2,550 search results for “methodology en statistics” in the Public website
Beyond courts: Does strategic litigation affect climate change policy support?
Jaroslaw Kantorowicz examines how strategic climate litigation influences public attitudes on climate policy, using a UK experiment to explore legal cues.
Henk Kelderman
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Daan Zunnenberg
Compiling and Refining Environmental and Economic Accounts (CREAA)
CREEA is a FP7 project on compiling and refining environmental and economic accounts. The project runs from April 2011 to March 2014.
Pre-master’s programme
Are you planning to take a master’s degree programme in Psychology? And have you completed a Dutch HBO (University of Applied Sciences) or WO (academic) bachelor’s degree in a related field? Then the one-year pre-master’s programme in Psychology could be the right option for you.
Journalistiek in Irak tweegesprek met Judit Neurink en Sakir Khader
LUCIS organiseerde op woensdag 4 maart een speciale avond over journalistiek in Irak. Journaliste Judit Neurink en programmamaker Sakir Khader vertelden over hun ervaringen en recente werkzaamheden in het land. De avond stond onder leiding van Wendelmoet Boersema (politiek redacteur van dagblad Trou…
Automated test grading
The examination service delivers efficient and accurate processing of written tests and digital exams in platforms such as ANS and Remindo. Additionally, we offer guidance in interpreting statistical analyses of exam outcomes.
Inkomen en afkomst zijn risicofactoren bij kans op hart- en vaatziekten
Nederlanders met lage inkomens lopen tot 1,5 keer meer risico op het krijgen van een hartaanval of beroerte dan rijkere landgenoten. Bij Surinaamse Hindoestanen is dit risico 1,9 keer hoger. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van het LUMC en het HagaZiekenhuis. Nederlandse artsen kijken tot nu toe niet naar deze…
Gezocht: Vertegenwoordigers in de Commissie Onderwijs en Onderzoek
Als vertegenwoordiger behartig je de belangen van promovendi en ReMa-studenten binnen de Onderzoekschool Mediëvistiek. Zo krijg je onder meer de kans om mee te denken over het verbeteren van de onderwijs- en onderzoeksactiviteiten van de onderzoekschool. Interesse? Nog vragen? Neem contact op…
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
FGGA Brainstorm sociale veiligheid, inclusie en werkbalans
We want FGGA to become a place where everyone feels welcome, at ease, and included. The outcomes of last year's personnel monitor and D&I survey show that we are not quite there yet.
Applied Psychometric and Sociometric Modeling
This research team is concerned with the measurement and modelling of behaviour, cognition, and unobserved traits (e.g., latent variables, missing data). Central aims include the distillation of a complex set of features into lower-dimensional representations (e.g., factor analysis, IRT), determining…
Student for a Day - Methodology and Statistics in Psychology (MSc Psychology)
Study information
Student for a Day - Methodology and Statistics in Psychology (MSc Psychology)
Study information
Admission requirements
Is this the master's specialisation of your choice? Please read here about the admissibility for this programme.
Dutch East and West India Companies in the Hoge Raad van Holland, Zeeland en West-Friesland
How did free agents oppose the monopolies held by the VOC and WIC in court?
Robust rules for prediction and description.
In this work, we attempt to answer the question:
Programme structure
Dive into the heart of archaeological science: explore the flora and fauna of bygone ages, study human bones and teeth, analyse the cultural biographies of material objects, or become an expert in the use of computational methods in archaeological research.
Journée d'étude en mémoire de Jean-François Gilmont
Le Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance (Tours) organise une journée d'études en mémoire de Jean-François Gilmont (1934-2020).
Joost Frenken on Radio 1 Langs de Lijn en Omstreken
Physicist Joost Frenken was interviewed on the radio show 'Langs de Lijn en Omstreken' (Radio 1) about the recent discovery of superconductive graphene. The one-atom-thick material was already known for its strength, flexibility, lightweight and good conductivity.
Safe anytime-valid inference: from theory to implementation in psychiatry research
Classical statistical methods, such as p-values, are difficult for researchers to apply correctly. They for example do not allow drawing conclusions from a study early, or for extending a study with extra research groups that want to make their data available later.
Ton Koopman Huizinga Lecture 2016 ‘Bach en zijn zangers’
On December 9, 2016 Prof.dr. Ton Koopman will give a lecture 'Bach en zijn zangers' in the Pieterskerk in Leiden.
En de nieuwe assessor is...?
De studentassessor: één student die als lid van het faculteitsbestuur aanschuift bij alle belangrijke overleggen en projecten. Zo wordt de student, een van de belangrijkste doelgroepen, vertegenwoordigd bij bestuurlijke besluitvorming. Assessor Julie Külsen draagt volgend collegejaar per 1 september…
Mining the kinematics of discs to hunt for planets in formation
Detecting planets during their formation stages is crucial for understanding the history and diversity of fully developed planetary systems like our own. However, observing young planets directly is challenging because they are often deeply embedded within their host protoplanetary discs, rich in gas…
Pathways to a fertile valley. On methods and methodologies in artistic research
ACPA alumni Falk Hübner and Joost Vanmaele aim to put up a few signposts in the expansive field of artistic research with an article recently published on FORUM+ .
Meijersprijzen en scriptieprijzen uitgereikt tijdens nieuwjaarsreceptie
Op dinsdag 10 januari 2022 zijn tijdens de facultaire nieuwjaarsreceptie de jaarlijkse Meijersprijzen en de scriptieprijzen uitgereikt.
Deepening the uncertainty dimension of environmental Life Cycle Assessment: addressing choice, future and interpretation uncertainties.
LCA has become an important method to study environmental impacts of human activities. Still, there are several methodological issues in LCA that can adversely affect the results reliability.
Improving psychological research
When psychologists repeated a hundred studies in 2015, their results differed in two-thirds of the studies. ‘Research into research is not a luxury but a necessity,’ says Professor of Methodology and Statistics of Psychological Research Mark de Rooij. ‘My aim is to improve psychological research, to think…
Duurzaamheidsverslag besproken in het symposium Duurzaamheid en Ondernemingsrecht
Onlangs organiseerde de afdeling Ondernemingsrecht in samenwerking met het tijdschrift Onderneming en Financiering het symposium Duurzaamheid en Ondernemingsrecht. De opkomst was een bevlogen groep juristen en ondernemers met hart voor het onderwerp.
Admission requirements
Is this the master's specialisation of your choice? Please read here about the admissibility for this programme.
Admission requirements
Is this the master's specialisation of your choice? Please read here about the admissibility for this programme.
Admission requirements
Is this the master's specialisation of your choice? Please read here about the admissibility for this programme.
Admission requirements
Is this the master's specialisation of your choice? Please read here about the admissibility for this programme.
Admission requirements
Is this the master's specialisation of your choice? Please read here about the admissibility for this programme.
Data Science
The ability to collect and interpret huge quantities of data has become indispensable to society and academia. Leiden University is a knowledge and expertise centre for data science that places the emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.
These tips (might) help you win the EC football pool
Are you keen to beat your friends or colleagues and win the European Championship football pool? Statistician Marjolein Fokkema has some tips that might increase your chances.
Leiderschap voor gezonde en duurzame voedselomgeving zaak van lange adem
Despite the reduced accessibility as a result of the protests of the farmers in The Hague, around 30 directors, scientists, students and civil servants met on 16 October for the Public Leadership Challenge
‘Most students are convinced that statistics is not for them. I am here to convince them otherwise’
'Frans Rodenburg is an excellent teacher who is able to convey difficult information,' say his students. In his statistics classes, he wants to make students enthusiastic for his beloved subject. 'Most students are convinced that statistics is not for them. I am here to convince them otherwise.' Rodenburg…
- Admission requirements
'Researching research is not a luxury; it’s a necessity'
It sounds credible: ‘Research has shown that…’, but is it really? Read in the research dossier ‘From data to insight: the importance of sound research methods’ how Leiden University contributes to more reliable social science research.
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Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Metastability for low-temperature Kawasaki dynamics with two types of particles
Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander, Co-promotor: F.R. Nardi
Corporate venture management in smes
Promotor: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Prof.dr. H.J. van den Herik, Prof.dr. G.H. Baltes (University of Applied Sciences Konstanz)
More than people and pots: identity and regionalization in Ancient Egypt during the second intermediate period, ca. 1775-1550 BC
On the 23rd of June Arianna Sacco successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Gender differences in crime and prosecution policies in 19th century Europe
My current research focuses on criminality and gender interactions in nineteenth-century Europe. This project uses a comparative methodology to explain gender constructions in a criminal and in a court setting.
Continuing your studies
In order to deepen your knowledge of psychology, Leiden University encourages you to continue your studies with a master programme.
Programme structure
This programme is aimed at students who have a strong interest in programming and computer science, as well as an interest in the cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence.
Would you like to create an extra challenge for yourself? Leiden University gives you plenty of room to do so.
Harmen van der Veer
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen