1,290 search results for “labour maken” in the Public website
Successful ‘landmark decisions’ panel discussion at ISLSSL World Congress in Rome
Yvonne Erkens and Fieke Weber, both from the Department of Labour Law and Social Security, recently organised a panel discussion on behalf of the International Labor Rights Case Law Journal (ILaRC). The discussion took place during the ISLSSL World Congress in Rome and was a huge success.
COVID-crisis of COVID-kans? Adaptief en lerend bestuur in het LUMC en de regio
Covid-19 is een disruptieve ontwikkeling die hier en nu veel vraagt van zorgprofessionals, bestuurders en managers. Hoewel de crisis nog volop bezig is, is nu al duidelijk dat het Coronavirus een blijvende impact zal hebben op zorginstellingen en fundamentele vragen oproept over hoe we onze zorg optimaal…
Inaugural lecture Alan Neal
On the 17th of October professor Alan Neal will deliver his inaugural lecture as Professor of Social Justice at Leiden Law School. Professor Neal will teach the international labour law course in the Master’s Program Arbeidsrecht (Labour Law), the inaugural lecture will also be the first lecture in…
Salaris voormalig directielid ITA door hoeveelheid nevenfuncties discutabel
Uit onderzoek van het NRC blijkt dat het salaris van oud-directielid Van Hove, van het inmiddels wegens grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer in opspraak geraakte theatergezelschap ITA, bij menigeen de wenkbrauwen doet fronsen. Gerrard Boot, hoogleraar arbeidsrecht, spreekt zich over deze salariskwestie…
Beryl ter Haar presents at the international congress 'Labour2030 - Rethinking the future of work'
On 13 and Friday 14 July 2017 the International Congress took place in Porto, Portugal. The conference was bilangual with simultaneous translations between English and Portuguese/Spanish. In total there were about 350 participants from 23 different countries, however, most of the participants came from…
Will employees have to start clocking in again?
This week the European Court of Justice ruled that companies in the European Union as of now have to register the amount of hours their employees work. Member States will be responsible for ensuring employers establish such registration systems.
Committee Heerma van Voss findings: Chroom-6 payment regulation is equitable
In 2014, the Dutch Ministry of Defence received signals from employees and former employees suspecting that they had become ill from working with chrome paint and CARC. Among them, former and current employees who had previously worked at the former American storage sites (POMS-sites). As a response,…
Salary of Museum de Fundatie’s former director not specified in annual report
Ralph Keuning, the former director of Museum de Fundatie, a museum for the visual arts in Zwolle, stepped down in 2022 following complaints about authoritarian leadership. On top of that, an independent investigation has shown that he received almost €200,000 from the struggling museum after his departure.…
The future of the Dutch incapacity benefit system
Barend Barentsen, Professor of Labour Law, recently spoke at a meeting of experts in Amsterdam on the future of the Dutch incapacity benefit system.
Has ProRail stretched the limits of the right to strike?
The strikes by Dutch rail operator ProRail are not predicted to end any time soon, and that will cause considerable inconvenience for travellers. ‘They may have already reached the limits of what’s allowed,’ says Barend Barentsen, Professor of Labour Law, in Dutch daily newspaper ‘de Volkskrant’.
Beryl ter Haar participated a comparative research paper on the free movement of workers in the EU and EAU
On invitation by prof. Nikita Lyutov (Kutafin State Law University Moscow), Beryl ter Haar participated in a kick-off meeting on a comparative research paper on the free movement of workers within the EU and the Eurasian Economic Union held by Kutafin State Law University on the 24th of January 2019…
Meta-ethiek. Methode, theorieën, ontwikkelingen
Do objectively correct solutions to ethical dilemmas exist? Or is ethics always a matter of your opinion against my opinion? How do you know what to do? What kind of thing is ethics anyway? Can you be an expert in ethics?
Gaining control of lipid-based nanomedicine by understanding the nano-bio interface
Dit proefschrift beschrijft een collectie aan alternatieve strategieën voor het begrijpen, ontwerpen en toepassen van lipide nanosystemen, waarin de rol van de bio-nano interacties centraal staan. In het bijzonder wordt gekeken naar de interactie van RNA-lipide nanosystemen, bekend van de toepassing…
Maar zo bedoelde ik het niet!
Aan de hand van bekende en minder bekende voorbeelden uit de wereld van politiek en media laat dit boek zien hoe je strategisch gebruik én misbruik kunt maken van taal.
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Home carer goes to court to demand pension and unemployment benefits
Ms. Kollmann, a home care worker in the Netherlands, is demanding pension and unemployment benefits from the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency (UWV). An exception in the law means that home carers working for private individuals are not automatically entitled to benefits under social security schemes.
Gerrard Boot on criticism of bridging measure for self-employed
The Dutch temporary bridging measure for self-employed professionals (known as Tozo) was set up to help Dutch self-employed professionals who are experiencing financial difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Last week, the ombudsman announced an investigation into the scheme for the self-employed.…
Cooperation with the THUAS on the International Labor Rights Case Law Journal
On Tuesday 26 November 2019, a collaboration between The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) and Leiden University was launched in relation to the journal International Labor Rights Case Law (ILaRC).
Flexible employment benefits offered more often
In an attempt to retain employees and tackle shortages in the labour market, some employers are now prepared to go further in offering attractive employment benefits. Dutch news programme 'Nieuwsuur' has discovered that large international companies, like Uber, McKinsey, and Salesforce, are prepared…
Emma van der Vos in Trouw on domestic workers’ right to unemployment benefit
Due to an exception in the law, domestic workers employed by private persons cannot automatially benefit from social security schemes. Home help Carol Kollmann did not agree with this and took her case to court.
The self-employed hard hit by coronavirus crisis
Self-employed workers’ hours have significantly decreased during the coronavirus crisis. Their average hours worked decreased most at the start of the crisis, by more than five hours per week. And it was difficult to return to their pre-crisis hours in the quarters that followed. This is the conclusion…
Paul van der Heijden appointed honorary professor at University of Ghent
Professor Paul van der Heijden (international labour law Leiden University) has been appointed the honorary Marcel Storme chair at the University of Ghent. The Marcel Storme chair is a rotating professorship at the law faculty of the University of Ghent which according to the regulations is solely…
Koninklijke onderscheiding voor hoogleraar Paul van der Heijden
Donderdag 7 februari is prof. mr. dr. P.F. van der Heijden benoemd tot Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau. Hij kreeg de koninklijke onderscheiding uit handen van minister Koolmees van Sociale Zaken.
Veranderend kunstenaarschap - De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken
De positie van kunst en kunstenaars in de westerse samenleving
Targeted biomolecule production for therapeutic use
We aim to develop a drug-delivery method based on the production of biomolecules directly at the target site.
Official Opening Database on Business Ethics (DBBE)
For many years, human rights have mostly been a theme where states constituted the most important actors. Influenced by globalisation and the worldwide integration of the economy, multinational corporations have grown to feel more responsible for compliance to human rights.
Trump's trade war introducing unilateral trade tariffs violates treaty
Terminating the Trade Treaty between the US, Mexico and Canada, as Trump intends, violates the treaty and also has implications for labour law, says emeritus professor of international labour law, Paul van der Heijden, in Dutch newspaper ‘Het Financieele Dagblad’.
The social history of labor in the Iranian oil industry (1908-1954)
This PhD research sets out to unravel and explain the socio-structural and cultural impacts of oil-industrialization on the local Bakhtiari community in general and the industrial laborers it provided in specific.
Research Handbook in the series of Human Rights Law co-edited by Beryl ter Haar
In store is now the Research Handbook on Labour, Business and Human Rights Law edited by prof. Janice Bellace of the University of Pennsylvania and ass. prof. Beryl ter Haar of Leiden University. The book is publisehd in Edward Elgars series on Human Rights.
Netherlands in violation of international convention on work incapacity
The UN is highly critical of the Netherlands over the effect of its Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act (WIA). Contrary to agreements, workers who are less than 35% incapacitated for work receive no benefits and the income of their partner is taken into account when they apply for welfare benefits.…
Beryl ter Haar presents at LLRN3 Conference in Toronto
From 25-27 June 2017 the 3rd Conference of the Labour Law Research Network took place in Toronto, Canada. Beryl ter Haar participated in two panels. The first panel dealt with strike law from a comparative perspective between South Africa, Russia, The Netherlands, and Europe. The contribution of Beryl…
Paul van der Heijden arbitrator for new Free Trade Agreement between United Kingdom and Japan
Paul van der Heijden, professor emeritus International Labour Law, was recently appointed by the British Minister for Trade as an independent arbitrator under the dispute settlement provisions of the United Kingdom’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Japan.
Paul van der Heijden awarded grant for Business & Human Rights databank
Professor Paul van der Heijden (International Labour Law) has been awarded a grant of 50,000 euros by the city council of The Hague to start building a Business & Human Rights database.
Olaf van Vliet
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Social Policy is increasingly incorporated as a subject of European law. The Social Dialogue with labour and management organisations leads to agreements that can be transformed into Directives of the Council
Are workers' rights sufficiently protected in America?
This question was discussed on the Dutch NPO Radio 1 broadcast with Barend Barentsen, Professor of Labour Law. On 4 September, Americans celebrate Labor Day, a day on which the hard-working American takes centre stage.
Labour law is constantly changing. Concurrently, the laws dealing with workers address fundamental issues which are invariably of major significance and value. The research carried out at the Department of Labour Law and Social Security focusses on both the (constant) changes in labour law and social…
Weidong Zhang on achieving decent work in China
On 23 March 2023 Weidong Zhang defended his thesis in Leiden on achieving decent work in China. This research analyses to what extent China is achieving decent work based on a case study of decent working time. The word ‘achieving’ underlines that China is still in the process of securing this aim.…
Beryl ter Haar chairs roundtable at a conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights
22 September 2017 the second biannual conference took place organised by IAAEU of the University of Trier and the Hugo Sinzheimer Institute of Frankfurt. The theme of the conference was the European Pillar of Social Rights. Under the heading of the conference’s title, International Labour Law as a stimulus…
Dutch ships built by North Koreans in Polish shipyards
North Korean labourers are still being forced to work in the European Union. According to researchers, including Professor of Korean Studies Remco Breuker at Leiden University, Dutch companies are buying ships from a dockyard that uses North Korean workers.
Adrift on an ocean of rules
Gerrie Lodder has published an article in the Dutch legal periodical Nederlands Juristenblad on the exploitation of labour migrants from the perspective of human rights.
Beryl ter Haar visiting professor at Warsaw University
Beryl ter Haar is currently a Visiting Professor at the University of Warsaw, Poland. The Law School is the oldest part of the university (founded in 1808), followed by the School of Medicine (founded one year later). The two schools became the heart of Warsaw University which was founded in 1816 by…
Cities, migration and global interdependence
The key subject of the research programme Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1500-now (CMGI) is Inequality (at local, national and global levels). We study this from an intersectional perspective: gender, class, ethnicity or race, religion, sexuality, age, ability/disability, citizenship and…
Decent work
Decent work involves opportunities for work that delivers a fair income, care for occupational health and safety, freedom for people to organize and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men. The Labour Law department at Leiden University conducts research and provides education on…
Mies Grijns
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Alexandra Tutwiler
Faculteit Archeologie
Is it time to amend Dutch work disability system?
The research report by the independent committee on the future of the work disability system in the Netherlands ('Onafhankelijke Commissie Toekomst Arbeidsongeschiktheidsstelsel' (Octas)) was published this week. While the number of people unable to work has dropped considerably, the system is still…
Thieving civil servant dismissed on the spot
A civil servant in the Zuidplas municipality stole a saddle from an old bicycle from the municipal waste depot. Although the theft concerned an item of little value, the subdistrict court agreed with the municipality's decision to dismiss the employee with immediate effect. Lecturer in employment law…
Stefan Sagel on non-competition clauses
An open disagreement about a non-competition clause in the employment contract of a top business manager is a rare occurrence. Both the company and the employee are wary of the possible damage to their reputation that such a conflict could cause.
Handreiking voor seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer is niet streng genoeg
Seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer moet strenger worden aangepakt. Zo stelde regeringscommissaris seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag Mariëtte Hamer na haar benoeming begin 2022. Een jaar later verschijnt haar ‘Handreiking meldingen van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer’.…