6,677 search results for “is a” in the Public website
Community members win important Open Science prize at Open Science Festival
Reprohack, an initiative from community members, won the Open Initiative Trophy on 11 February, a prize for the best open science initiative in the Netherlands. A Reprohack is a hackathon-like event where participants repeat research to see whether the results were reproducible.
Subtle sounds open things in the mind
Distance / Fiction is a sound installation that deals with the ways listening is entwined with processes and techniques of sound mediation.
CfP 2023 FIDEM Congress: The Medieval Book Through the Lens of the Librarian (Basel)
The 7th European Congress of Medieval Studies of the Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales (FIDEM) will be organized by the Department of Arts, Media, and Philosophy of the University of Basel, Switzerland. There is a number of slots for papers (20 minutes) and special sessions…
Stans Prize 2009
The Stans Prize is a yearly student incentive award for the best thesis, article or report produced by a CML student. Jim van Ruijven wrote his report for his bachelor study in Sustainable Molecular Science and Technology.
Brand-new professor Gerard van Westen wants to cross boundaries
Brand-new professor Gerard van Westen works at the intersection of artificial intelligence and drug development. For the new chair in Artificial Intelligence and Medicinal Chemistry, he uses computer models to make drug development more efficient. Our ultimate goal is a virtual human which allows you…
Marina Calculli on the recent developments of the UN mission in South Lebanon
Once it was considered the Switzerland of the Middle East, but today Lebanon is a country deeply affected by the economic crisis, political stalemate and an international context of growing tensions.
The cumulative index for volumes 1-55 of the Common Market Law Review is now freely available online!
The cumulative index contains a list of all the editorials, articles, case notes published in each volume by subject ever since publication started in 1963.
DWDD University uses Leiden Physics experiments
In the latest episode of DWDD University on 'Light', Prof. Robbert Dijkgraaf used a number of experiments from the Leiden Physics Practicum Lab. He showed why the sky is blue, that light is a wave phenomenon, how magnetism and electricity are connected and that white light consists of all colors of…
New weblecture available of statician Bradley Efron
Bradley Efron is a statistician from Stanford University best known for proposing the bootstrap resampling technique, which has had a major impact in the field of statistics and virtually every area of statistical application. The bootstrap was one of the first computer-intensive statistical techniques,…
Philips Mathematics Prize for Joost Batenburg
During the Dutch Mathematical Congress, Joost Batenburg has been awarded the Philips Mathematics Prize for PhD students.
Meet our new guest researcher: Ahmed Hassan
NVIC welcomes Ahmed Hassan, a PhD candidate at Indiana University as a guest researcher.
Workshop: Other Forms of Embodying Knowledge
Pau(la) Chaves Bonilla aka La ChicaScratch is a choreographer, performance artist and queer grassroots organiser born and raised in Colombia and based in The Netherlands, co-founder of the Papaya Kuir collective led by Latinx trans and queer migrants/refugees. On the 1st and 14th of April, Paula Chaves…
Wim Voermans benoemd tot Universiteitshoogleraar
Het college van bestuur heeft Wim Voermans benoemd tot Universiteitshoogleraar. Hij gaat zich richten op duurzaam institutioneel vertrouwen.
Massive Stars Are Factories for Ingredients to Life
NASA’s telescope SOFIA has provided a new glimpse of the chemistry in the inner region surrounding massive young stars where future planets could begin to form. Leiden PhD candidate Andrew Barr writes about it in the Astrophysical Journal. The scientists found massive quantities of water and organic…
Minister Kaag: ‘A stable world doesn’t begin at the Dutch border’
How do you maintain diplomatic relations in a world of rising tensions? This was the theme of a guest lecture by Minister Sigrid Kaag at Campus The Hague. ‘Policy proposals won’t go through if they don’t foster women’s development.’
‘I'm in awe of these refugee students’
Proud family members, lecturers and, above all, students congregated in the Van Steenis building on 27 June to celebrate the students' having completed the Preparatory Study Year in Leiden.
Stadium wave in the nerves: a new mathematical model
Electrical signals travel like a wave through our neural pathways. The mathematical models for these movements could not yet properly describe all the biological properties of the nerves. PhD student Willem Schouten-Straatman changed this by improving the existing models. ‘I hope that one day we will…
From decentral selection procedures to ICT projects
On 14 and 15 March, students can register as candidates for a place in the University Council (UR) or one of the faculty councils. But what do these participation bodies do? UR member Femke van der Meulen takes us through the agenda for the next meeting.
Top 450 continues: lawyer Lizzy van Dorp is the 100th entry
Lawyer, economist, politician and women’s rights activist Lizzy van Dorp is the 100th entry in our Top 450. Who or what is your favourite?
‘Japan’ – the other side of the story
Since the disaster in Japan, professors, staff and students of the department of Japanese Language and Culture at Leiden University have regularly been contacted by the media asking for their opinion about the events taking place there. Ivo Smits and Kasia Cwiertka, Professors of Japanese, give their…
Polish Holocaust researchers accused of defamation will give Cleveringa Lecture
On 26 November historian Jan Grabowski and sociologist Barbara Engelking will both give the Cleveringa Lecture. They wrote a book about the Holocaust in Poland and were taken to court for defamation.
Queen Beatrix writing history
This is a good time for it to happen, in the opinion of Professor of Fatherlands History, Henk te Velde. The abdication of Queen Beatrix is a good starting point for celebrating 200 years of the Dutch monarchy, in 2013. Te Velde is a member of the National Committee for 200 Years of Monarchy: 'By standing…
Developing quantum software with a grant of 18.8 million euros
The first larger quantum computers will soon be available. These computers need new software. Researchers at Leiden University have been awarded a Gravitation grant to develop the necessary software. They will be collaborating with colleagues from other research institutions.
Keeping our campus safe
The world is in turmoil. International wars and conflicts have been raging for some time. And political and social developments are causing insecurity, uncertainty and unrest. This has not gone unnoticed within our university community. We have seen protests, demonstrations and other incidents. This…
Blog post: The nose of this wormy-shaped bacterium has a surprising symmetry
For the first time ever, Leiden biologists have found that the ‘nose’ of spirochetes – worm-shaped bacteria – have a two-fold symmetry. A remarkable discovery, as the ‘nose’ of every other bacterium has been found to have a six-fold symmetry. First author Alise Muok wrote a popular blog about the findings…
‘Patient demonstrations are a good tool in medical teaching’
On 7 July 2020 medical lecturer Luuk Willems received his SKO certificate (Senior Teaching Qualification) and may now officially call himself a senior lecturer. The course has meant that he now has clear ideas about what he wants to achieve in his teaching. ‘I want to strengthen my role as a coach and…
Comenius grants for three Leiden lecturers
Three lecturers from Leiden University have each been awarded a €50,000 Comenius Teaching Fellows grant to implement an educational innovation project. They are Carlijn Bergwerff (Education and Child Studies), Francesco Ragazzi (Political Science) and Krista Murchison (Centre for the Arts in Society…
Blog Post | Cyber-diplomacy: A Field in Flux
Three decades ago, cyber-diplomacy did not exist. The interest in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a vector of change in international relations was limited to a few mostly technical organisations, and a restricted number of states.
Seeking justice for Syria
Islamic State may be losing ground rapidly, but Syrian President Assad's position is gaining strength. His torture chambers and the battlefield are scenes of countless criminal acts. Will these crimes ever come to trial, at the International Criminal Court, for example?
Resolving conflicts between states
In the event of disagreements between states, a tribunal or arbitration may offer a solution. International dispute settlement is a relatively new but fast-growing field within law, Professor Eric de Brabandere explains. Inaugural lecture 23 February.
Astronomers see disk around young super-Jupiter which may form moons
An international team of astronomers led by scientists from Leiden Observatory has for the first time characterised a dust disk surrounding a young super-Jupiter, which is either a giant planet or brown dwarf. They detected infrared emission from the disk which might indicate that moons may have formed.…
Black lives matter: ‘Racism takes different forms but it’s a world issue’
It all started with demonstrations protesting about the death of George Floyd from police brutality in Minneapolis, but the Black Lives Matter protest is spreading like wildfire across the whole of the US. Every day, thousands of people are taking to the streets. We asked American Studies expert Sara…
Lorentz Center to receive structural support from NWO and Leiden University
The Lorentz Center is a melting pot that is visited by researchers from around the world. ‘Miracles happen’ during the five-day interactive workshops at the Center. And there is an extra reason to celebrate the center’s 25th anniversary. On 28 April, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and Leiden University…
Working visit by Minister Van Engelshoven focuses on digitisation of education
How does online learning strengthen the quality of higher education and what are the barriers to implementing this more broadly? Minister of Education Ingrid van Engelshoven talked about this issue with pioneering lecturers and students from Leiden University, Erasmus University and Delft University…
Buurtlab 070 launched – sustainability research in, by and for the community
Buurtlab 070 is a new Leiden University project in which residents, researchers and students from The Hague work together on climate, sustainability and biodiversity solutions. What do they expect of the lab?
The long-awaited UN Summit of the Future has ended − what are the results?
Many saw the UN Summit of the Future as the moment of truth for the United Nations and its plans for the world. Joris Larik, Assistant Professor of Comparative, EU and International Law, explains the results.
Leiden psychology student is distant relative of Rembrandt
Benson van der Bij is a family member of Holland's most famous master: Rembrandt van Rijn. What does he think of this relationship? And did he know that Rembrandt was also enrolled as a student here?
Open science means better science
Leiden University has an active open science community. Open science means transparency in all phases of research by precisely documenting every step of the way and making this publicly available. ‘It’s time to be open,’ say psychologists Anna van ’t Veer and Zsuzsika Sjoerds. There is increasing awareness…
Medical Delta professor Andrew Webb: ‘In The Netherlands, people are much more open to cooperation’
Commercial MRI systems cost millions of euros to purchase and require highly trained technicians to operate. Prof. Andrew Webb works on accessible MRI techniques that offer new opportunities in both developed and developing countries. Webb is a professor at the Radiology Department of the LUMC and,…
Last Week’s Hype: On the Blackstar album and death of David Bowie
Can David Bowie’s death be seen as a carefully staged hype, just one last version of the musician’s ever-surprising public persona? Cultural Studies researchers Gerlov van Engelenhoven and Bram Ieven look into it.
Here’s to the next 443 years as a bastion of freedom
‘Praesidium Libertatis is a daily responsibility.’ These were the words of Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker on 8 February during the 443rd Dies Natalis of Leiden University. The University needs to pay continuous attention to open debate if it wants to remain a bastion of freedom.
‘Leiden has a special atmosphere, almost like a family’
From a lovely blossoming garden in Barcelona, Eduard Fosch Villaronga is talking enthusiastically about his postdoc at Leiden University. Due to the corona lockdown, he is currently spending the 2020 summer at his mother’s place, but he is looking forward to returning to Leiden (and to the Dutch bit…
Children’s Rights Scholarship 1
Journal of Global Slavery
The Journal of Global Slavery (JGS) aims to advance and promote a greater understanding of slavery and post-slavery from comparative, transregional, and/or global perspectives. It especially underscores the global and globalizing nature of slavery in world history.
Crete as melting pot: research into Late Antique, Byzantine and Early Islamic material culture at Gortyn, Greece
What does the excavated material tell us about the continuation and/or change of urban life during the transitional phrases from Antiquity to the Middle Ages on Crete and in the eastern Mediterranean more generally?
The distinction of outstanding and rewarded scientific and educational achievements is an important component of the promotion of our work at the LACDR.
Temperature effects on genetic and physiological regulation of adaptive plasticity
Promotor: P.M. Brakefield
Role of Chemokine Gradient Sensing in Ewing Sarcoma Progression, Angiogenesis and Immune Targeting
What are the biological and biophysical mechanisms that control chemokine gradient sensing and migration of immune, endothelial, and tumour cells in tumour development?
Vision and Mission
The need for novel drugs as well as innovations in their development and application is as urgent as ever. Below we present our vision , mission, and our key research areas.
Decolonising International Justice
Around the world, there is a growing movement to decolonise university curricula, with both students and educators seeking to disrupt existing epistemic hierarchies within higher education. This research project aims to unravel what decolonising means in general and what it means for the International…