2,122 search results for “human rights protection” in the Public website
Alicia Schrikker
Faculty of Humanities
Peter Rodrigues on reception of asylum seekers outside EU
Rodrigues was asked to comment on the intention of certain Dutch political parties to examine whether the Netherlands, together with Denmark, could accommodate asylum seekers outside the EU, possibly in Rwanda.
Sponsored Research
Global Interactions sponsors a number of research projects of Leiden University researchers.
Promotieonderzoek: 'Stel rechten slachtoffers centraal bij aanpak arbeidsuitbuiting migranten'
Arbeidsuitbuiting van migranten wordt als een vorm van het strafrechtelijke delict mensenhandel beschouwd. De rechtspositie van de slachtoffers is mede daardoor ondergeschikt aan de strafrechtelijke procedure. Dat kan en moet anders, stelt Gerrie Lodder in haar proefschrift. Promotie op 21 april 202…
Intersecting Global Trends: antidemocracy and anti-environmentalism
VVI Research Meetings 2022-2023
Working Paper Series
The Working Paper Series reflects the yet-to-be published work of eLaw researchers and the unedited versions of manuscripts that have been accepted for publication by journals and books.
New Book by Jens Iverson: ‘Jus Post Bellum: The Rediscovery, Foundations, and Future of the Law of Transforming War into Peace’
Jus post bellum, the body of laws and norms governing the transition from armed conflict to peace, has emerged as a crucial issue for international law scholars, governments, and all concerned with building a just and sustainable peace. The Jus Post Bellum Project, funded by the NWO and hosted by the…
Meet & greet with Dutch diplomats: a conversation about counterterrorism & diplomacy
Meet and Greet
Heritage under Threat (HuT)
global challenges and possibilities
Collaboration in practice
By working together with external social partners, the knowledge of our scientists finds its way into society.
Gilles van Wezel
Shaping proteins to understand chaperone-related diseases
Alireza Mashaghi and his research team have created a new framework to understand shapes of proteins and DNA. With this framework, many diseases can be understood better.
Why looted art lawsuits often fail (and what can be done about this)
There are as good as no clear rules for the return of stolen art. This means that rather than in court, many cases are decided in the political arena instead. In her PhD research Evelien Campfens suggests how this could change. PhD defence on 11 November.
Meijers Prizes, Van Wersch Springplank prizes and Thesis Prizes awarded at New Years’ reception
On Thursday 10 January a number of prizes were presented to researchers and students.
Peter Rodrigues on legal action against the State on ethnic profiling
Two citizens, together with organisations including Amnesty International, antidiscrimination agency RADAR and the Dutch Section of the International Commission of Jurists (NJCM) have brought legal action against the State. They want the court to put an end to the discriminating border controls of the…
Is the Netherlands liable for refugee suffering on Greek islands?
Three NGOs are suing the Dutch state for actively contributing to the suffering of refugees on Greek islands. In Dutch newspaper ‘Trouw’, the organisations say that the suffering was caused by the Netherlands agreeing to the EU-Turkey deal.
Parents under pressure to cooperate 'voluntarily' in youth support
Staff at Dutch youth care services sometimes put parents under pressure to cooperate 'voluntarily'. There are instances when children are removed from the home without the approval of the court. This may have some benefits from the perspective of the support services, but in legal circles there are…
Denmark is an unsuitable model country for Dutch asylum policy
Mark Klaassen, Assistant Professor of Immigration Law and member of the Dutch Advisory Council on Migration, explains on Dutch radio programme ‘Met het Oog op Morgen’ why it’s a bad idea to use Denmark as a model country for Dutch asylum policy.
Leiden Science Run will run for endangered scientists
The Leiden Science Run 2019 is dedicated to Scholars at Risk, a programme of the UAF, an organisation for refugee students. This programme offers endangered scientists a temporary opportunity to continue their research work in a safe academic environment.
Institute of Public Law
The institute that focuses on Public Law is as broad as the field itself. The Institute of Public Law has six departments, each with its own research agenda.
UNICEF Student Team Leiden: ‘We all have our own role to play here at Leiden University’
20 November 2024 is World Children's Day. To mark this occasion, the UNICEF Student Team Leiden is organising a lecture on children's rights. We spoke to board members Rewina Teferi Hagos and Tugwell Chadyiwanembwa to find out what motivates them.
Bibi van den Berg about the digital war between Russia and the Ukraine
The war between Russia and Ukraine plays out not only physically but also digitally. Van Den Berg, Professor of Cybersecurity Governance at the FGGA, talked about it at several news outlets.
Campaign vs. practice: limited room for manoeuvre under strict asylum policy
Making migration a key campaign issue in the recent Dutch general elections is one thing, but turning it into actual policy is another. ‘95% of Dutch immigration legislation is governed by European law’, says Emeritus Professor Peter Rodrigues in Dutch daily newspaper 'Trouw'. In short: political parties…
1325 twenty years on – the evolution of the WPS agenda after 9/11
On Thursday 11 November, Women in International Security Netherlands (WIIS-NL) held its inaugural webinar event on 11 November with four speakers in conjunction with the International Centre for Terrorism (ICCT) and the Chair UN Studies in Peace and Justice at Leiden University.
‘Wij academici en docenten van Security Studies kunnen direct invloed uitoefenen.'
In zijn oratie bepleit Joachim Koops dat de toekomst van Security and Global Affairs ligt in onderzoek, onderwijs en academisch bestuur.
Much interest in study trip to Morocco
From 5 to 14 May, the recently reopened NIMAR is organising a study trip to a number of places in Morocco in collaboration with the Leiden Islam Academy. The theme for this trip is ‘Islam, gender and citizenship’. Registration closed down a few weeks ago, but there was a great deal of interest among…
- Is the WPS Agenda Working? Preventing Conflict Related Sexual Violence and Beyond
- Is the WPS Agenda Working? Preventing Conflict Related Sexual Violence and Beyond
Is the WPS Agenda Working? Preventing Conflict Related Sexual Violence and Beyond
Round Table
Peering Through the Legal Mobilisation Lens to Analyse the Potential of Legal Advocacy
Friday 3 February ILS 2.0 presents: Leiden Socio-Legal Series:“Peering Through the Legal Mobilisation Lens to Analyse the Potential of Legal Advocacy” by Dr. Jeff Handmaker – International Institute for Social Studies, Erasmus University.
Peter Akkermans
Faculteit Archeologie
'Jus Post Bellum' Volume Made Open Access
The Jus Post Bellum project is proud to announce that their foundational volume, Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundations, is now freely available as an Open Access publication. This was only possible due to generous funding from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO),…
Flash interview with alumna Kartica van der Zon
Did you know that PhD candidates are also alumni of your alma mater? High time to put a PhD alumna and her research in the spotlight. Besides, this month our UNICEF Chair in Children’s Rights is celebrating its tenth anniversary.
Seminar on Criminalising and Emancipatory Trends in Family Law in Indonesia and other Muslim Majority Countries
The seminar is organised by the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society (VVI), The Royal Netherlands Institute for the Study of Southeast Asia and the Caribbean (KITLV) and Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS).
Bart Custers and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga examine the legal and ethical aspects of AI in radiology
Researchers at eLaw contribute to groundbreaking volume on AI in radiology, offering legal and ethical frameworks, governance models, and solutions for responsible clinical integration.
Teachers and lecturers broaden their perspective of Islam
Islam can be a difficult or sensitive subject to discuss with pupils, regardless whether they are Muslim. Fourteen secondary-school teachers and university lecturers went on a fact-finding trip to Morocco accompanied by experts from NIMAR (the Netherlands Institute in Morocco). What did they learn from…
Young people and children and the counter-smuggling project
Vasiliki Kosta speaks at Council of Europe Conference
Dr Kosta spoke at the conference entitled 'Academic freedom in action: a step forward in safeguarding democracy', which took place Strasbourg on 13 and 14 November. The conference brought together experts, lecturers and policymakers to underline the democratic mission of higher education and the importance…
Ingrid Leijten participates in international expert workshop ‘Specifiying and Securing a Social Minimum’
On 29 and 30 June, Ingrid Leijten participated in an international workshop held at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISJ) in Oñati, Spain.
New home in sight for NIMAR Rabat
The Netherlands Institute in Morocco is moving to a new location in the Moroccan capital, Rabat. Following a complete renovation of the building, the doors of the new NIMAR Rabat will open in September 2016.
Children and young adults in contact with the law: Systemic vulnerabilities and institutional responses
On 16 April 2021 the webinar ‘Children and young adults in contact with the law: Systemic vulnerabilities and institutional responses’ took place. In total 17 speakers and discussants engaged with the topic of vulnerability.
Striking a Balance between Local and Global Interests
PhD defence
Sharia, stoning and homosexuality
The Sharia, the Islamic legal system, pays greater attention to ethics than may have been thought. This was clear at the annual conference of the Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS). Academics from throughout the world considered the question of how modern Islamic law…
Six questions about the new minor ‘The (un)just society’
The new minor ‘The (un)just society’ will start in September 2024. We asked Judi Mesman some questions about this new minor.
Unity in diversity. The topicality of Professor C. van Vollenhoven
On 8 February Jan Michiel Otto, professor of Law and Governance in Developing Countries, delivered the dies lecture entitled: 'Unity in diversity. The topicality of professor C. van Vollenhoven'. Otto emphasized - following Van Vollenhoven - the importance of scope and respect for the public sphere…
Bibi van den Berg about malfunctions in IT systems
Due to a major telephone disruption, 112 was unavailable for hours on Monday 24 June. At Albert Heijn, Tuesday 25 June, cash registers refused service. Bibi van den Berg, professor in Cyber Security Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, looks back on aspects of the disasters of…
Bart Schermer appointed as Professor of Privacy and Cybercrime
As of 1 November 2021, Bart Willem Schermer has been appointed as Professor of Privacy and Cybercrime at eLaw – Center for Law and Digital Technologies.
In retrospect: The December edition of the ILS Lunch Seminars
The monthly ILS lunch seminars continue to bring together colleagues from across Leiden Law School. On December 14, we successfully concluded the calendar year with the presentations of Dr. Moritz Jesse and Helena Ursic.
- Research Dossiers
How commercial law and employment law can conflict
May the Netherlands deny access to products manufactured under poor working conditions? And can a manufacturer bring a case against a country that increases its minimum wage? PhD candidate Ruben Zandvliet examined the legal and ethical issues involved in international commercial law, investment law…