1,306 search results for “back s en posters” in the Student website
Silvia Onorato
Beth Westoby
Daming Yang
Yuze Zhang
Emily van Hese
Scott Visser
David Navarro Gironés
Lukas Welzel
authoritarianism"? The case of the Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación en Reforma Agraria ICIRA in Chile 1960- 1979
Ready for a future as climate changemaker, thanks to Designing Your Life
Getting motivation, courage and tools to find a job that will help you tackle the climate crisis: it is at the heart of the course ‘Designing Your Career as a Climate Changemaker’. With their final presentations, the students conclude this climate-specific skills module within the Designing Your Life…
Bridging science, society and self: what honours education can look like
How can I align science, society and myself to address today’s major challenges? That’s what students of the Honours College track ‘Science, Society and Self’ aim to find out. How do their classes at honours differ from their regular education?
ESOF2022 Online mini-symposium: The effect of the online world on adolescents
How do digital technologies affect adolescent mental health and resilience? How do we foster a secure online environment? How should we deal with increasing rates of online crimes among adolescents? During the mini-symposium ‘The effect of the online world on adolescents’, presented by the interdisciplinary…
The conclusion of Human Work – Humanities Lab
Friday October 24th Honours students had to present their case studies on a topical issue related to Humanities. All Honours students made posters in pairs of two and had to defend their case in front of an audience at the Old Observatory. It was a tense experience, since they were being graded by…
From Modern Marvel to Environmental Tragedy: Grant for Research into Polluted Mines in Africa
At one time, the railway from Kimberley to Kambove in Southern Africa symbolised prosperity and progress. Today, the exhausted mining towns along its route are marked by decay and pollution. Professor Jan-Bart Gewald has been awarded an NWO L grant to investigate the long-term global consequences.
Honours Class makes cultural heritage tangible: ‘You are dealing with people’
An Honours Class about the ostensibly unrecognisable worlds of insular Southeast Asia teaches students a fundamental piece of wisdom: "We do not differ much from the people at the other end of the world."
International Women's Day 2023 @ Wijnhaven
Roosje Peeters
Faculty of Humanities
Exhibition shows the ‘beauty and power’ of mathematics
In the ‘Imaginary’ exhibition, its curators show how society is made up of mathematics. From algorithms that save lives to ones that generate art. The exhibition is from 2 June to 25 July at Oude UB in Leiden.
Call for submissions: The New Scholar (Leiden Student Journal of Humanities)
Education, Research
ESOF2022: Leiden Law School
EuroScience Open Forum – ESOF - is Europe’s biggest multidisciplinary and prestigious scientific conference. ESOF2022 will take place from 13-16 July 2022 and is hosted by Leiden as the European City of Science (in the Netherlands). The Kamerlingh Onnes Building is one of the locations of the ESOF and…
Poetry Translation Competition: Fun and Games with Language
In November, Leiden organized a book presentation to celebrate the first Dutch translation of the collected works of the twentieth-century poet W.H. Auden. A poetry translation contest added lustre to the occasion. There were no fewer than three winners.
Trees and Securitization: The Politics of Afforestation in Israel's Negev/Al Naqab | Research Seminar
Lecture, Research Seminar
relations with African countries in a new geopolitical era. A practitioner's perspective
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Nanne Timmer
Faculty of Humanities
Elena Tonucci
Ivana van Leeuwen
Filip Husko
Erwan Hochart
Chloe Cheng
Jelle Mes
Veronica Saz Ulibarrena
Kutay Nazli
Katie Slavicinska
Evangelia Kleisioti
Zijian Fan
Faculty of Humanities
Lindsay Spoor
Patrick van Delft
Faculty of Humanities
Sebastiaan Brand
Willeke Mulder
Sander Schouws
Javad Hayatdavoudi
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Zoe Poirier Maruenda
Faculty of Humanities
Matthew Windsor
Faculty of Humanities
Cerissa van Walstijn
Kasper van der Cruijsen
Anneleen Stienaers
Faculteit Archeologie
Kate Mokránová
Faculty of Humanities
Janine Haenen
Thijs Stockmans
Eduard van de Bilt and Joke Kardux say goodbye to Leiden
For more than 35 years they helped put American Studies on the map: Joke Kardux and Eduard van de Bilt. This spring, the couple retired. A farewell interview.