1,003 search results for “defence” in the Staff website
More Is Alive: Emergent Multi-Scale Order & Collective Flows In Tissues
PhD defence
Vulnerable Yet Resilient: Representations of Migrant Workers in Contemporary Chinese Prose
PhD defence
Efficient Constraint Multi-Objective Optimization with Applications in Ship Design
PhD defence
Genomics applications of Nanopore long-read sequencing for small to large sized genomes
PhD defence
It's about time
PhD defence
Efficient Tuning of Automated Machine Learning Pipelines
PhD defence
State-resolved studies of CO2 gas-surface reactions
PhD defence
Moving statues
PhD defence
The development of molecular tools for investigating NAD+ metabolism and signalling
PhD defence
The power of helpful and harmful communication in healthcare
PhD defence
Treasuring teen friendships
PhD defence
Navigating corporate responsibility in global supply chains using codes of conduct
PhD defence
Network Analysis Methods for Smart Inspection in the Transport Domain
PhD defence
Tunen syntax and information structure
PhD defence
Systematic investigations into the role of ceramide subclass composition on lipid organization and skin barrier
PhD defence
Conrad Gessner´s Fish Books (1556-1560)
PhD defence
Synthesis of D-alanylated wall teichoic acids from Staphylococcus aureus
PhD defence
Provo van de politieke pornografie
PhD defence
Studies in Tocharian verbal morphology relevant to the cladistic position of Tocharian in Indo-European
PhD defence
Design of selective inhibitors for human immunoproteasomes
PhD defence
Bridging the Gap between Macro and Micro: Enhancing Students Chemical Reasoning
PhD defence
De wettelijke grenzen aan ingrijpen in topbeloning
PhD defence
Vermeerderd en verrijkt
PhD defence
Poetry and Power, The Appreciation of the Verse in Seljuq and Ilkhanid Chronicles
PhD defence
Asklepios en het zwaard
PhD defence
Unraveling the drivers of antimicrobial pharmacokinetic variability in individuals with obesity and hospitalized patients with multimorbidity
PhD defence
Het algemene opschortingsrecht
PhD defence
Machine learning for radio galaxy morphology analysis
PhD defence
Moving Beyond Identity: Reading The Zhuāngzǐ and Levinas as Resources for Comparative Philosophy
PhD defence
Exploring the metabolism and toxicity of amino sugars and 2- deoxyglucose in Streptomyces
PhD defence
China's Islam in Xinjiang
PhD defence
Effects of the early social environment on song and preference learning in zebra finches
PhD defence
Situating "Wicked" Women: Gender Panic and Savoir Vivre in Urban Senegal
PhD defence
Anthracycline biosynthesis in Streptomyces: engineering, resistance and antimicrobial activity
PhD defence
Design and synthesis of a next generation carbohydrate-mimetic cyclitols
PhD defence
A Physicochemical Study of Medieval and Post-Medieval Ceramics from the Aegean
PhD defence
Environmental assessment and guidance for the future development of offshore wind energy
PhD defence
Social Network and Radical Innovation
PhD defence
Bioorthogonal chemistry to unveil antigen processing events
PhD defence
Data Structures for Quantum Circuit Verification and How To Compare Them
PhD defence
CM-values of p-adic Theta-functions
PhD defence
Liveblog as Genre in Pursuit of Credibility
PhD defence
Ingredients of the planet-formation puzzle
PhD defence
Giovanni Punto (1746-1803), Cor Basse Célèbre
PhD defence
Single-cell immune profiling of atherosclerosis
PhD defence
Manipulation of Superconductivity in van der Waals Materials and Thin Films
PhD defence
Mechanism-Based Inhibitors and Probes for Neuraminidases
PhD defence
Just to be sure?
PhD defence
Motivic invariants of character stacks
PhD defence
Quantum Machine Learning For Industrial Applications
PhD defence