lines’ in Salzburg
Esteban Szmulewicz, a PhD candidate at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, spoke at the annual Salzburg Global Weekend, organised by the Salzburg Global Seminar with the theme 'Democracy on the Front Lines'. Key speakers included Nobel Peace Laureate the Ukrainian Civil Rights defender…
Ingrid Leijten on radio about freedom of expression
On 12 November Ingrid Leijten was a guest on Dutch NOS NPO Radio 1 programme Met het Oog op Morgen. She was asked to speak about the right to freedom of expression.
GTGC lunch seminar: human rights for governing digital platforms
On Monday 9 October 2023, Jelena Belic, Matthew Canfield, Rachel Griffin, Henning Lahmann, and Barrie Sander presented their research on 'The Promise and Perils of Human Rights for Governing Digital Platforms' during a GTGC lunch seminar.
How to create a balanced lobby register? Researchers develop assessment framework on behalf of Ministry
How to represent and assess legitimate interests? On behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations, Caelesta Braun and Bert Fraussen developed the framework ‘Afwegingskader Legitieme Belangenvertegenwoordiging’ (Assessment Framework Legitimate Interest Representation). The researchers…
Jorrit Rijpma speaks at European Parliament on Bulgaria’s accession to Schengen
Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU in 2007. In 2011, the European Commission announced these Member States’ readiness to fully apply the Schengen rules and lift controls at the internal borders with other Member States. However, that decision has to be taken by the Council with unanimity. A number of…
Inspiring book review: The Story of Constitutions
On 8 October, an inspiring session was held at the KOG Building. The session focused on the award-winning book entitled 'The Story of Constitutions' by Professor Wim Voermans, recently published by Cambridge University Press. The event attracted a diverse audience comprising both colleagues and students…
Michiel Luining on European 'Dictator' Viktor Orbán
Furious protesters in Budapest and other Hungarian cities demand the departure of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The reason for the large-scale protests is the adaptation of the labor law, especially lucrative for German companies and investors, by the Hungarian prime minister.
Four reasons why so many political parties are standing for election
More parties are standing in this national election than at any point since the Second World War. Simon Otjes, an assistant professor in Dutch Politics who conducts research into new political parties, explains why this is. He also predicts which new parties stand a serious chance of winning a seat…
Do municipal councils meet behind closed doors too often?
‘Dutch municipalities’ backroom meetings a massive breach of the law’ was the main headline of Dutch newspaper De Stentor on 24 June 2022. According to investigative journalist Gep Leeflang, Dutch municipalities continuously break the law by holding their municipal council meetings behind closed doors.…
Expert roundtable
In March 2021, Assistant Professor Valentina Carraro took part in an expert roundtable providing recommendations to the United Nations Secretary-General on turning into action the goals of the Declaration on the Commemoration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations (UN75 Declaration).
ASEAN and Human rights
In the last weeks, ASEAN published different Statements about the human rights situation in Myanmar and the Democratic People´s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
Ministry enlisted support of provincial executive in gas debate: ‘Unprecedented’
At the request of outgoing minister Stef Blok, the Province of Groningen wrote a letter to support the minister in his rejection of two amendments by the Dutch House of Representatives.
Ukraine candidate for EU membership? Armin Cuyvers on BNR
If it were up to Ursula von der Leyen, a positive opinion on Ukraine's application for membership would be forthcoming this Friday, 17 June.
Armin Cuyvers speaks at Liverpool Law School on the role of national parliaments in EU Democracy
On 17 February 2016 Armin Cuyvers was invited to speak at the Liverpool European Law Unit (LELU) in a seminar on ‘Legitimacy and participation in the EU’. In his presentation, entitled ‘National parliaments as training wheels of EU democracy?
Leiden alumnus Surya Tjandra appointed Deputy Minister in Indonesia
Surya Tjandra has been appointed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo as Deputy Agrarian and Spatial Planning Minister.
Hoekstra puts unity of Dutch Government at risk with nitrogen comments
Politicians in The Hague were in for an unpleasant surprise when the interview with CDA politician, and also current Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister, Wopke Hoekstra was published. Especially Hoekstra’s suggestion to let go of the Government’s target to reduce the amount of nitrogen by 2030 raised some…
Suzanne Bloks wins Leiden University MA Thesis Prize
What is the best electoral system for a democracy? First place at the Leiden University Thesis Awards 2021 is for those who have added a cleverly substantiated, personal vision to this socially relevant theme. ' This is what Annetje Ottow, chairman of the executive board and board member of the Leiden…
A lunch with Frank Baumgartner
A lunch presentation was given on 21 September in Wijnhaven by Professor Frank Baumgartner, Richard J. Richardson Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Gert Jan Geertjes defends preliminary advice Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wetgeving
At the annual conference of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wetgeving (the Dutch association for legislation) that was held in the Auditorium of the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Kingdom Relations and Justice and Security in The Hague on Thursday 6 October, Gert Jan Geertjens defended the draft…
Esteban Szmulewicz speaks at online seminar organised by International IDEA and CED (Chile)
On 18 January, Esteban Szmulewicz, a PhD candidate at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, spoke on the following theme at an online seminar: 'Comments on the International IDEA report: the state of democracy in the world and the Americas in 2023. New checks and balances'.
LUC The Hague - ‘Roosevelt in The Hague 2018’ conference
On 17 May 2018, a delegation of LUC students from all different majors, coordinated by Dr. Joris Larik, participated in the Roosevelt Awards Laureates Dialogue Event at Nieuwspoort in The Hague (‘Roosevelt in The Hague 2018’).
Wout Broekema on shortlist Els Witte Prize
Wout Broekema is shortlisted for the Els Witte Prize 2019, an award for best Doctoral dissertation in political science. The prize is instated by the Nederlandse Kring voor de wetenschap der Politiek (NKWP).
Jeroen Romeijn wins Best Paper Award at ECPR 2018
The Convenors of the Standing Group on Interest Groups and the ECPR 2018 Section Chairs, have announced the winners of the best paper awards.
JUSTREMIT is an ERC-funded project that brings together political theory, ethnography, and security studies in an interdisciplinary study of remittances and global justice.
The research in the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair is focused on the following points.