3,470 search results for “ethics public van es” in the Public website
Lorentz Center Public Events
The Lorentz Center organises public events with lectures by internationally renowned scientists.
Kees Nagtegaal
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Tom Geukemeijer
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Gus Greenstein
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Public International Law
We would all like to live in a world in which individuals feel safe, conflicts are resolved peacefully and the interests of future generations are taken into consideration. At Leiden University legal scholars investigate to what extent public international law meets the needs of a globalised society.…
Master Public sector Management
The economics department teaches the following four courses within the master Pubic sector Management. This is a dutch master.
The Crime of Aggression and Public International Law
This PhD dissertation examines international responsibility for the crime of aggression from a public international law perspective. Under customary international law, as well as the amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted in the Review Conference in Kampala in 2010,…
Ghosts Here and There: Spectral Resistance and Dialogue in Postcolonial Literature
The ethics of ghosts, spectres, and mediums in postcolonial literature
Institute of Public Law
The institute that focuses on Public Law is as broad as the field itself. The Institute of Public Law has six departments, each with its own research agenda.
Fenneke Sysling
Faculty of Humanities
The Future of Ethics in Caribbean Archaeology Workshop
From March 11th to 14th, the workshop
Public and Private Regulation of Financial Markets
How should jurisdictions, both on the national and on the supra-national level, handle the interaction between public and private law where it regards the regulation of financial markets?
Public Relations Committee
The PR-Committee aims at developing an optimal image of the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) among future and current students, teachers of biology at high schools, academics outside and within the institute, journalists, interested laymen, Bioscience industrial parties and Leiden citizens.
Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2, Leiden
Public Management and Leadership (MSc)
The Public Management and Leadership specialisation emphasises how the behaviour of critical actors – politicians, top-level bureaucrats, street-level professionals and citizens - is critical to understand and improve public governance. The specialisation blends public administration with psychology,…
Experience Day Public Administration Bachelor
Study information, Experience Day
Anatomical Collections as Public History
The third project, worked on by dr. Rina Knoeff, is a synthesising project directed at studying the Leiden anatomical collections as important parts of ‘public history’. It will use the results of the other projects in order to analyse anatomical collections (their focus, significant silences, audiences,…
Other publications
Other COI publications can be found on Leiden Law Blog, the Leiden Law Methods Portal, and in the drop-down tabs below.
Classroom scanners in the Lipsius building tested by ethical hackers
To check whether the classroom scanners are secure, a ‘pen test’ was performed in the Lipsius building on Monday 28 March. This involved switching on the person counters for a day so that ethical hackers could try to gain access to the system.
Film: How to become an ethical scientist
Scientists are regularly confronted with questions of integrity. A new film teaches students how to handle this issue.
Lars Brummel
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Public International Law LL.M.
Are you thinking about studying Public International Law? Learn more and watch the videos.
Presentation Leiden research The Database of Business Ethics in Oxford
On Wednesday 7 June 2023, Dr Yvonne Erkens, Kate Verhoeff, Emma Snel, and Fleur Walravens of the Department of Labour Law in Leiden, gave a presentation on The Database of Business Ethics for the Oxford Business and Human Rights Network (OxBHR) at the University of Oxford.
Knowledge for the public
Knowledge is everywhere at Leiden University. It is also accessible for those who do not study or work at the University.
Overview Former Public Scientific Days
Yearly, the LIBC organizes a public event to share scientific research in the field of brain & cognition
Alicia Walsh
Faculteit Archeologie
Are Citizens More Negative About Failing Service Delivery by Public Than Private Organizations?
Petra van der Bekerom, Joris van der Voet, and Johan Christensen, three assistant professors at Leiden University, conducted a large-scale survey experiment about whether citizens are more negative about failing service delivery than private organizations.
Jan de Keijser
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Hans de Vries
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Creating public value in frontline teams: an empirical exploration of shared leadership behaviour by frontline officials
The authors aim to provide insight into the way in which frontline officials in teams employ leadership behaviour aimed at creating public value.
Van Aanvallen! naar verdedigen? De opstelling van Nederland ten aanzien van Europese integratie, 1945-2015
To what extent did The Netherlands' attitude towards European integration change after the 2005 referendum on the European Constitution?
Public International Law (LL.M.)
Public International Law is a one-year Master’s specialisation at the internationally acclaimed Leiden Law School at Leiden University. The programme focuses on the legal framework that governs international relations in an increasingly complex global society.
Making Archaeology Public. A View from the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Beyond
The sixth issue of Ex Novo explores how ‘peripheral’ regions currently approach both the practice and theory of public archaeology placing particular emphasis on usually underrepresented regions of Eastern and Central Europe, the Mediterranean and beyond.
The Public Dimension of International Investment Law and Arbitration
How can international investment law and arbitration take account of the public interest in, and more broadly, the public dimension of, the relations between foreign investors and host States ?
De verzamelwoede van Martinus van Marum (1750-1837) en de ouderdom van de aarde
Promotor: F.J. van Lunteren, E. Jorin
e-SIDES (ethical and societal impact of data sciences) is a Coordination & Support Action (CSA) part of the Horizon 2020 programme.
Key publications
Key research articles and book chapters of the Chromatin group.
Ethical guidelines to better regulate DNA research on human remains
Rapid developments in DNA techniques allow researchers to find out more and more about human genetics. An international group of scientists has drawn up five ethical guidelines to ensure that this DNA research is better regulated. Leiden archaeologist Marie Soressi – one of the signatories - explains…
Bart Custers and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga examine the legal and ethical aspects of AI in radiology
Researchers at eLaw contribute to groundbreaking volume on AI in radiology, offering legal and ethical frameworks, governance models, and solutions for responsible clinical integration.
Public perception of energy projects
The transition from fossil fuels and the practical changes that this entails make many demands on citizens. Emma ter Mors, a psychologist and lecturer at Leiden University, is researching the factors that contribute to public perception and acceptance of new energy technologies.
Brenda de Groot
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Bruno Verbeek
Faculty of Humanities
Francien Dechesne
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Maria Zisimopoulou
Faculty of Humanities
Arie-Jan Kwak
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Political Economy and Public Policy
Many of the big challenges of the 21st century (climate change, international migration, financial instability, socio-economic inequality) find their origins in the organisation of the global economy. Any solution to the world’s big challenges therefore requires forceful policy interventions at the…
The Van Loon Project
The Van Loon project sets out to safeguard the archives of Dutch archaeologist Maurits van Loon (Amsterdam, September 22, 1923 - Montpellier, October 12, 2006) and make them accessible for further study.
Inscripties van de Baron - Huis van het boek
Dit is een samenwerking tussen Huis van het boek, de Universiteit Leiden en de University of Virginia.
Publication: De Rijmbijbel van Jacob van Maerlant
In this new edition of the Rijmbijbel there are 159 valuable miniatures, combined with commentary by MA-students from Utrecht. Students in Dutch Language at the universities of Antwerp and Leiden have translated the text passages. Various experts, such as Martine Meuwese (UU), tell more about Jacob…
Older publications
Overview of the publications of the department of Environmental Biology (1972-2015)