369 search results for “legal ethics” in the Student website
Archaeology students Rosa Seepma and Aida Tadesse receive NVFA incentive prize for Allard Pierson Museum internship.
Research Master’s students in Archaeology Rosa Seepma and Aida Tadesse received an Incentive Prize from the Dutch Association for Physical Anthropology (NVFA). They were awarded this honor for their ongoing study on the human osteology collection at the Allard Pierson Museum.
Our ties with Israeli universities
Leiden University has recently received various petitions from students and staff concerning our ties with Israeli universities. We have also held extensive discussions with the University Council in response to questions raised on the subject. We think it important that our partners and research projects…
Symposium on technology and privacy should offer new insights
Video conferencing from your sitting room and algorithms on social media that know your interests: new technology is an increasingly integral part of our lives. At the same time there is a growing call to protect our privacy, and this is causing friction, at the University too. In part because of the…
Interviews with over 100 civil servants under Trump reveal worrying picture
It was challenging to get civil servants from the first Trump administration to speak about their work experiences, but sociologist Jaime Lee Kucinskas succeeded. The picture that emerged from her findings, she says, is far from positive. 'The more I spoke with them, the more emotions I saw. They were…
The person behind the truck driver
Most people talk about truck drivers rather than to them. That’s an error of judgement, says PhD candidate Anke van der Hoeven, who explains why we should be making their lives easier. ‘People just don’t realise it, but they’re an invisible group that keeps the European economy running.’
Dorota Mokrosinska: 'Philosophy sharpens our understanding of everyday moral and political questions'
Dorota Mokrosinska has been Professor of Practical Philosophy since September. High time for a brief introduction about her field and academic interests.
Leiden technology research receives funding from NWO and businesses
A CT scanner to treat eye cancer, energy-efficient software for the future and a test to identify male chick eggs. Three projects by researchers from Leiden University are to receive funding from research funder NWO’s Open Technology programme, to which the business sector also contributes.
Local Panama communities work with archaeologists on historic land rights
The question of land property titles is a common source of conflict between indigenous communities and federal authorities all over the Americas. A new Panamanian law have led indigenous communities to reach out to archaeologist Dr Natalia Donner. A grant from the Centre for Indigenous American Studies…
LUMC first medical programme to include AI in curriculum
How do you make effective use of AI and medical technology? And what role do you play in this as a doctor? This is what the LUMC/Leiden University is preparing medical students for, right from the first year of their studies.
Sibel Bahtiri is one of the new Faces of Science: ‘I want to show how we’re finding alternatives to animal testing’
PhD candidate Sibel Bahtiri is one of the new Faces of Science. In videos and blogs, she will show what life is like as a young researcher.
Mirjam Sombroek asked by Minister of Health for urgent advice on vaccination of children
Associate Professor Mirjam Sombroek has been asked for advice on account of her expertise in the area of health law and children’s rights.
Bart Barendregt on Unesco Chair in Anthropology of Digital Diversity
Bart Barendregt explains his new Unesco Chair in Anthropology of Digital Diversity in an interview on the Unesco website.
The Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Military Purposes
Honours students develop their own AI assistants in new course
In a new FSW Honours College course students from various academic disciplines dive into the world of artificial intelligence (AI). The course, 'Artificial Intelligence: Understand and Create' was designed by Marc Cleiren and Pieter Pierrot to be accessible to all students, regardless of their prior…
KNAW fund 'Science communication by scientists' awarded to Yvonne Erkens and Robert Heinsch
Two Leiden legal scholars have been awarded funding from the KNAW pilot fund 'Science communication by scientists: Appreciated!'. The fund supports scientists who have demonstrated a continued commitment to science communication.
Academic freedom, protests and a safe campus: where are we and how are we going to move forward?
Leiden University has had a turbulent week. There have been protests inside and outside our buildings that have evoked reactions, and students and staff have felt unsafe. We want with this message to look back at the past week and look forward to the future. What happened and how do we now want to move…
Ana Cristina Rodriguez Pineda
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Loukas Mistelis
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Dave-Inder Comar
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Raogo Toussaint Kima
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Ahmed Elsayed
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Sophie Starrenburg
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jens Iverson
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Fé de Jonge
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Adriana Manolescu
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
How the Fossil Fuel Industry (ab)uses the Legal System: The Urgent Call for Binding Regulations to Protect People and Climate
Debate, Roundtable discussion
Not words, but data: guidance on healthcare dilemmas for transgender young people
There are differing opinions about healthcare for transgender young people. Lieke Vrouenraets investigated the ethical dilemmas.
European grant to research colonial medical experiments: 'Should we keep using this data?'
When we think of unethical medical experiments, we tend to think first of Nazi Germany. What is less well known is that experiments were also carried out in colonised areas without the explicit consent of the test subject. University lecturer Fenneke Sysling has received a European grant to research…
Joanne van der Leun to chair new knowledge security and fossil industry committees
Leiden University has set up two committees to consider issues that are the focus of much attention within our community and society at large. They are the Knowledge Security Committee and the Fossil Fuel Industry Collaboration Committee. Former dean Joanne van der Leun will chair both.
Shadowing council boss for a week: 'I saw him mostly putting out a lot of fires'
After a week of shadowing for her master's degree in Public Sector Management, it has become very clear to student Loes what a manager's day looks like. 'He was putting out fires all day.'
AI as judge? PRE-Class tackles questions about law, technology, and society
During the final event of the PRE-Class Rechtsgeleerdheid, secondary school pupils organised a mock trial on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society. Together with the audience, they explored the possibilities and pitfalls of AI. ‘They all did a wonderful job.’
Maia Casna investigates respiratory disease in the past with an NWO PhD in the Humanities grant
Every year, an NWO PhD in the Humanities grant is awarded to a prospective PhD candidate at the Faculty of Archaeology. This year, the grant went to Maia Casna, enabling her to study respiratory disease in the past. ‘My hypothesis is that the rapid formation of cities in the medieval Netherlands, must…
BrAInpower exhibition: tremendous and troubling uses of AI in our daily lives
Care robots, medical treatments, deepfakes and self-driving cars all with the aid of artificial intelligence (AI). The BrAInpower exhibition at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave shows spectacular applications of AI and explains how it can make such huge leaps. Bas Haring, Professor of Public Understanding of Science,…
Jildau Bouwman new professor by special appointment
Jildau Bouwman has been named as professor by special appointment of the chair ‘Remote Health Monitoring’ at Leiden University. The systems biologist and TNO Digital Health Innovation figurehead will investigate how digital solutions can contribute to better healthcare at home. ‘Home care is often more…
Publication: Engaging with Everyday Sounds by Marcel Cobussen
'Engaging With Everyday Sounds' is a rich and inspiring exploration of the role of sounds in everyday life, including their impact on human actions, emotions, and imagination. Marcel Cobussen intertwines sonic studies with philosophy, sound art, sociology and more to create an impressively lucid and…
Prevent children becoming victims of a data-driven world
It is becoming increasingly common to collect data from children and young people through digital means. The impact of this so-called ‘dataveillance’ on children, who are monitored from birth via smartphones and Fitbits, is great.
Call for students (Re)MA History to participate in a small interdisciplinary project about medical objects and technologies
Organisation, Research
Phone nearly empty? Uber’s fare might be higher
If you buy something online, the webshop can adjust the price based on your data. Kimia Heidary investigated the phenomenon of online price discrimination. ‘It’s not necessarily unfair. Different prices for different people has been around for years.’
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga & Louk van Doorn win the DT4REGIONS Ideathon on AI Potential for Preventive Healthcare
eLaw - Center of Law and Digital technologies from Leiden Law School, and the Vascular Surgery Department at Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands, join forces to explore the use of AI for diabetes and secondary prevention of diabetic foot problems and won a prize for it.
The dean Mark Rutgers speaks at penultimate session of flash campaign
After the new government announced its plans to cut expenditure on academic education, the Faculty of Humanities launched the flash campaign ‘Stop the Catastrophic Cuts to Universities!’. Now academics across the university have been explaining why their discipline is needed.
Eleven Leiden scientists receive funding for science communication
The KNAW has rewarded 11 Leiden scientists for their commitment to science communication, by awarding them 10,000 euros each from the ‘Appreciated!’ fund.
NIA Spring School: Audio Visual Methods in Collaborative Archaeology: Exploring the Politics of Heritage
Article on Affective Computing by Andreas Häuselmann published in IDPL
Affective Computing (AC and sometimes called ‘Emotional AI’) provides opportunities to automatically process emotional data. However, is EU data protection law fit for purpose when it is applied to such AC approaches?
Diversify ARCHaeology Fund: Call for Applications for 2024-2025
Bart Barendregt receives Vici grant for research on Artificial Intelligence in Muslim Southeast Asia
Bart Barendregt receives a Vici grant of 1.5 million euros from the NWO for his research project 'One between the Zeros, an Anthropology of Artificial Intelligence in Islam'.
15 million awarded for research into misinformation among youth
Developmental psychologist Ili Ma has been awarded an ERC grant to investigate misinformation among teenagers, aiming to bolster their resilience against its potentially severe consequences.
The social roots of radicalisation: What Europe’s largest extremism study reveals
The rise of extremism in Europe has increased polarisation. The EU-funded DRIVE project, led by Tahir Abbas, Professor of Radicalisation Studies from Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs, explores how social, structural, and individual factors contribute to radicalisation, offering…
Perpetuating Highland Heritages of Bhutan
Jelle Wouters (RTC Bhutan), Erik de Maaker (CADS Leiden) and Radhika Gupta (CADS Leiden) have been awarded a €260.000 grant by the Gerda Henkel Foundation for the research project ‘Perpetuating Highland Heritages of Bhutan’. This 4-year research project focuses on vernacular and unacknowledged heritages…
Job Vacancy: Student Information Officers BSc Security Studies
Bioart plays with genetic building blocks
Biotechnological developments are moving fast. From genetically modified plant varieties we are now moving to cultured meat. These developments require moral interpretation - and they get it in the form of art. Lotte Pet wrote a dissertation about it.