3,053 search results for “political institute” in the Public website
The combination of in-depth specialised and general knowledge about security challenges
The Master programme MSc Crisis and Security Management is completely changed. Combined with three main courses for all CSM-students, this new programme offers exactly the combination of in-depth specialized knowledge and general knowledge about security challenges in a globalizing world society and…
Scientists have morals too
A group of early career scientists have written a code of ethics through an initiative of the World Economic Forum. Chemist and co-author Sander van Kasteren explains its importance: ‘We want to show that we scientists have our own inherent morals too, and that we too are part of society.’
Ewine van Dishoeck receives Fritz Zwicky prize for astrophysics & cosmology
The Fritz Zwicky Prize 2022 for Astrophysics & Cosmology has been awarded to Prof. Ewine F. van Dishoeck for her pioneering, decades-long work in astrochemistry and molecular spectroscopy, as well as for her leadership within the astronomical community. The award was announced today by the European…
The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies and FGGA students are a match made in heaven
Trail, FGGA's internship platform, will be one year old in November. It is therefore high time to get to know the organisations and companies that use Trail. What do these organisations stand for? What work do interns do? And what do FGGA students have to offer?
Graduation Ceremony Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
On 9 April 2019 the graduation ceremony of the master Crisis and Security Management (MSc) took place. Three graduates were asked how they felt now, what they are going to miss, whether they would have wanted to do something different looking back and what their future plans are.
- Career prospects
UN Special Rapporteur visits Leiden: ‘Suspend the supply of arms to the warring parties’
Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, visited Leiden Law School on 8 December within the scope of International Human Rights Day.
‘Despite its long-standing history, the Kashmir conflict continues to receive very little attention’
The ongoing conflict in Kashmir is often seen as a political issue between India and Pakistan. Idrees Kanth, who has written a dissertation on the subject, believes that the people of Kashmir are the primary contenders in the conflict and should be allowed their right to decide their own political fate.…
JEDI Fund 2023
On this page you will find more information about the selected projects of the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Fund for 2023.
Svetlana Gorshenina will be the Central Asia Visiting Scholar in February 2018
Svetlana Gorshenina, Associate Lecturer at Collège de France, Paris, will be the Central Asia Visiting Scholar from 17 February until 25 February 2018. Svetlana Gorshenina will deliver a guest lecture on Tuesday, 20 February and a masterclass on Friday, 23 February within the Central Asia Initiative…
Arm or Disarm: The Nexus of International Control Regimes, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in Times of Geopolitical Tensions
Land for Food: Property contests in capitalist heartlands
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
Land for Food: Property contests in capitalist heartlands
VVI Research Meetings 2024-2025
Giles Scott-Smith appointed Roosevelt Chair in New Diplomatic History
The Roosevelt Chair in New Diplomatic History is sponsored by the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS) in Middelburg, and the new position further strengthens the connection between the RIAS and Leiden.
‘We moeten diversiteit minder vieren, het moet vanzelfsprekend zijn’
Op welke manieren kan inclusieve communicatie ervoor zorgen dat mensen zich welkom voelen? Hierover ging het D&I-symposium van Universiteit Leiden.
Research and current affairs: 2022 in six stories
Life returned to something resembling normal after Covid but other crises soon took its place. These great challenges are also being felt at the University and our researchers are working on solutions. The nitrogen crisis, problems with young people’s services and an increasingly urgent climate crisis:…
Leaving Afghanistan: ‘Tensions with Russia and China are rising further’
After an extremely painful conclusion, the Western allies have left Afghanistan and the Taliban have regained supremacy. How will Afghanistan move forward, and what does the departure mean for global relations? Rob de Wijk, emeritus Professor of International Relations and Security, analyses the failure…
FGGA's Cyber Week: research and innovation for a better digital world
During Cyberweek, from 17-24 October, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) highlighted its research and teaching on cybersecurity, digital developments, and their impact on society.
In Memoriam Johan Lugtenburg
The fastest chemical reaction in the universe takes place inside our eyes.
Six modes of co-production for sustainability - Marja Spierenburg in Nature Sustainability
In a recent publication in Nature Sustainability, an international team led by Josephine Chambers from Wageningen University, and including Marja Spierenburg from the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University, have developed a practical tool for researchers and…
Book Launch Beyond Ukraine: Debating the Future of War
Book launch
In the Shadow of the Constitution: the Micropolitics of Constitutionalism in Cambodia
VVI Research Meetings 2022-2023
Special Session of the Nietzsche Research Seminar with Ekaterina Poljakova
Türkiye is a textbook example of an autocracy'
What is the state of democracy in developing and transition countries in 2024? Terrible, according to the BTI Transformation Index.
Introducing: Hasan Colak
Hasan Colak is one of the two postdocs in Cátia Antunes’ ERC Research Project 'Fighting Monopolies'.
- Volume 3 (2008)
Governments overly optimistic about the use of digital innovations
The government is digitalizing and making use of ‘big data’ in its decision making processes. But the expectations of digitalization are often overly optimistic, according to Bram Klieving, Professor Digitalization and Public Policy. Klievink is about to start with multidisciplinary research looking…
How smart cities gain legitimacy and trust
A smart city is of no use if its residents don’t trust it. Tanaquil Arduin, Chief Data Officer at the Municipality of The Hague, and Bram Klievink, Professor of Digitalisation and Public Policy at Leiden University, explain how this can be avoided – to some extent. ‘Make sure civil servants and residents…
More attention than ever for digitalisation within the government: ‘A good thing’
Minister of Digitalisation Alexandra van Huffelen will give a guest lecture on the government’s ambitions in the field of digitalisation on Monday 12 September. Bram Klievink, professor Digitalisation and Public Policy and founder of The Hague Centre for Digital Governance will act as mediator. ‘Digitalisation…
Together the universities from Leiden and Paramaribo tackle ecological and social challenges
Research on flora and fauna with attention for economic interests and partnership with the local population. This is all bundled in a cooperation programme of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname and Leiden University. Working together on the basis of equality is key. ‘A thorny challenge, but one…
Krachten bundelen voor verantwoord gebruik van algoritmische systemen
Tijdens het symposium ‘Transdisciplinary Study of Just Public Algorithmic Systems’, op vrijdag 24 maart in Den Haag, staat onderzoek naar het gebruik van algoritmische systemen in de publieke sector centraal. Een actueel onderwerp dat de laatste tijd veel in de belangstelling staat. Vijf vragen over…
Leiden University launches Data Science research programme
Leiden University is investing 4 million euros in a new Data Science research programme. This is a joint initiative of all the faculties, headed by Dean Geert de Snoo at the Faculty of Science. The programme will focus on Leiden scientific data.
Alumni in Indonesia: ‘My experience in Leiden inspired me to try to change the situation here’
Alumni and researchers met at two well-attended alumni dinners in Yogyakarta and Jakarta. The alumni reminisced about their time in Leiden and got to see their lecturers once again.
'Level Up' to reconnect European society for a higher level of democracy
Level Up is a non-profit project led by a multi-disciplinary team of doctoral researchers in the framework of the Europaeum Network was founded by the University of Oxford University. Sophie Veriter explains the importance of Level Up, the development of the ‘Level Up Toolkit’, and why this project…
Big Data in development and humanitarian aid: next step in privacy debate
How can ‘Big Data’ be used in development and humanitarian aid, and what are the risks? Leiden University and the United Nation’s Global Pulse are organising an international expert meeting in The Hague on 23 October.
Mongol Loyalty Networks
PhD defence
Dancing around the throne: networking in the time of King William I
Showing your face at dinners and parties at court: it was the way to get noticed by the king in William I's time. Joost Welten's latest book reveals how, during the reign of William I, the elite danced around his throne both literally and figuratively.
Dr Sara Brandellero invited visiting professor in São Paulo
Dr Sara Brandellero, Assistant Professor in Brazilian Studies (LUCAS), was invited by the State University of São Paulo (UNESP/Araraquara) and the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR) as visiting professor for the week of 8-12 June 2015.
LCCP Lecture “Heideggerian Subjectivity between Subjectivism and Impersonalism”
LCCP Lecture The Social Dimension of Critical Phenomenology
The United Nations at 75: what are the challenges for the future?
The United Nations celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. With the corona crisis and rising nationalism, there’s not much cause for celebration. Which challenges will the global organisation have to overcome to be assured another 75 years of existence?
Language both connects and divides
Author and political scientist Mounir Samuel has spent recent years delving into the many ways that language can exclude people and bring them together.
Why citizen participation is not helping to stop environmental pollution in Indonesia
More than three quarters of the 237 million Indonesian population has no access to tap water. They are dependent on water from rivers often polluted by industry. Laure d’Hondt conducted research into why it is so difficult to tackle these polluters and will defend her PhD dissertation on 17 October.
Interview: Physicist Wim van Saarloos takes office as KNAW President
On May 28th, Leiden physicist Wim van Saarloos takes office as President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). He has been vice-president since 2016. ‘The base of our universities is eroding.’
Leo Lucassen admitted as KNAW member
Leo Lucassen was selected by KNAW on the basis of his academic achievements. Lucassen studied socio-economic history in Leiden, where he earned a PhD cum laude. He took up Leiden’s chair in Social History in 2005, and since 2014 he has been serving as Leiden’s professor of Global Labour and Migration…
Intensified cooperation to strengthen cross-fertilisation Leiden University and the Academy of Defence
Intensify cooperation between the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) and the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA). This is the purpose of the agreement that will be signed on 16 November at the Campus The Hague. On that day, Defence Minister Ank Bijleveld will also give a lecture in Wijnhaven…
Legitimation and nationalism in official Chinese Television Documentaries
Lecture, China Seminar
Yemen’s history of slavery and its lasting impact on social and racial hierarchies
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Social Science Matters: The surveillance society
Those who know their dystopian classics will inevitably associate the concept of surveillance society with the all-knowing oppressive force characterized as Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel 1984. However, surveillance permeats our society in many more subtle aspects than our worst fears about spy…
Veni grants for 21 researchers from Leiden University
An impressive 21 research projects by Leiden researchers have been awarded Veni funding from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).