1,725 search results for “labour make” in the Public website
SOLID: Solidarity under strain - A legal, criminological and economic analysis of welfare states and free movement in the EU. Analysing the ways in which immigration structurally challenges and changes the organization and conceptual boundaries of national welfare states.
Project 'Decision-Making in the European Union Before and After Lisbon' (DEUBAL)
As a research project between four Jean Monnet Chairs - two located in Europe, one in Canada and one in the U.S. -- the project DEUBAL has been approved in 2010 for co-financing by the European Commission. DEUBAL aims to study changes in European decision-making due to the Lisbon Treaty, by a combination…
‘Human trafficking is a huge grey area’
Human trafficking is much more than kidnapping and selling people. Those who commit labour exploitation can, for example, also be sentenced for human trafficking. Criminologist Masja van Meeteren hopes to simplify the complexity of the phenomenon by charting the different forms of labour exploitati…
Explaining European Union Decision-Making: Insights from the Natural and Social Sciences (EUDINS)
How do processes of coalition-formation influence patterns of decision-making in the European Union?
Fighting for a Living
Which circumstances have determined the transition to, or the dominance of, a particular type of military employment in different societies at different times?
eLaw at AI Lund Fika-to-Fika Workshop on Regulating High Risk AI in the EU
On 26 September 2023, Carlotta Rigotti was invited to give a talk on the regulatory impact of the AI Act on AI applications for recruitment and selection, during the AI Lund Fika-to-Fika Workshop on Regulating High Risk AI in the EU.
Gerrard Boot on embedding of zzp'ers within organisation
The Dutch cabinet wants to stop organisations from using zzp’ers (self-employed professionals) for work that is deemed to be embedded in the organisation. The only exception would be when a person explicitly meets certain criteria for entrepreneurs.
Is de nieuwe ZZP-wet een valse belofte?
De nieuwe wet Verduidelijking beoordeling arbeidsrelaties en rechtsvermoeden (Vebar) moet duidelijk maken, wanneer iemand als echte zzp’er wordt beschouwd of als werknemer. Stefan Sagel, hoogleraar arbeidsrecht, schreef een opiniestuk over dit onderwerp in de Telegraaf.
Think tanks and strategic policy-making; the contribution of think tanks to policy advisory systems
Think tanks have proliferated in most Western democracies over the past three decades and are often considered to be increasingly important actors in public policy. Still, their precise contribution to public policy remains contested.
Van der Heijden Chair Social Justice
On the occasion of prof Paul van der Heijden’s stepping down as Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board of Leiden University in 2013 the Chair bearing his name on Social Justice was established. It was a “farewell present” of the Leiden University to it’s Rector.
Database of Business Ethics
For many years, human rights have been considered a playing field in which states were the most important actors. It is they who in multilateral relations, such as the United Nations (UN), the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO), have written international…
The Politics of Community-making in New Urban India: Illiberal Spaces, Illiberal Cities
This book explores the relationship between the production of new urban spaces and illiberal community-making in contemporary India. It is based on an ethnographic study in Noida, a city at the eastern fringe of the state of Uttar Pradesh, bordering national capital Delhi.
'Unions have less clout if a call to strike receives little support'
Recently more than five hundred workers at metal companies in Dutch cities Zwolle and Kampen went on strike. Their aim is better pay and the workers have now been on strike for twelve weeks. Just how effective is striking in collective bargaining?
Dutch cabinet not adopting Boot Committee's main recommendation on ZZP plans
According to Gerrard Boot, Professor of Labour Law, the recommendations of the Committee he chaired on model agreements (Boot Committee) are only partly reflected in the plans of Karien van Gennip, the Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment. The minister is working on a legal presumption of…
Administrative Justice in Street-Level Decision-Making: Equal Treatment and Responsiveness
Nadine Raaphorst wrote an chapter for The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice about how two notions of fairness are studied in street-level bureaucracy literature and about the factors that influence how bureaucrats behave in this regard.
and motivational components of adaptive and maladaptive decision-making: an integrative approach
How do cognitive, motivational, and affective processes interact to select actions?
Ariadne Schmidt
Faculty of Humanities
Making sense of an out-of-body experience (OBE), spirituality and mental health
When is (or becomes) an out-of-body experience a R/S experience? (How) do people make sense of their experiences and is this related to mental health? Which motives do people have to (not) communicate their out-of-body experiences with regular and/or alternative caregivers? And what does it tell us…
igraph - To modernize the igraph interfaces to make network analysis easier
igraph development focused on improving the most-used interfaces, which are Python, R, and Mathematica. Additionally, the developers aim to make the library and the interfaces easier to maintain, focusing on long-term sustainability. This ensures that igraph continues to be a useful tool for network…
Making messages memorable: the influence of rhetorical techniques on information retention
On the 24th of June, Martijn Wackers successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Martijn on this achievement!
Graciliano Ramos and the Making of Modern Brazil: Memory, Politics and Identities
The complexities of modernization in Brazil and Graciliano Ramos significance for our understanding of Brazil today.
Social decision making in humans and great apes
Efficiently responding to others’ emotions has great survival value, especially for social species, such as primates, who establish close, long-term bonds with group members. The closest living relatives to humans are the chimpanzee and the bonobo. Studying these species, and comparing them on the exact…
Olaf van Vliet appointed Professor of Economics
The Executive Board has appointed Olaf van Vliet as Professor of Economics at Leiden University, specialising in social security and labour market policy from an international perspective. The chair is affiliated to both the Department of Economics (Leiden Law School) and the Institute of Public Administration…
Governing Delivery Platform Companies
With both national and international companies operating in the market, the expansion of global platform capitalism raises concerns and critique. To counter a perceived erosion of local authority, various countries, particularly in Europe, have introduced anti-trust legislation against such BigTech…
Dennis Braekmans
Faculteit Archeologie
Caelesta Braun
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Nikoleta Yordanova
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Niek Strohmaier
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
In the Making #10: Sensing Otherwise; in the absence of land(scape)
Arts and culture
On the Aesthetic Regime of Kurdish Cinema: The Making of Kurdishness
Bahar Şimşek defended her thesis on 4 May 2021.
Making energy personal: policy coordination challenges in UK smart meter implementation
Governments are increasingly facilitating the roll-out of so-called “smart meters”, a technology for measuring energy consumption that are able to transmit and receive data using a form of electronic communication. However, implementation has been slow or even stalled.
The Indian Frontier: Horse and Warband in the Making of Empires
This omnibus brings together some old and some recent works by Jos Gommans on the warhorse and its impact on medieval and early modern state-formation in South Asia.
Heritage in the Making: Dealing with the Legacies of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
The fifth volume of Ex Novo has the pleasure to host Flaminia Bartolini as guest editor for the special issue titled Heritage in the Making. Dealing with Legacies of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. This collection of peer-reviewed papers stems in part from the successful workshop held at McDonald Institute…
Morshed Mannan at The New School in New York City
In November 2019, Morshed Mannan participated at a conference entitled Who Owns the World? The State of Platform Cooperativism, that was hosted by The New School in New York City.
Also this year we are running, with the Leiden Science Run, for the UAF.
Crafting Futures through Cheese-Making in Val Taleggio (Northern Italy)
Crafting Futures through Cheese-Making in Val Taleggio (Northern Italy) is written by Cristina Grasseni and is published in Gastronomica.
'Learning to see, or how to make sense of the skillful things skateboarders do'
Discover the connection between skateboarding and sensory ethnography in 32 of The Routledge International Handbook of Sensory Ethnography as part of the Multi-modal sensory ethnography.
Access to Justice in Indonesia
How do poor and disadvantaged Indonesians address the injustices they face in daily life and how can their situation be improved?
Households and Enslavement in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Empire
How did colonial law work to turn people into property? This project argues that colonial ideas about households and domestic authority were critical to legal processes of enslavement in the early modern Dutch empire. Using colonial court records from Dutch Brazil, Suriname, and the Moluccas, the project…
How do you choose the right programme?
Choosing a study programme is fun and exciting, but it’s not always easy. Your choice of study is a major decision; after all, it is about your future. At the same time, it’s good to remember that this choice will not determine the rest of your life.
A New Model of Global Governance in International Tax Law Making (GLOBTAXGOV).
Assessing the feasibility and legitimacy of the current model of global tax governance and the role of the OECD and EU in international tax law-making.
Repair a bad kidney or make a new one to order
Searching for ways to delay the need for a transplant and trying to build kidneys to order.
Institute of Public Law’s Barentsen and Drahmann both win teaching award
During the opening of the Faculty year on 5 September 2023, Barend Barentsen, Professor of Labour Law, and Annemarie Drahmann, Associate Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, were presented with the JSVO Teaching Awards 22-23.
Lodge & Boin, COVID-19 as the ultimate leadership challenge: making critical decisions without enough data
The coronacrisis is emerging as the ultimate test for political leaders. How do national political leaders get ahead or behind ‘the curve’ of fast-changing dynamics. Martin Lodge (London School of Economics and Political Science) and Arjen Boin (Leiden University Institute of Political Science) look…
Opening the Black Box: The Making of India’s Foreign Policy
How is Indian foreign policy made? This special issue of the journal India Review, edited by political scientists Nicolas Blarel (Leiden University) and Avinash Paliwal (SOAS University of London) features a number of interesting case studies that bridge the gap between Foreign Policy Analysis and India’s…
New book: “Nederland pensioenland: What you want to know about pensions”
What are the arrangements for your pension? What are you entitled to? Until what age do you have to continue working? And can you decide for yourself how your pension contribution is invested?
Access to justice & labour rights: innovative paths for conflict resolution
Will the promise of big data survive the dynamics of public decision making?
Big data promises to transform public decision-making for the better by making it more responsive to actual needs and policy effects. However, much recent work on big data in public decision-making assumes a rational view of decision-making, which has been much criticized in the public administration…
Control and Technology in Border Areas: Discretion and Decision-making in the Information Age
On 20 March 2019, Tim Dekkers defended his thesis 'Mobility, Control and Technology in Border Areas: Discretion and Decision-making in the Information Age'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. J.P. van der Leun en Prof. dr. M.A.H. van der Woude.
Participatory Sense-making in Physical Play and Dance Improvisation: Drawing Meaningful Connections Between Self, Others and World
The starting point of Hermans' research is how both children's physical play and dance improvisation by professionals can be considered somatic practices where sense-making manifests itself in and between bodies, and through movement.