2,177 search results for “bart history” in the Public website
How a very international archaeologist was born
From mandrill teeth to the microstructure of bones: archaeology alumna Simone Lemmers (31) is determined to reveal the past by studying old remains. Her curiosity has led to a very international career, also in the UK, where she witnessed the Brexit referendum.
Clichéd version of an autocracy or a restored democracy? The Turkish elections explained
In less than a week’s time, millions of Turkish people are going to decide who will govern their country for the next five years. These elections promise to be the most closely contested in years, with the opinion polls showing very small differences and everything at stake, including for Europe. Alp…
Indian Problems, Yemeni Solutions? Legal Exchanges in the Sixteenth Century
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Tensions between China and Taiwan: what's behind it?
For a while, it was uncertain whether prominent American politician Nancy Pelosi would travel to Taiwan. But last Tuesday, she did visit – much to the displeasure of China. Asia expert Casper Wits explains why China reacted so strongly and what the consequences of the visit may be.
Bio Science Park: from empty fields to hip neighbourhood
New housing in old labs and striking architecture for University buildings and high-tech companies, not to mention waterside parks. An exhibition in Oude UB shows the radical changes that are in store for the Leiden Bio Science Park over the coming years.
‘International isolation is not an option’
Security in the broadest sense of the word was the key focus in the Interfaculty Conference on 4 April in Leiden. With almost 200 attendees and such well-known speakers as Dick Schoof, Pieter van Vollenhoven and Ad Verbrugge, the first conference was a success.
Thalia Luden
Fenna IJtsma
Faculty of Humanities
Saskia Cohen-Willner
Faculty of Humanities
Caspar Dullemond
Faculty of Humanities
Matthew Voigts
Faculty of Humanities
Antoine Daratos
Faculty of Humanities
Rafal Matuszewski
Faculty of Humanities
Mark Loderichs
Faculty of Humanities
Nieuwe maatregelen om antisemitisme terug te dringen
Sinds de oorlog in Gaza neemt antisemitisme in Nederland toe. Het kabinet presenteerde vorige week maatregelen om deze opkomst terug te dringen. Marloes van Noorloos, Universitair hoofddocent straf- en strafprocesrecht, gaf bij EenVandaag uitleg over de strafbaarheid van antisemitisme.
Second World War victims commemorated in Hour of Remembrance
On 4 May, Leiden University remembered the victims of the Second World War from our university community. Alumni, students and present and former staff of the University came together for this Hour of Remembrance.
Cleveringa honoured with statue in birthplace of Appingedam
Almost 81 years after his famous protest speech against the German occupation, Leiden professor Rudolph Pabus Cleveringa will be remembered in his Groningen birthplace of Appingedam. A statue of him will be unveiled there on 12 November amid various other activities.
Ethnic Bias in Immigration Preferences: Experimental Evidence from Britain
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Migration and International Socialism: Transnational Socialism, Free Movement, and Migration in the early European Parliament
Lecture, LIMS seminar
The Dutch Transatlantic Slave Trade
Conference, Book presentation
Embedded Bureaucrats and Refugee Integration: How Do Local Bureaucrats’ Social Ties to Host Communities Facilitate Service Provision to Refugees
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Florian Herrendorf wins Fruinprijs 2023
Florian Herrendorf has won the Fruin Prize 2023. His thesis was chosen out of 11 nominees as the best master's thesis in history studies.
Meet Prof. dr. Jürgen K. Zangenberg, LJSA Co-Initiator and Member
Prof. Zangenberg came to Leiden in 2006 as Professor for New Testament and Early Christian Literature and is now Chair for the History and Culture of Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity.
Interview with Hafez Ismaili m'Hamdi about his course 'From Plato to Pussy Riot'
In the interview by Manu Sinjan, published in Eos Memo, Hafez Ismaili m'Hamdi addresses questions about the changing role of music in society through history, which is also the topic of his course 'From Plato to Pussy Riot'.
Paul Christiaan Flu: a Surinamese professor in a time of war
Paul Christiaan Flu, originally from Surinam, was a brilliant tropical doctor, who in 1938 rose to the position of Rector Magnificus of Leiden University. The war years brought his lightning career to an abrupt end: his son was murdered and he himself was imprisoned in a concentration camp. A sad family…
Andrea Warnecke
Faculty of Humanities
Sony Jean
Gelieerde instellingen
Juliët Tinebra
Faculty of Humanities
Marian Weevers
Faculty of Humanities
Ramona Negrón
Faculty of Humanities
José María Castro Ibarra
Faculty of Humanities
Cecilia-Louise von Ilsemann
Faculty of Humanities
Felix Bosch
Faculty of Humanities
Universiteit Leiden introduceert eerste bacheloropleiding Cybersecurity & Cybercrime
Vanaf september 2025 biedt de Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs de bacheloropleiding Cybersecurity & Cybercrime aan. Deze unieke Nederlandstalige opleiding leidt studenten op tot veelzijdige cyberexperts. ‘Er is veel vraag naar specialisten op het gebied van cybersecurity en cybercrime’.
How radical Islam gained a foothold in Indonesia
In recent decades, a more radical Islam has been on the rise in Indonesia, but the government now promotes a moderate form of Islam. In his inaugural lecture, Professor Nico Kaptein will analyse the dynamics of Islam and the influence of the Middle East in this the largest Muslim country in the world.…
Erasmus grant for eLaw’s research on fake news
Dr Mark Leiser, Assistant Professor in Law and Digital Technologies at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, has won a grant for research on fake news.
Department of Child Law hosts successful international symposium on children deprived of liberty
On Friday 13 April 2018, the Department of Child Law of Leiden University was proud to host the international symposium 'Deprivation of Liberty of Children in The Justice System – Towards A Global Research Agenda', organised by Prof. Dr. Ton Liefaard and Dr. Yannick van den Brink.
Jasper Knoester new Dean of the Faculty of Science
Professor Jasper Knoester has been appointed Dean of the Faculty of Science at Leiden University. He will take up the role on 1 January 2022. Knoester is currently Dean of the Faculty of Science & Engineering at the University of Groningen. He succeeds Paul Wouters (Dean of the Faculty of Social and…
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga becomes Assistant Professor at eLaw
eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, has promoted Dr. Eduard Fosch-Villaronga to Assistant Professor to work on Law and Artificial Intelligence.
The Netherlands one of the leaders in privacy protection
The Netherlands generally performs above average in the protection of personal data, according to research carried out at Leiden University. Germany is the leading country, while countries such as Italy and Romania are lagging behind.
Bachelor and Master Speckmann Awards 2018
Dominique Brommers, Lilly Brouwer, Annemiek Buijze and Kyra van Meijgaarden were granted the Bachelor Speckmann Award for their report ‘Community of Healing: Pentecost Revival Church’ (supervisor: Nienke van der Heide). Alumna Louise Nisbet received the Master Speckmann Award for her thesis ‘‘Alright,…
Afternoon of Discoveries for children
As a prelude to the Night of Discoveries, an Afternoon of Discoveries will be held in Leiden on 21 September for children from the age of eight. Researchers will tell exciting tales and the children will get to do experiments.
Bosscha Medal for Professor Taniawati Supali
At the opening of the LDE-BRIN Academy on 31 October, the Bosscha Medal was awarded to Professor Taniawati Supali from the Department of Parasitology at the University of Indonesia. She receives the medal for her outstanding contribution to science and her working style, which is characterised by collaboration,…
Student event 16 February – Meet Rosa: pleading (successfully!) in an LGBTQIA+ case before the CJEU as an early-career lawyer
Dive into the CJEU’s recent judgment in Case C-356/21 on non-discrimination from three unique perspectives on the 16 February at 17.00 hrs. Abogada Rosa Oyarzabal, Professor Christa Tobler, and Dr Olga Ceran will give you an insider’s view of the case in its legal and national context.
Visit of the Ambassador Mayerfas to Leiden University
On Thursday 24 June HE Mr Mayerfas and Cultural Attache Mr Din Wahid visited Leiden University to meet with President Annetje Ottow.
Erik Danen part of NWO Perspectief grant for organ-on-chip
A consortium of research groups, including that of LACDR professor Erik Danen, will use an NWO Perspective grant of nearly five million euros to build a universal standard for organ-on-chip models. They aim to stimulate the application of these chips in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry. Danen…
Research proposal focused on the topic of military operations wins this year’s research conference
In the course ‘Research Design CSM’ Dr. Elke Devroe and Moniek Akerboom organized this year a competitive research conference where students of the Master Crisis and Security Management (CSM) presented their research design in order to gain some (fictive) funding on their proposal.
AI and Society: A view from Indonesia
Explore the One Among Zeroes |0100| project and its role in shaping the future of the digital economy, human-environment dynamics, and urban heritage in Indonesia's cities.
Second Anthropology of Asia at Leiden Update well attended
On November 17, the Leiden Anthropology of Asia Network held its second Anthropology of Asia at Leiden Update. At Leiden University, anthropologists are not at all confined to the Institute Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CADS).
The Food Citizens? conference
On Friday 4th February 2022 we welcomed in hybrid format (in person and online live streaming) 154 registered participants, of which 97 online, to present the first results of the Food Citizens? ERC Consolidator project.