295 search results for “led life” in the Staff website
Rudolf Poolman
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Ferry Ossendorp
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Christi van Asperen
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Carien Creutzberg
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Jelle Goeman
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Judith Bovée
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Luc Amkreutz
Faculteit Archeologie
Hanum Atikasari
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Roos van Oosten
Faculteit Archeologie
Anne Land-Zandstra
Simcha Jong Kon Chin
Dennis Hetterscheid
Karsten Lambers
Faculteit Archeologie
Hanno Pijl
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Klaas Vrieling
Leiden University honours Lex van der Eb with University Medal
Leiden University has awarded its prestigious University Medal to Emeritus Professor Lex van der Eb. As a pioneer in genetics and molecular biology, he received this honour for his services to science and his key role in the development of the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP).
Grégory Schneider
Marian Klamer
Faculty of Humanities
Mariana De Campos Francozo
Faculteit Archeologie
Roeland Böcker: 'Problems of multilateralism are a never-ending debate'
On 8 December, in honour of Human Rights Week, Roeland Böcker gave a public lecture about his experiences as ambassador to the Council of Europe. Between 2017 and 2021, Roeland Böcker was the representative of the Netherlands in the Council of Europe.
Mirjam de Bruijn
Faculty of Humanities
Thijs Porck
Faculty of Humanities
50 years after the Chilean coup: The echoes of the 11 September 1973 today
Lecture, Roundtable
'Soil is the basis of our lives' - Martijn Bezemer nominated for Huibregtsen Prize 2023
Directing soil life and thereby influencing what grows above ground: that is the expertise of Leiden biologist Martijn Bezemer and his colleague Wim van der Putten (NIOO-KNAW). Their research on soil transplants has been nominated for the Huibregtsen Prize 2023. This prize goes to innovative research…
Gilles van Wezel
History of Water Management in Yemen: An Interdisciplinary Study
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Film by Itandehui Jansen chosen for Cannes
The short documentary film was selected to the short film corner of the Cannes Film Festival.
Marcellus Ubbink new Scientific Director of the LIC institute
As of 1 July, Marcellus Ubbink is the new Scientific Director of the Leiden Institute for Chemistry. He will succeed Hermen Overkleeft, who led the institute since 2017. Ubbink has been appointed for a period of four years.
Leiden University Film at Short Film Corner Cannes Festival
The short documentary film was selected to the short film corner of the Cannes Film Festival.
Andrea Evers
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Introducing: Andrea Warnecke
Andrea Warnecke joined the Institute for History in August 2021 as an Assistant Professor in the History and International Studies section. This year, she will get a tenured position. Below, she introduces herself.
- FAQ Consultation
Loes Janssen in NWO Synergy Award final
Loes Janssen would like to foster well-being of families by using an app and sending families short and fun activities each day to do together. For the Synergy Award ’21, PhD candidates were invited to submit their innovative idea on how to create societal impact. Watch the final on 4 February and vote…
Headache e-diary aimed at more personalised help for patients and physicians
Funded by a ZonMw grant, the LUMC and the Health Campus The Hague will be working with headache patients on research into the use of an electronic headache diary. This resource can help patients gain a better understanding of their migraine attacks and, together with the physician, produce the best…
Children’s contact with police no clear precursor for criminal career
Children who come into contact with the police are not destined to become long-term offenders. This appears from research conducted by Babette van Hazebroek, who defends her dissertation on 30 September 2021.
Historian Nadia Bouras: ‘I wanted to succeed, for my parents and myself’
In the Pioneers of Leiden University series, we talk to past and present students who were the first in their family to go to university. In this second instalment: historian and university lecturer Nadia Bouras (1981). ‘Although I only found out later that was my mother’s dream, it was as though I…
Leiden Teaching Prize nominee 2023: ‘Every lesson somebody says something I never thought of’
Two years ago, university lecturer Kirsty Rolfe was nominated for the Faculty Teaching Prize. Now she is in the running for the university equivalent. ‘It’s lovely to see students blossom.’
Student Talk: Venus as Potentially Habitable Planet
Fieldwork in Leiden
How do the residents of the Kooi neighbourhood in Leiden find living there? What can we do about loneliness? In this extraordinary academic year, students have been conducting all sorts of research, in Leiden. They presented their initial findings and recommendations at a Learning with the City meeting…
Call for statements of interest: MARS staff exchange programme "Non-Western Migration Regimes in a Global Perspective"
Are you working at Leiden University and researching migration regimes outside of the Global North? Are you interested in doing fieldwork or a research visit at one of our partner universities? Then you might want to join the Leiden team of the EU funded Marie Curie Staff Exchange Network on non western…
Pedagogies of Occupation: Free Time, Professionalization and Protest in Urban Brazil
Lecture, Research Seminar
Webb reveals chemical profile of atmosphere of exoplanet WASP-39 b
An international team of astronomers has revealed the first 'chemical profile' of an exoplanet's atmosphere. The team, including Leiden astronomer Yamila Miguel and provenda Amy Louca, made the profile using so-called Early Release Science data from the James Webb Space Telescope. The results have been…
Reading list - our favourite books this summer
Did you also read a lot this summer? We made some real headway on our bookshelves. After all, nothing beats reading a beautiful or thrilling book outside. In this reading list, you'll find our favourite books for the summer of 2022. If you have any suggestions, let us know via Twitter, Facebook or I…
Modern Literature from the Middle East - The Reading List
The Middle East has a rich literary tradition, which is steadily gaining a foothold in the West. Modern literary works deal with contemporary issues, such as the legacy of colonialism, the struggles between traditionalism and modernity, the place of women in society and the war in Israel/Palestine.
Philosopher of law Ali Kösedag: Hague heart, Leiden mind
In the Pioneers of Leiden University series we talk to past and present students who were the first in their family to go to university. In this fourth instalment: alumnus and philosopher of law Ali Kösedag (1992): ‘Philosophising about equality before the law in the Netherlands at an early-morning…