2,411 search results for “encyclopedia van het right” in the Public website
Beginsel en begrip van verdeling
On 22 November 2018, Teico Sikkema defended his thesis 'Beginsel en begrip van verdeling'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. mr. W.G. Huijgen and Prof. dr. F. Sonneveldt.
De strafbaarstelling van mensenhandel ontrafeld
On 25 September 2019, Luuk Esser defended his thesis 'De strafbaarstelling van mensenhandel ontrafeld'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. C.P.M. Cleiren and Prof. J.M. ten Voorde.
Following the Plantation: Law and Human Rights in Indonesia 1870-2020
On Thursday 20 May 2021, Tania Li delivered the annual Van Vollenhoven Lecture.
Peer education on LGBT rights in pre-vocational secondary education
In secondary school, homophobic language is common, even in the Netherlands where there is high acceptance of homosexuality in the adult population. Adolescents especially in lower educational levels have prevailingly negative attitudes towards their lesbian and gay peers. Peer education with its participatory…
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in International Law: Human Rights and Beyond
This summer school focuses on the emergence of sexual orientation, gender identity (SOGI) and intersex issues in different areas of international law, such as human rights law, refugee law, international economic law, and international criminal law. Registration is now open!
Josua van Iperen (1726-1780) : gereformeerd predikant ten tijde van de Verlichting
Willem Peene defended his thesis on 12 January 2017
Towards an Interspecies Health Policy: Great Apes and the Right to Health
Many dangerous diseases such as COVID-19, Ebola and Q fever have jumped from animals to humans. But it is not only because of these diseases that we should include animals in our health policy, but also because of their right to health.
De invloed van de woonplaats op de fiscale behandeling van grensoverschrijdende werknemers
On 14 November 2019 Niek Schipper defended his thesis 'De invloed van de woonplaats op de fiscale behandeling van grensoverschrijdende werknemers'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. S.C.W. Douma and Prof. J.P. Boer.
De leefwereld en denkbeelden van Nederlandse & Belgische syriegangers: een analyse van elf facebook-accounts
You can find more information on the Dutch webpage. Click on the “Nederlands” button above.
Simone van der Hof writes UNICEF Essay on 'Towards better protection of children's rights as consumers of play'
Children have the right to play and relax. Games, social media and video platforms are attractive new ways to do that. However, hardly any online games are designed specifically for children, nor do they factor in children's rights.
All-gender toilet Anna van Buerenplein
Anna van Buerenplein, Anna van Buerenplein 301, 2595 DG, The Hague
Gendering Far-Right Activism: A Comparative Analysis of the Motivating Factors Driving Men and Women to Engage in Far-Right Social Movement Activism
In the present-day United States, to what degree(s) are far-right men and women similar and/or dissimilar in their motivating factors for engaging in far-right social movement activism?
Wim Voermans in het NRC: 'Het kabinet-Schoof is onvoorspelbaar en dat is riskant'
Het nieuwe kabinet is uniek, met vier coalitiepartijen en een niet gekozen minister-president. Hoogleraar Staats- en Bestuursrecht Wim Voermans analyseert het kabinet in een opiniestuk voor het NRC, en beschrijft een instabiele en ongekende situatie.
Simone van der Hof in podcast on GDPR and children’s rights
In a podcast of the Netherlands Internet Governance Forum (NL GF) and the Safer Internet Centre Nederland, Simone van der Hof, Professor of Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University and Thijs Hannema, a lawyer at Kennedy van der Laan, discuss online privacy of children.
Islamic courts and women's divorce rights in Indonesia: the cases of Cianjur and Bulukumba
This book presents the results of a research about the Islamic courts of Cianjur in West Java, and Bulukumba in South Sulawesi and the role they play in local divorce practices.
Nursing mothers' room Anna van Buerenplein
Anna van Buerenplein, Anna van Buerenplein 301, 2595 DG, The Hague
Nursing mothers' room Anna van Buerenplein
Anna van Buerenplein, Anna van Buerenplein 301, 2595 DG, The Hague
Yannick van den Brink gives key note speech in Valencia about children’s rights and youth justice
On 12 December 2019, Dr Yannick van den Brink, assistant professor at the Department of Child Law and Rubicon Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, gave a keynote speech at the conference ‘Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe’, which was organised in Valencia, Spain.
Centre for Art, Literature and Law (CALL)
The center studies the many ways in which issues of law and justice are dealt with in art and literature with a focus on liminal issues and cases. These are issues and cases where law comes to the limits of what it is capable of dealing with and art and literature explore the implications of what is…
Van Saarloos Group - Soft Matter Theory
The focus of our theoretical research is understanding the behaviour of soft condensed matter, physical matter which is deformed or structurally altered by thermal fluctuations or small stresses.
Martin van Hecke Lab - Mechanical Metamaterials
We investigate the physics and design of mechanical metamaterial, intricately sculpted materials with properties set by their architecture.
Nagtzaam & Van Erkel, ‘Preference votes without preference?’
Political scientists Marijn Nagtzaam (Leiden University) and Patrick van Erkel (University of Antwerp) investigate how electoral rules affect intra party preference voting. Focusing on the effect of two specific rules—the option to cast a list vote and on a single versus multiple preference vote—and…
Theorie van fermion-pariteit-omkeringen in supergeleiders
Majorana meets a mermaid
All-gender toilet Van Steenis
Van Steenis, Einsteinweg 2, 2333 CC, Leiden
Non-food vending machine Van Steenis
Van Steenis, Einsteinweg 2, 2333 CC, Leiden
Van der Heijden Chair Social Justice
On the occasion of prof Paul van der Heijden’s stepping down as Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board of Leiden University in 2013 the Chair bearing his name on Social Justice was established. It was a “farewell present” of the Leiden University to it’s Rector.
Pellikaan & Van Willigen, Bilateralism and Nuclear Security
Political scientists Huib Pellikaan and Niels van Willigen (Leiden University) use and elaborate on the theoretical insights from game theory in order to understand nuclear security in changing environment. Now that the relations between the US and Russia have deteriorated and smaller nuclear states…
Simone van der Hof gave a presentation about privacy by design and children's rights in London
On November 17, 2017, Professor Simone van der Hof gave a duo lecture with her colleague Professor Eva Lievens from Ghent University during the 'Children and Digital Rights' conference at the Information Law and Policy Centre, which is part of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (University of L…
‘The gatekeepers’ van het internet; waarom een ‘gratis’ internet niet bestaat
Of je nu appt, online nieuws leest, of door Instagram scrolt, jouw gedrag wordt gemonitord. Sterker nog: wát jij ziet, wordt door anderen bepaald. Promovendus Aleksandre Zardiashvili onderzocht de impact van online advertenties en de macht van de bedrijven erachter.
Veroordeling Ali-B is het startschot voor maatschappelijke discussie over consent
De veroordeling van Ali B voor zedendelicten krijgt veel aandacht in de media, en zorgt voor vernieuwde discussies rond consent. Hoogleraar Jeroen ten Voorde sprak met het Parool over de impact die deze rechtszaak zal hebben.
John van Noort Lab - Chromatin Dynamics
Chromatin is an ubiquitous protein-DNA complex that forms the structural basis of DNA condensation in all eukaryotic organisms.
Economie van de Publieke Sector (MSc)
Discover the new MSc in Public Sector Economics at Leiden University, offered entirely in Dutch. This program prepares future policy economists by bridging economic theory, Dutch institutions, and real-world policy challenges. Starting September 2025 in The Hague, it focuses on key issues like inequality,…
Lianne Baars
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Hans Franken
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Nadia Sonneveld
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Anna Smulders
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Rehana Dole
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Peter Rodrigues
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Kate Brackney
Faculty of Humanities
Lenneke Alink
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Li-Ru Hsu
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Hans-Martien ten Napel
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Van woord tot akkoord. Een analyse van de partijkeuzes in CPB-doorrekeningen van verkiezingsprogramma's en regeerakkoorden, 1986-2017
This PhD-thesis analyses the relationship between the parties’ choices in the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis’ assessments of the election manifestos and coalition agreements over the period 1986-2017, and tries to explain this relationship.
Sneak peek in het nieuwe Gorlaeus Gebouw
Zou jij wel eens willen zien hoe het belangrijkste gebouw van onze Science Campus op het Leiden Bio Science Park tot stand komt? Op de Dag van de Bouw, op zaterdag 17 juni, kan dat!
Artikel in het Leiden Law Blog
Niek Strohmaier, PhD Candidate in the field of Empirical Legal Studies and associated with the department of Business Studies has written an article for the Leiden Law Blog.
Video: het jaar 2020 in vogelvlucht
Ook voor de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid was 2020 een bijzonder jaar. Het was een jaar waarin alles anders werd.
Anja Zonneveld
Sarah-Devorah Poot wins the Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award 2019
On 10 December Sarah-Devorah Poot won the Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award 2019 for her thesis on child-friendly judgments.
Floris Tan wins the Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award 2023
Tan, former PhD candidate Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, received the award for the best dissertation with his thesis on armed conflict, international humanitarian law and human rights law.
'Non-Istanbulites' of Istanbul : the right to the city novels in Turkish literature from the 1960s to the present
Nuran Buket Cengiz defended her thesis on 13 June 2017