1,004 search results for “defence” in the Staff website
Unfolding the regulation of stress response pathways upon liver injury
PhD defence
Unveiling the third dimension: Vertical structure as a probe of planet forming conditions
PhD defence
Omgang met regels
PhD defence
The Development and Socialization of Children's Ethnicity-Related Views in the Netherlands
PhD defence
Op weg naar de NAVO top
The characteristics of galaxies with powerful radio jets
PhD defence
Data Driven Donation Strategies
PhD defence
PhD defence
Application of zebrafish and murine models in lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis research
PhD defence
Leadership behaviour repertoires in public organizations
PhD defence
Beyond Friends and Foes: Immigration Policymaking in Contemporary China
PhD defence
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Ferritin
PhD defence
What's in a face?
PhD defence
Musumb and its Emperors facing the Colonial Powers (17th-20th century)
PhD defence
Framing the Conquest
PhD defence
DNA-encapsulated silver clusters as a multi-functional tool for applications in physics, biology and medicine
PhD defence
Transcribing: Between Listening, Memory, and Invention
PhD defence
CD8+ T-cells in atherosclerosis, recognizing their contribution
PhD defence
In the line of fire - Firearm violence in Europe
PhD defence
Machine Learning and Computer Vision for Urban Drainage Inspections
PhD defence
Hoe te leven, klassiek of modern?
PhD defence
Are we there yet?
PhD defence
Boundary extensions of symmetric spaces in equivariant KK-theory
PhD defence
Evolutionary Molecular Dynamics
PhD defence
My bad!
PhD defence
Translational Symmetry Breaking in Holographic Strange Metals
PhD defence
Understanding Deep Meta-Learning
PhD defence
Rechtsbescherming tegen bestuurlijke gegevensverwerkingen
PhD defence
Betwist Bestuur in Rotterdam
PhD defence
Quantitative pharmacological modelling for optimizing treatment of sepsis
PhD defence
Imperfect information variants of combinatorial games
PhD defence
Speaking the same language: De invoering van de Anglo-Amerikaanse trust in het Nederlandse recht
PhD defence
Monitoring Drought and Salinity Stress in Agriculture by Remote Sensing for a Sustainable Future
PhD defence
The Evolutionary Tale of Gaseous Exoplanets
PhD defence
Focus on Fathers
PhD defence
An Architecture for Peace: Deciphering the UN's Multidimensional Approach to the Israel - Arab Conflict (1967 - 1982)
PhD defence
Exploring the self in adolescent depression
PhD defence
Remaking the 'Negara Hukum': The Essence of the 1999-2002 Constitutional Reform in Indonesia
PhD defence
Solution in Dissolution
PhD defence
MAGL modulators - Structure-guided optimisation and characterisation
PhD defence
Will you look at me? Social Anxiety, Naturalistic Social Situations and Wearable Eye-trackers
PhD defence
On the nature of the right to resist
PhD defence
Daad en discussie - Links geweld
PhD defence
Unveiling the electrolyte effects of CO2 electroreduction to CO and H2 Evolution from the interfacial pH perspective
PhD defence
Sheltering 10 billion people in a warming and resource-scarce world: challenges and opportunities
PhD defence
Synthesis and application cell wall glycopolymer fragments from Staphylococci and Enterococci
PhD defence
Apocalypse, Empire, and Universal Mission at the End of Antiquity: World Religions at the Crossroads
PhD defence
Resolving a bioindicator diatom species complex using genomic approaches for freshwater biomonitoring
PhD defence
Quantum machine learning
PhD defence
Matter into context - Population- and community-level impacts of nanomaterials in freshwater ecosystems
PhD defence