1,988 search results for “latin american” in the Public website
Forum Antiquum Lecture Spring 2023: 'Tempori serviendum est: Cicero’s public voice under the dictatorship of Julius Caesar'
- Conference: Lessons from Afghanistan
Yemen’s history of slavery and its lasting impact on social and racial hierarchies
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Social Science Matters: The (non)sense of conspiracy theories
Climate change is made up, the secret services murdered Pim Fortuyn and JFK, and the moon landing was a fake show. Conspiracy theories are of all times, providing sensation and entertainment, but also unrest and fear. The corona pandemic is new fuel for conspiracy theorists who set fire to 5G masts,…
Michiel Westenberg advocates prevention for social anxiety: ‘Why wait until the damage has been done?’
Shyness is perfectly normal, Michiel Westenberg stated in his farewell lecture. But that doesn’t mean that social anxiety shouldn’t be identified and addressed in good time. ‘Serious shyness has strong genetic roots; you don’t just get over it.’
Why We All Need Philosophical and Scientific Analysis in the History of Philosophy, History of Political Thought, and Intellectual History
Lecture, PCNI Research Seminar
The Second Trump Administration, the US Intelligence Community, and Transatlantic Security Relations
Panel discussion
Politics and Policy Pre-Analysis Plan (PAP) Workshop
Experience and Voice: Library of Colombian Women Writers - Symposium & Workshop
Symposium & Workshop
- PCNI Research Seminars 2022-2023
LCN2 seminar May 2024
Fragmented Marginalities: Dispossessed Peasantry and Migrant Labour Communities in Urban North India
Lecture, Lunch Research Seminar
Consensus and ideology in expert communities: The case of economics
- Leiden University Nationalism Network events
On the Abuse of Photographs by Kevin Lewis O’Neill
- International conference: Patristic Sermons in the Middle Ages: Collections, Mediators and the Practice of Compiling
Workshop 'Localizing the Women Peace & Security Agenda Across Multiple Governance Challenges'
Disentangling citizenship from nationality and inclusion from belonging in Chile
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
Alternating Dat-Nom / Nom-Dat constructions in Indo-European and the Extended Intransitive Hypothesis
Conference, Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (CIEL) Seminars
Scaliger medal presented to LERU President Kurt Deketelaere
The first Scaliger Medal was presented on 19 September to Leuven Professor Kurt Deketelaere, President of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). He received the award in recognition of his tireless commitment to promoting European research.
Alumnus Jan Joosten: ‘New Amsterdam seemed more exciting than old Amsterdam’
Jan Joosten studied civil and tax law in Leiden from 1985. After exchanges and an internship, he became infatuated with the United States. He is now a partner and co-founder of a new law firm in New York: Pierson Ferdinand.
Statistician Aad van der Vaart Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion
During a symposium in honour of his 60th birthday, statistician Aad van der Vaart received the royal award of Knight in the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands. Colleagues talk about his significance for their field and how they got to know him. ‘The collaborations with Aad have been one of the great…
Leiden astronomer Henk van de Hulst: humble man with great authority
World-famous among astronomers, humble, and averse to conventions. On 23 April, the Dutch biography about Henk van de Hulst was published. Biographer Dirk van Delft: ‘This remarkable man deserved a biography.’
Finding unique drug structures with artificial intelligence and chemistry
In the search for new medicines against diseases such as cancer, a Leiden team has developed a new workflow. This approach combines artificial intelligence (AI) with molecular modelling and is suitable for finding unknown and innovative drug structures, the researchers proved.
International Studies celebrates 10th anniversary: ‘We’re unique in the world’
September 2022 marks the tenth anniversary of International Studies bachelor's programme. Some (former) staff members tell us what they think makes the Faculty of Humanities' largest programme so special.
Their first time in the procession
Portraits of six Leiden professors for whom 8 February 2016 was the first time that they took part in the procession of Leiden professors at the Dies Natalis.
Alfons Chorus, founder of the Institute of Psychology: who was he really?
Alfons Chorus was the ‘founding father’ of Psychology in Leiden. His son Rogier Chorus recently obtained his PhD at Leiden University based on his biography of his father. He talked to his Leiden PhD supervisor Willem Heiser about his father’s innovations, his plagiarism and how he was misunderstood…
Blog Post | Diplomacy’s Response to the Coronavirus (Part II)
The previous blog post in this series discussed the role of international diplomacy during the coronavirus crisis. This post focuses on diplomacy and its challenges in post-corona times. Specifically, the blog post argues that diplomats will face a range of challenges following the Covid-19 pandemic…
Blog Post | Diplomatic Transparency and the Emergence of Post-Reality
Author: Ilan Manor
Teaching Prize winner Ayo Adedokun: teaching is a calling
‘Teaching is not merely a profession; it’s a calling.’ These were the words of Ayo Adedokun on winning the LUS Teaching Prize at the opening of the academic year on 6 September. The prize is for the best lecturer of the year.
Leiden Team Wins Second Place at the International Migration and Refugee Law Moot Court
Four master's students from Leiden University participated in this year’s edition of the International Migration and Refugee Law Moot Court, hosted by Antwerp University. Following the verbal rounds held between 21 and 22 March, the team went through to the finals, achieving second place overall.
"Getting Organized"
In January 2014, the research project The Promise of Organization hosted a fruitful three-day conference:
How Leiden became 'the wonder of Europe'
Curiosities from the anatomical theatre, swords from the fencing school and 17th-century portraits of the University's founders. The new University Room in Museum De Lakenhal portrays the turbulent first hundred years of Leiden University.
Blog Post | Actions and Lofty Promises of Science Diplomacy
Scholars from the field of science, technology and innovation (STI) policy have often questioned whether there was substantive difference between international STI policy and science diplomacy. This is hard to answer, but at least we can observe that science diplomacy has had great appeal over the last…
In memoriam: Prof. dr. J.T.P. de Bruijn (1931-2023)
On Monday 23 January 2023 J.T.P. (Hans) de Bruijn passed away at the age of 91. Until 1995 he held the Chair of New Persian Language and Culture at Leiden University.
Focus Raqqa: reconstruction of a Syrian museum collection
In the civil war in Syria, the country's cultural heritage is also under threat. There have been further acts of vandalism in Palmyra and many of the city's museums have been looted. Leiden archaeologist Olivier Nieuwenhuijse's Focus Raqqa project aims to make a digital inventory of the plundered archaeology…
Leiden University celebrates curiosity at 449th Dies Natalis
How has evolution shaped our curiosity? And how does that curiosity ensure that we now have the technological ability to discover whether we are alone in the universe? This was all covered during the celebration of Leiden University’s 449th Dies Natalis.
Reading list - The Rise of China and the New Global Order
In the past half a century, China has transformed from an underdeveloped and inward-looking country to a major player in world politics. The country asserts itself more boldly on the world stage; not only in relation to nearby countries and places such as Taiwan, Japan, and other countries that share…
Vidi grants for eight researchers from Leiden University
Eight scientists from Leiden University have been awarded a grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). With this Vidi funding, the researchers can set up an innovative line of research and further expand their own research group over the next five years.
Blog Post | Geoeconomic diplomacy: the EU’s reenergised mobilisation of strategic state-market cooperation
Faced with warfare on the European continent and growing Sino-American geopolitical disputes, the EU’s rising use of sanctions and attention to economic security call for a better diplomatic understanding of how state-market actor-networks are assets of modern foreign and security policy.
‘Creating propaganda has been democratised’
University lecturer Peter Burger has been researching the reliability of stories for almost 30 years. Whether political news item or urban myth, he debunks falsehoods and half-truths on an almost daily basis. He recently received a prize for his complete oeuvre.
Legal community determined to get rid of religious accommodation
There is a crisis in the law concerning the accommodation of religious practice. The legal profession is demanding that the law be changed because it does not want religious institutions to have the 'right to discriminate'. The profession holds that evolving societal sexual norms can render lawful religious…
From decorative arts student in Leiden to curator at the biggest museum in New York
How does a Leiden alumnus end up working at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met)? In the case of Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide, it was partly down to chance, luck, fate. But that was preceded by a unique degree in decorative arts in Leiden.
Blog Post | The Diplomatic Elite, the People at Home and Democratic Renewal
‘Foreign policy’ may seem to the general public to be merely an official response to problems entering the nation from across the border. Yet the political reach of diplomacy has extended, and diplomats will have to find ways to engage more with home citizens, including those who feel sidelined and…
Blog Post | The Populist Challenge and the Domestic Turn in Diplomacy
Author: Andrew F. Cooper
Strong need to talk together about Ukraine
Everyone has been watching the attack on Ukraine, a war on the European continent, with a sense of foreboding. It will bring devastation, loss, suffering and worry and it raises questions. With these words, Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl opened the meeting on the war in Ukraine at Wijnhaven on Thursday…
Ewine van Dishoeck shows us new worlds in Dies lecture
Her specialist field is molecular astrophysics, and she is the most quoted scholar in her field. In this, the year of astronomy, she is the ideal person to give the Dies lecture at the university with the world's oldest astronomy institute; it goes without saying that the lecture will be on the newest…
Blog Post | Diplomacy’s Response to the Coronavirus
The coronavirus outbreak has demonstrated the strengths and weaknesses of modern diplomacy. In this two-part series of blog posts, I will attempt to analyze how diplomats grappled with the coronavirus pandemic and how international diplomacy can best prepare to meet similar challenges in the future.…
Two good agents could replace two mobile units
Peter Slort is the highly driven portfolio holder for Diversity with the Dutch National Police. Since November 2016 he has been spreading the importance of diversity throughout the police organisation.
‘Sometimes choosing a different path can take you further’
On International Women's Day (8 March) we take time to consider female emancipation and participation. What does this day mean for Leiden University, and how does it tie in with our aim of becoming more diverse and inclusive? We talked about these issues with Annetje Ottow, who recently became the…