369 search results for “legal ethics” in the Student website
Internship and research
Many study programmes offer the opportunity to do an internship or research project, either as a compulsory part of the curriculum or to earn elective credits.
Internship and research
Many study programmes offer the opportunity to do an internship or research project, either as a compulsory part of the curriculum or to earn elective credits.
Internship and research
Many study programmes offer the opportunity to do an internship or research project, either as a compulsory part of the curriculum or to earn elective credits.
Internship and research
Many study programmes offer the opportunity to do an internship or research project, either as a compulsory part of the curriculum or to earn elective credits.
Internships and research vacancies
During your studies you'll acquire a good theoretical basis. But what about practical experience? By doing an internship you can gain a clearer picture of a particular position or sector. For some study programmes an internship is a compulsory part of the curriculum.
Sara Bolghiran
Faculty of Humanities
Liselore Tissen
Faculty of Humanities
Max van der Horst: “Ethical Vulnerability Mass-Exploitation 101: Theory and Practice”
Lecture, Tech Trends Workshop
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Indian Problems, Yemeni Solutions? Legal Exchanges in the Sixteenth Century
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Internship and research
Many study programmes offer the opportunity to do an internship or research project, either as a compulsory part of the curriculum or to earn elective credits.
Lecture by Professor Tahera Qutbuddin
Lecture | Leiden Lectures on Arabic Language & Culture
How do international boycotts work for justice? Understanding the ethics and efficacy of the BDS movement
Panel discussion
- Legal Tech Challenge: Workshop Design Thinking
- Legal Tech Challenge: Kick-off
Minors in AI, Data & Digitialisation in Delft, Leiden and Rotterdam
The universities of Delft, Leiden and Rotterdam are working together to show their students what artificial intelligence (AI) means for their own field. Three AI minors will start in the 2022 – 2023 academic year and will answer questions such as: ‘How best can you use AI in your research discipline?’…
Maria Fernanda Jaramillo Gomez
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
To Register or Not to Register? Legal Identity and Birth Registration of Migrant Children in Morocco
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Chemical Weapons Use and Legal Pathways to Accountability
Conference, Seminar
Webinar 'Governance of Migration and Diversity (Legal) (LL.M.)'
Study information, Webinar
Bastiaan Rijpkema in Trouw over partijverbod
Het voorstel van D66 om een wetsartikel zo te veranderen dat een politieke partij kan worden verboden, is onverstandig, zegt rechtsfilosoof Bastiaan Rijpkema. Hij spreekt er uitgebreid over tijdens een interview met de Volkskrant. ‘Het is overduidelijk bedoeld om één specifieke partij aan te pakken:…
Conference: Revisiting Legal Interests and Public Goods in Criminal Law
The new faculty academic year has been opened
On Tuesday 5 September, the opening of the faculty year took place at the Kamerlingh Onnes Building. Staff and students gathered in the Cleveringa Room to take part in the interactive part of the programme.
“Tobacco playbook”
The “tobacco playbook” is a term used for a set of misinformation, lobbying and propaganda tactics employed by the tobacco industry to safeguard its business model following the discovery of the link between smoking and lung cancer. Universities and medical research were pivotal to these tactics, and…
‘If you know how the system works, you can stand up for your rights’
Legal protection. What do those involved in youth care and child protection understand by this concept? And what needs to change to improve legal protection? This question was explored by researchers from Leiden University’s Department of Child Law. Their research fits with the government’s ambition…
Maartje van der Woude
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Krachten bundelen voor verantwoord gebruik van algoritmische systemen
Tijdens het symposium ‘Transdisciplinary Study of Just Public Algorithmic Systems’, op vrijdag 24 maart in Den Haag, staat onderzoek naar het gebruik van algoritmische systemen in de publieke sector centraal. Een actueel onderwerp dat de laatste tijd veel in de belangstelling staat. Vijf vragen over…
Why take the AI & Society minor? These students explain
The interdisciplinary AI & Society minor of Leiden University brings together students and lecturers from a wide range of disciplines. Together they look at the impact of AI on society. Students are enthusiastic about this merging of worlds.
Gerard Kranenburg
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Engaging with climate diplomacy: Lessons from Dutch UNFCCC Negotiators
Discover the unique Vital Interests course in the BSc Security Studies programme, featuring an inspiring session on climate diplomacy with Dutch UNFCCC negotiators.
Why people confess to crimes they didn’t commit
When under duress innocent suspects can make a false confession. Why is this? Legal psychologist Linda Geven will give a talk about this at the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition’s Brain & Law event. At this symposium (in Dutch) on 16 September you can attend talks on fascinating brain research…
‘Children’s healthcare rights deserve more attention’
‘Children’s rights are somewhat of a poor relation’, says Professor of Law and Health Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm. In her inaugural lecture, she will emphasise how more attention needs to be paid to children’s rights in current thinking on law and health.
Marlotte Roldaan op uitwisseling in San Francisco: ‘Ik ben een stuk zelfverzekerder geworden’
Master student Encyclopedie en filosofie van het recht Marlotte Roldaan vertrok in januari 2024 voor vijf maanden naar de Verenigde Staten om daar in San Francisco te gaan studeren. Haar advies voor mensen die twijfelen: ‘Gooi jezelf in het diepe’.
Lunch meeting on the rise of AI and challenges for governance
Students and researches from all faculties at Leiden University are warmly invited to a lunch meeting on Monday 14 October, discussing the rise of AI and the challenges this poses for various governance structures. The event is hosted by Leiden University’s interdisciplinary programmes GTGC and SAIL…
LUCIR Book Talk: Contending Orders: Legal Pluralism and the Rule of Law
- Borders Reimagined: Identity, Culture, and Justice in a Globalized World
Education administration office
Education administration offices
Brief summary of our approach to our ties with Israeli institutions
During the last couple of months, Leiden University has conducted many constructive discussions with the University Council and many other experts and groups from the academic community. Based on their input, the Executive board has decided to create a preliminary policy regarding our ties to Israeli…
Exploring creative approaches: sharing scientific results beyond academic writing
Nurturing Student Creativity: Innovative Approaches to Sharing Scientific Results. Bridging Generations and Empowering Ethical Exploration in Anthropology Education
How “giving voice” may lead to silence
Do we break the silences in our research participants’ stories? When is it ethical to write and not write about what remains unspoken in the social worlds we study? And when we encounter silences, how do we document them? These were just some of the many questions discussed during the vivid and inspiring…
Jiska Engelbert appointed as the new professor on the Ien Dales Chair
On 1 October 2024, Dr Jiska Engelbert was appointed as professor by special appointment on the Ien Dales Chair ‘Government as an Employment Organisation’. Her focus is on leadership in digital transitions, digital innovations, and the transformation of public services, with particular attention to local…
Conference on final evaluation of Dutch Child Protection Act: 'Give children a voice’
‘The system is failing’, ‘the goals are only being achieved to a limited extent’, ‘we’re letting children down’. These are some of the newspaper headlines that followed the publication of a report by researchers from Leiden University in September. Commissioned by the Dutch Research and Documentation…
Sarah Vandenbroucke
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Trust me, I’m a university
Technology and privacy, trust and mistrust. A discussion about this broke out when the University installed scanners and students protested. On Wednesday 2 February experts from Leiden University will explore this topic at the eponymous symposium. We called Roy de Kleijn, as a computer scientist and…
Alumnus, rechtsfilosoof en wereldreiziger Bart Jansen: ‘focus je niet, maar verstrooi jezelf’
Stilzitten doet alumnus Bart Jansen niet graag. Zo geeft hij les in onder meer Nederland, Maleisië en Curaçao, houdt hij zich naast het recht ook graag bezig met kunst en mystiek en vindt hij naar eigen zeggen ‘alles wat fout gaat’ wel interessant aan de rechtsfilosofie. ‘Ik ben gek op veelzijdige mensen;…
Public pen test of classroom scanners in Lipsius
On Monday 28 March a ‘pen test’ will be carried out to check the security of the classroom scanners. These people counters in University buildings were temporarily switched off in December after there was growing disquiet about privacy aspects of the devices. The pen test will be carried out in the…
Kimia Heidary
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Sanctions, Remittances, and (in)Security: Legal Conundrums, Financial Paradoxes, and Humanitarian Puzzles
Multidisciplinary minor gives insight into cybercrime, disasters and terrorism
Safety and security risks ranging from cybercrime to terrorism threats are a growing concern worldwide. Technological developments have made security issues increasingly complex. This is typically a topic for the multidisciplinary Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities (LDE) curriculum.
Andrei Poama and Tom Theuns about why voting in prison should be mandatory
Poama and Theuns co-wrote an opinion piece on why voting in prison should be mandatory worldwide. It appeared on National Interest's website on February 12.