1,290 search results for “labour maken” in the Public website
Step 1. Know yourself
In order to choose your master, it is important to do some soul searching. If you know who you are, what you want, and what you find important in life, you will be better able to assess what suits you and what can help you to come to the right decision.
The Emergence of Democratic Firms in the Platform Economy: Drivers, Obstacles, and the Path Ahead
On 15 February 2022, Morshed Mannan defended the thesis 'The Emergence of Democratic Firms in the Platform Economy: Drivers, Obstacles, and the Path Ahead'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. I.S. Wuisman and Prof. J.A.A. Adriaanse.
Moving Romans. Migration to Rome in the Principate.
Moving Romans offers an analysis of Roman migration by applying general insights, models and theories from the field of migration history.
LA cuidadora: Latin American female migration and elderly home-care work in Europe
Through a lens that examines the intersection of ageing, gender, class, and migration, this project addresses the 'care deficit' in European countries and the employment of migrant women from Latin America to fill this deficit.
Cultural framing of rights and subjectivities
The relation between communication and violence in the Guéra and Moyen –Chari regions (Chad) from 1940 to 2010
French title: Communication et violences dans le Guéra et le Moyen-Chari (Tchad) de 1940 à 2010. This research investigates the relationship between the introduction of new means of communication and violence experienced by the local populations in the Moyen-Chari and the Guéra regions in Chad from…
Rapport over bescherming klokkenluiders verstuurd naar Tweede Kamer
SEO en de Universiteit Leiden hebben de invoeringstoets van de Wet bescherming klokkenluiders (Wbk) uitgevoerd. Het doel van deze wet is opm melders van misstanden te beschermen. Op 3 maart is het rapport verstuurd naar de Tweede Kamer.
How globalisation is changing the welfare state
As a result of globalisation, migration and technological advances, politicians have to make complex choices about social security and labour market policy. Professor by special appointment Olaf van Vliet will speak about this topic in his inaugural lecture on 7 June.
Is dismissal permitted following social media post?
In an appeal case, an employee of a care organisation in Nijmegen who was shown the door because of her criticism about the coronavirus voiced on LinkedIn, has had her dismissal reviewed. The court in Arnhem ruled that the employee had crossed a line and that her employer was entitled to dismiss her…
Onzekerheid bij Professionals in Wijkteams
De decentralisaties van de zorg aan langdurig zieken en ouderen, jeugdzorg, en werk en inkomen die vanaf 2015 zijn doorgevoerd in Nederland hebben geleid tot een transitie van een centraal naar een lokaal stelsel van zorg en welzijn. Deze transitie beoogt zorg en ondersteuning dichter bij de inwoners…
Unique collaboration between knowledge institutions and municipality of Leiden
The city of Leiden has a unique combination of knowledge institutions. To ensure this knowledge flourishes and the city gains the maximum benefit from it, the Leiden City of Knowledge partnership was launched five years ago. A new partnership agreement will be signed on 11 November.
Self-employed workers uneasy about approach to sham self-employment
The Dutch Tax and Customs Authority is planning to start enforcing income tax and contribution obligations again following a moratorium lasting several years. The tax authority is doing this in a move to combat sham self-employment; a dossier that continues to be a huge obstacle for the Dutch House…
Career Prospects
The combination of academic and professional skills you gain in the MSc PA makes you an excellent candidate for positions in national and international governance and policy making, as well as for managerial positions in the private sector, after graduation.
Lars van Doorn speaker at ESOF2022: ‘A great opportunity in many ways’
From 13 to 16 July, Leiden will host the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), the largest multidisciplinary scientific conference in Europe. Lars van Doorn from Leiden Law School will give a presentation.
The Department of Economics concentrates its research on Social Policies, Public Finance and Law and Economics.
Also this year we are running, with the Leiden Science Run, for the UAF.
Leiden's laureates
Leiden researchers and students receive national and international awards in recognition of their valuable performance in the areas of science and society.
How do you choose the right programme?
Choosing a study programme is fun and exciting, but it’s not always easy. Your choice of study is a major decision; after all, it is about your future. At the same time, it’s good to remember that this choice will not determine the rest of your life.
As a Faculty of Law graduate you are part of a valuable network. Discover how you can remain in contact with other alumni and the University!
Ethnic disadvantage and adolescents’ emotional- and behavioural problems
- Working together
Access to remediation
When companies violate women’s human rights.
After graduation
It might seem far away, but the end of your studies is often sooner than you think. Luckily, the International Relations and Organisations (IRO) specialisation provides the ideal basis for continued academic education and a professional career.
Human Trafficking
Tackling human trafficking has been a priority on international, national and local policy agendas for some decades now. Yet a number of knowledge gaps stand in the way of how the issue is approached. Interdisciplinary research is essential if we want to expand our knowledge to benefit policy and pr…
presentation ‘Building the League of Nations and the International Labour Organisation’
Book presentation
- Presentation: Building the League of Nations and the International Labour Organisation
Dutch citizens in favour of generous welfare but with job-seeking obligation
Dutch citizens are not opposed to additional earnings and financial gifts for people on welfare, but believe it is important that there should also be an obligation to look for a job. This was the outcome of a research project on the opinions of Dutch people regarding the implementation of welfare p…
Book presentation 'Phanta Rhei: recht en duurzaamheid'
On 15 June 2023, the book presentation for the ‘Panta Rhei: recht en duurzaamheid’ (Panta Rhei: law and sustainability) was held at the Oude Sterrenwacht in Leiden. The book provides an overview of research in the field of sustainability conducted at Leiden Law School and was compiled by Yvonne Erkens,…
RKD - Byvanck database
Het RKD – Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis - gaat het Nederlandse erfgoed aan verluchte handschriften online toegankelijk maken.
Who did all the work? The hidden labour of colonial science
Conference, Workshop
Experimental project Huize Horsterwold
The project’s main aim was to build a reconstruction of a prehistoric house plan, without using any metal tools. How effective are tools made of stone, flint, bone, antler and wood? What are the constraints imposed by the various building materials? How much labour do we need and how much knowledge…
Call - Van Gelderbeurs
Met de Van Gelderbeurs beoogt de Van Geldercommissie onderzoek naar en studie van geld en geldgeschiedenis in Nederland te bevorderen. De Van Gelderbeurs heeft een waarde van max. € 10.000 en kan ingezet worden voor onderzoeks- en/of educatieve doeleinden zoals bijvoorbeeld het maken van een (digitale)…
Sectoral Income Inequality Dataset
The Leiden LIS Sectoral Income Inequality Dataset, assembled by Chen Wang, Stefan Thewissen and Olaf van Vliet (Version 1.1, March 2014), contains information on multiple indicators of earnings inequality and employment within 9 sectors and 12 subsectors, drawing upon micro data from Luxembourg Income…
- Career prospects
No social safety net for 'PGB' caregivers who care for seriously ill relatives
An investigation carried out by Dutch news programme Nieuwsuur has revealed that despite a recent ruling by the Centrale Raad van Beroep (Central Appeals Tribunal, CRvB), people who for years cared for a seriously ill relative paid for via a PGB (persoonsgebondenbudget, personal care budget) do not…
Prison or refuge? Women and the state labour institutions in the Netherlands 1886-1934
PhD defence
Migrants in between. The construction of illegal and temporal migration, 1945-2000
Subproject of
Remembering Dissent and Disillusion in the Arab World
This project investigates generational dialogues about the legacies and memories of labour, student and communist movements in the Arab world. The research focuses in particular on video and installation art by young makers born in the 1980s that address the generation of their parents and the events…
Panel discussions
At our regular panel discussions we bring together scholars and other experts to discuss a current topic that captures the interest of the general public as well as academics.
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (BSc)
Explore global cultural differences with our International Bachelor's in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. Delve into gender issues, social media trends, food habits, social justice movements, and more.
Asia Research Cluster
The CADS Asia Research Cluster extends the legacy of the Institute’s Asia focus into the future, as an important hub in international networks on the study of Asia and through active engagement with colleagues in Asia. Within the Institute the Asia Research Cluster offers a platform for anthropologists…
Flexible learning pathways
The ambition to have flexible learning pathways is about creating possibilities to improve the content and form of students’ learning process, and to link learning to students’ needs. Students who have access to a flexible range of learning pathways can align their university career with their own personal…
Current projects
Our research projects address cutting-edge and forward-looking societal challenges at the intersection of law and technology.
About the programme
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence focuses on inequality in all its forms. You will approach this subject from an intersectional perspective. Since categories of power and identity are always intertwined, the courses in the programme reflect this reality. This means you will study how societies…
Summer School on the History of the Book
Van 21 augustus tot en met 8 september zijn de workshops en cursus van de jaarlijkse Summer School on the History of the Book van het Allard Pierson en de vakgroep Boekwetenschap. Drie weken lang is er elke werkdag een cursus, workshop of lezing over thema’s die te maken hebben met de geschiedenis van…
Herziening transfersysteem betaald voetbal aanstaande
Experts verwachten een aanpassing in de transferregels, waardoor voetballers meer vrijheid krijgen om een club te verlaten. Een uitspraak in de Diarra-zaak door het Europees Hof van Justitie, wordt binnenkort verwacht en zou tot deze herziening kunnen leiden. Stefan Vandenbogaert, hoogleraar europeesrecht,…
Decent Flexibility
On Thursday 8 December, Fred van Haasteren has defended his doctoral thesis ‘Fatsoenlijke flexibiliteit – De invloed van ILO-conventie 181 en de regelgeving omtrent uitzendarbeid’ (Decent flexibility - The influence of ILO Convention 181 and legislation on temporary agency work) at the Academy Building…
About us
Leiden Law School is currently housed in two beautifully restored historic buildings located in the old centre of Leiden. We also have facilities for teaching and research at Campus Den Haag.
ACCESS DENIED! – Girls’ Equal Right to Education in a global context, with a focus on Pakistan
Which challenges exist for girls to effectuate their right to education and specifically getting access to education?
Crime and Migration in an Age of Transformation
The nineteenth century truly was an age of transformation. Throughout Europe processes of industrialization and urbanization, nationalization and centralization, changed the structures of society. It was an age in which the number of people living in urban communities grew substantially.