654 search results for “supply chair” in the Public website
Move-In Days
The Move-In Days will take place on 16-17 August 2025. In order to prepare yourself for your Move-In Day, we want to share with you some more info, and what to expect before this date. DUWO - our student housing partner that deals with LUC's housing will be in touch with you in the summer to start…
Career prospects
With a MSc in LST you are well prepared for a wide range of career opportunities. Life Science research and business is one of the fastest growing economic activities worldwide.
- Research Dossiers
Archaeological Project Sheds Light on Ancient Water Management in Udhruh
In 2011, the Udhruh Archaeological Project was launched, bringing together teams of Jordanian and Dutch archaeologists to investigate the region and reconstruct ancient water harvesting techniques in the extremely arid landscape of Udhruh. Access to fresh water remains one of the most pressing global…
Two newly appointed PhD candidates for ELS
As of March 16 two PhD candidates have started their work on the project Empirical Legal Studies as part of the sector plan for Law.
Rene Kleijn on BNR radio about critical materials
The recent trade dispute between the U.S. and China has renewed the attention for the dependency of the U.S. and many other developed countries on the imports of critical materials. Recently this has led to an initiative by the U.S. government to team up with resource rich countries like Australia and…
Reuse and recycling of mobile phones
Industrial Ecologist Rene Kleijn has been in the consumer watchdog TV show Radar which has been broadcasted Monday 27th of February at 20:30 (NPO 1). He has discussed the reuse and recycling of mobile phones.
Researchers find paw of Dutch bear
Researchers from Leiden and Groningen have found a fossilised paw of one of the last Dutch brown bears. They made their discovery in the water supply system in the dunes near to Noordwijk.
Machine Learning Improves Cross-border Tax Estimates
Multidisciplinary research has established that VAT-results are in practice six times lower than what it should have been. The new estimates rely on machine learning techniques.
Foraging skills may have made the essential difference in the evolution of our huge brain
Hunter-gatherers acquire their food through complex gender-specific foraging techniques for a relatively stable and diverse supply of energy. New research indicates that this specialisation by boys and girls starts at a very young age. Most likely, this enabled the human species to evolve much larger…
A year of war against Ukraine: What now?
After a year of war against Ukraine, professors André Gerrits, Antoaneta Dimitrova and Frans Osinga look back at Russian aggression and Western unity and ahead to the new offensive.
LDE minor focuses on resources needed for energy transition
European dependence on Russian gas, earthquake damage in Groningen and the changing climate: the call for an energy transition is getting louder. This transition will be accompanied by an increasing demand for 'new' raw materials. The Geo-Resources for the Future minor looks at exactly that developm…
Stans Prize 2016 for Carlos Felipe Blanco Rocha
The ‘Stans Prize 2016' (for the best thesis, report or article produced by a CML student) has been awarded to Carlos Felipe Blanco Rocha. Other CML prizes were awarded to Henrik Barmentlo, Arnold Tukker and Coen van der Giesen.
25 million euros for research into energy from plants and algae
On Friday 10 July the Towards Biosolar Cells research programme was granted a budget of 25 million euros by the Dutch Government. The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality recommended the programme because it will contribute to green energy, improve food supplies and a create a more sustainable…
‘If we buy these imported products, we are co-responsible for the global decline in biodiversity’
What we buy and consume in Europe often has an impact on biodiversity somewhere else in the world. With a Horizon Europe Funding of 600.000 euros, assistant professor Laura Scherer and her team will develop models to look at the impact of global trade in non-food biomass. ‘After developing the models,…
Clash of interests in Groningen
Since mid-March, residents of Groningen have had access to a single digital portal for reporting damage to property arising from local gas extraction. Why is the Groningen gas issue such a complex problem and why is compensation taking so long? Psychologist Emma ter Mors and public administration specialist…
Researcher teaching in the classroom: ‘We need to imitate nature more closely’
How can we supply the growing world population with sustainable energy? At Laurens College in Rotterdam, Prof. Marc Koper speaks with the students about the crucial role of chemistry in the energy transition. Guest classes like this are a good way for school students to learn about the academic world,…
ELS@Leiden research encompasses a wide range of empirical-legal projects carried out within Leiden Law School from the perspective of multiple disciplines and methods. Here you can find the publications of our (former) lab members since the start of the Sector Plan.
Grant for development of artificial green fuels
Researchers at Leiden University have been awarded a €4 million EU grant to develop climate-neutral fuels. With this money they will expand the broad research community that focuses on green energy. If we work together, we can make the rapid progress that is needed, says Prof. Huub de Groot, Professor…
‘Don’t ever discriminate yourself by any gender-related label’
Iranian molecular plant biologist Salma Balazadeh started her career in Germany. Now she sets up a research group in Leiden to study stress in plants to secure global food supply. Her outlook on women in science in the context of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science, 11 February.
Europe is the only continent living at the expense of others
Europe can only maintain its level of consumption by structurally relying on resources extracted abroad. This finding was published in the September issue of the prestigious journal Global Environmental Change, in a paper that was co-written by scientists at Leiden University.
Energy as a weak spot: a new approach to tackle aggressive breast cancer?
Could we stop cancer cells by cutting off their energy supply? That’s what Dione Blok, a bachelor’s student in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences, aimed to find out during her thesis research. She investigated a compound that affects the tumour cells’ energy metabolism. ‘Hopefully, these insights will provide…
Leiden biologists get awarded 730k NWO grant
Salma Balazadeh, Víctor Carrión, and Jos Raaijmakers, biologists at the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), have successfully applied for an NWO grant and got awarded 730.000 euros. The board of NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences awarded funding for their project within the Open Technology Programme…
AI versus corona
It’s all hands on deck at the moment to resolve the COVID-19 crisis. Researchers from various disciplines are helping where they can, also from the field of artificial intelligence (AI). AI offers great opportunities both at the frontline of the crisis and in its expected aftermath. Leiden professor…
Interdisciplinary Thesis Labs and the International Institute of Air & Space Law (IIASL)
Students greatly benefit from an interdisciplinary learning environment that makes connections with various stakeholders and tackles real-world challenges. This environment allows them to produce innovative and impactful results. As part of their studies, students from the International Institute of…
High-mass stars are formed not from dust disk but from debris
A Dutch-led team of astronomers has discovered that high-mass stars are formed differently from their smaller siblings. Whereas small stars are often surrounded by an orderly disk of dust and matter, the supply of matter to large stars is a chaotic mess. The researchers used the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter…
The superpowers of new critical raw materials
Cars, wind turbines, solar panels and smartphones. ‘Critical’ raw materials like platinum or cobalt are used in all the technologies that are essential for the energy and digital transition. But we should be aware of the scarceness of these materials, a new campaign warns.
The brain on alert
When focussing attention, the neurotransmitters noradrenaline and acetylcholine play an important role. This new finding made by psychologist Stephen Brown provides clues for further research on how focussed attention comes about. Dissertation defence on 16 June.
Can a health insurer refuse you if you have poor health?
It appears from a study conducted by Independer and Q&A Research that at least one in five Dutch people think you can be refused basic health insurance if you have health problems.
Udhruh archaeological project on TV in Jordan
The Udhruh archaeological project in Jordan was recently visited by Diala Dabbas for her program ‘Helwa ya Donya’ (which translates to ‘Beautiful Universe’). Helwa ya Donya is one of the most viewed television programs in Jordan and deals with many Jordanian topics, one of which is the current research…
Why more women have ADHD than you think
When we think of ADHD, we often think of highly creative, hyperactive boys. But does this mean that girls don’t have ADHD at all?
Prof. Stahn on IBA Panel on Legal Challenges of Modern Warfare
On Sunday 31 January 2016, Prof. Carsten Stahn spoke at the IBA Annual Conference on International Criminal Law.
‘Collaboration is essential to scientific breakthroughs’
How do we create a healthy, inclusive, digital and sustainable society? And how do we keep it that way? If science is to provide answers to these questions, the universities of Leiden, Delft and Erasmus will need to work together. This is what Wim van den Doel, the new figurehead of the LDE Alliance,…
'AIVD loopt risico's door het gebruik van Israëlische hacksoftware'
De AIVD gebruikt omstreden hacksoftware van de Israëlische leverancier NSO Group, meldde de Volkskrant. In 2019 zou de telefoon van topcriminineel Ridouan Taghi er mee gehackt zijn.
Humanities Leiden ranked 25th in THE world ranking
The Faculty of Humanities is ranked 25th within the subject area 'Arts and Humanities' in the Times Higher Education Ranking (THE) of 2014-2015. The faculty scores particularly high in teaching, research and international outlook.
Yvonne Erkens gives lecture at a conference in Copenhagen
On 24 November 2018 Yvonne Erkens (Associate Professor Labour Law) gave a lecture during the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Labour Court Judges (EALCJ) in Copenhagen.
PhD awarded to Kristof Gombeer
On 23 June 2022, Kristof Gombeer succesfully defended his dissertation entitled ‘Relations of Duty in an Age of Rights: A study of the supply side of human rights in the context of maritime migration’.
Yvonne Erkens appointed as Global Law professor in Leuven
Yvonne Erkens, Associate Professor of Labour Law, has been appointed as a Global Law professor at the Catholic University of Leuven.
Humanities Leiden ranked 25th in THE world ranking
According to the yearly Times World University Ranking, Leiden’s Humanities Faculty ranks 25th in the world, making it the highest ranked Dutch university in the subject area ‘Arts and Humanities’.
Arthur Ram receives NWO grant to improve enzyme factory
This year, microbiologist Arthur Ram will start new research on producing useful enzymes in bulk. Ram receives an NWO grant for this project that will find its applications in the industrial biotechnology and food industry.
Bert Koenders live on Dutch radio BNR de Wereld
Bert Koenders, Professor Peace, Justice and Security at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) appeared live on the ‘BNR de Wereld’ special broadcast ‘De Grote Vredesshow’ (The Great Peace Show). The radio show was hosted live from Wijnhaven in collaboration with the Faculty Governance…
First stakeholders meeting on microplastic fibers from textile
On 17 October 2019, the Netherlands’ Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management organised a first stakeholders meeting on microfibers from textile in the LEF Future Center. The meeting was prompted by a report of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in April of this…
Mariëlle Bruning on waiting lists in Dutch youth care
How many children are waiting for help from youth services in the Netherlands at any given time? And exactly how long do they have to wait?
Commemoration and Community. Local memories of the Dutch Revolt, 1566-1700
This subproject examines the development of memory cultures, the meaning of memories of the Dutch Revolt, the multimedia aspect of the creation of a local memory culture, which artefacts were used to keep memories alive and the differences between local memory cultures in the Repubilc and the Southern…
Study programme
The Urban Studies bachelor’s programme is based on two learning trajectories. One is dedicated to knowledge related to urban issues, while the other focuses on a wide range of practical and academic skills.
Renewable Energy
The transition to new and renewable energy sources should be completed by 2050. Researchers in various disciplines at Leiden University are conducting unique research that will help us make this transition and reduce CO2 emissions.
Securing the integrity of financial markets in times of crisis
The Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law research programme for 2020-2023 centres around the integrity of financial markets during times of crisis and possible regulation to secure it.
Sustainable futures
How can we organise society so as to keep our planet habitable for us and for all other life forms around us? To answer this question, Leiden researchers collaborate across disciplines, from biology to data science, and from environmental economy to archaeology.
The quantum computer
The worldwide race to the quantum computer is in full swing. This computer can take on computing tasks that we can only dream of today, such as finding proteins that can be used as medicines in seconds flat. Leiden physicists have discovered how the Majorana particle can be used as a building block…
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