2,778 search results for “then en culture van de world” in the Public website
Leiden Humanities ranks high in QS World University Ranking
Humanities Faculty Leiden occupies a 49th place in the field of Arts & Humanities in the QS World University Ranking. Especially the subject areas Linguistics and History & Archeology rank high, with respectively a 26th and 28th place. Leiden University has fallen by one place in the annual QS World…
Emerging Powers and Development Finance across the World
On Friday 11 November, GTGC, L-PEG, and LUCIR organized a workshop on Emerging powers and Development Finance across the world.
Humanities Leiden ranked 25th in THE world ranking
The Faculty of Humanities is ranked 25th within the subject area 'Arts and Humanities' in the Times Higher Education Ranking (THE) of 2014-2015. The faculty scores particularly high in teaching, research and international outlook.
Miranda van Eck hoogleraar Cardio Vascular & Metabolomic Therapeutics
Miranda van Eck is benoemd tot hoogleraar Cardio Vascular & Metabolomic Therapeutics bij het Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research (LACDR) van de faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen. De benoeming ging per per 1 februari 2014 in.
Politieke Vervalsingen en Complottheorieën in Nederland - Toen en Nu
NWO Team Science Award for research on Hugo de Groot’s Bookchest
An interdisciplinary team of researchers has won the NWO Team Science Award after conducting research regarding the authenticity of several “Hugo de Groot’s” bookchests for the Dutch TV series Historisch Bewijs. The team consisted of researchers from the University of Amsterdam, the Rijksmuseum and…
'A Changing Europe in a Changing World' conference
The annual meeting of the European Group of Public Law (EGPL) took place on 13 and 14 September 2024 in Legrena, Greece.
International Children’s Rights visit Dutch juvenile detention center De Hunnerberg
On 25 October 2017, the current class of students of the advanced LL.M. programme International Children’s Rights visited juvenile detention center ‘De Hunnerberg’ in Nijmegen (the Netherlands).
Video | Panel Discussion "China's Diplomacy: Engaging the World"
On 20 May 2021, LeidenAsiaCentre and The Hague Journal of Diplomacy held a seminar on "The Recalibration of China's Diplomacy".
Sarah de Rijcke and Paul Wouters in a new European consortium
Sarah de Rijcke and Paul Wouters (CWTS) are partners in a new European consortium funded by the Swedisch Riksbankens Jubileumsfond: Knowledge in science and policy.
Veni grant for Joris van der Voet
Dr Joris van der Voet has been awarded a Veni grant of € 250,000 for his research into the working of savings strategies on innovation with municipalities. Van der Voet (Institute of Public Administration) compares Dutch municipalities with those in Spain and the United Kingdom. He explains by answering…
Cultural stereotyping in European Union governance: research on the impact of stereotypes receives ERC Starting Grant
EUROTYPES is a research project developed by political scientist Adina Akbik, for which she recently received a European Research Council Starting Grant. Her aim is to examine the impact of cultural stereotypes in European multi-level policy enforcement. One of EUROTYPES' innovations lies in its focus.…
Symposium in honour of Frits van Oostrom (Leiden)
Op dinsdag 14 juni 2022 wordt aan de Universiteit Leiden een symposium georganiseerd ter gelegenheid van het naderende emeritaat van Frits van Oostrom (Universiteit Utrecht). Wie deel wil nemen aan het symposium kan zich tot uiterlijk vrijdag 15 april 2022 opgeven via w.van.anrooij@hum.leidenuniv.nl.…
New IBL-professor in "Computational Biology": Vera van Noort
Vera van Noort has been appointed Professor in the field of Computational Biology within the Faculty of Science at the Institute of Biology from the 1st of February 2017. Van Noort’s expertise is in bioinformatics and her research focuses on the computational analysis of large-scale biological data…
Elena Paskaleva
Faculty of Humanities
China: custom anthropological solution for a world power
Global versus local, democracy versus dictatorship, tradition versus modernisation: such contrasts make it difficult for anthropologists. They look in detail at what really happens and can therefore add some nuance to blueprints and debates, is what Frank Pieke, Professor in Modern China Studies, will…
‘De Bijzondere Band’ – An exhibition of Dutch Art Nouveau book bindings
‘Huis van het Boek/Museum Meermanno in The Hague exhibits book bindings by leading Dutch Art-Nouveau artists from the period 1890-1910. The exhibition will be open from March 22 to June 23 2019. The title of the exhibition is De Bijzondere Band: Art Nouveau-boeken van Dijsselhof, Lion Cachet en Nieu…
Dr. H. Enno van Gelder lecture and research grant 2021
Met de H.E. van Gelder Onderzoeksbeurs wordt beoogd interdisciplinair onderzoek naar munten, bankbiljetten en penningen van een impuls te voorzien. De beurs heeft een waarde van € 10.000 en stelt de onderzoeker (m/v) in de gelegenheid een publicatie voor te bereiden en aan de hand daarvan vervolgonderzoek…
Seeking balance in a changing world and university
The world around us is changing. What does that mean for the future of Europe, on this turbulent world stage? And what does it mean for our teaching, and for the expectations that Leiden University has of its students? These were the key questions during the opening of the 2018-2019 academic year on…
‘Morocco Institute crucial for better understanding of Arab world’
A better understanding of Morocco and the Arab world is crucial for international relations and for Dutch society. This was the key message of Minister of Education, Culture and Science Jet Bussemaker and Ahmed Aboutaleb, Mayor of Rotterdam, at the opening of the renewed Netherlands Institute in Morocco…
Royal decoration for Jo Hermans and Jan Schmidt
Two of our colleagues received a royal decoration. Professor Jo Hermans became “Ridder in de Orde van Oranje Nassau”, and Professor Jan Schmidt became “Officier in de Orde van Oranje Nassau”. They receive the decoration as an acknowledgement for their extraordinary and selfless contribution to others…
Leiden University honours Lex van der Eb with University Medal
Leiden University has awarded its prestigious University Medal to Emeritus Professor Lex van der Eb. As a pioneer in genetics and molecular biology, he received this honour for his services to science and his key role in the development of the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP).
Sara Petrollino
Faculty of Humanities
Marina Terkourafi
Faculty of Humanities
Angus Mol
Faculty of Humanities
Dr. Kiefte-de Jong and Dr. Bosker, Assistant Professors at LUC, both awarded LUF Awards
Dr. Jessica Kiefte-de Jong and Dr. Thijs Bosker, both Assistant Professors at LUC, have been awarded by The Leiden University Fund (LUF).
Wim van den Doel member of Executive Board of NWO
Professor Wim van den Doel, dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University, has been appointed member of the Executive Board of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) with effect from 1 January 2017.
Wilbert de Witte received the Poster Award at the Dutch Pharmacological Society Spring Meeting
on Friday 22nd of April, at the successful Spring Meeting of the Dutch Pharmacological Society (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Farmacologie) was held at the University Medical Center Groningen.
Presentations by Willy de Heer and Niels Blokker during ILS 2.0 Lunch Seminar
On Monday 26 June Willy de Heer and Niels Blokker presented their research at the last ILS Luch Seminar before summer
Daniëlla Dam-de Jong on Vanuatu resolution on addressing the climate crisis
Vanuatu, a Pacific island state vulnerable to rising sea levels and increasingly violent storms, initiated a resolution to be submitted to the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Wednesday 29 March 2023.
Hans de Iongh has given a Skype lecture for American students of Duke University
On 23 February 2011, Hans de Iongh gave a Skype lecture for a group of 15 students of the Duke University of North Carolina, USA on the invitation of Dr Andrew Jacobson.
Erik Kwakkel elected to the Comité International de Paléographie Latine (CIPL)
On 18 June, 2015, Erik Kwakkel was elected to the Comité International de Paléographie Latine (CIPL), a scholarly committee that specializes in the study of the medieval book.
New Edition of Merrills’ International Dispute Settlement by Eric De Brabandere
Eric De Brabandere, Professor of International Dispute Settlement, and Director of the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies has just published the 7th Edition of the handbook Merrill’s International Dispute Settlement. The previous editions of this seminal handbook were authored by the late…
Ivo van Vulpen is Professor of Science Communication in Leiden
As of January 2022, Ivo van Vulpen has been Professor by Special Appointment of Science Communication at the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION). Van Vulpen will be researching science communication in general and will aim to underline the value and importance of science communication.
Style and Society in the Prehistory of West Asia
Essays in Honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse
IBL-research interview: Maurijn van der Zee
Maurijn van der Zee, at the IBL since 2010, investigates how genetic changes in developmental programs lead to new animal forms in evolution, using insects as model system. His field of research is called evolutionary developmental biology. Currently, he is working on the success and diversity of the…
Jelle van Buuren in NRC over cyberaanvallen EU
Door recente cyberaanvallen op instituties binnen en buiten Europa groeit het vermoeden steeds sterker dat achter de aanvallen wellicht een politieke motivatie schuilt. Jelle van Buuren van het Institute of Governance and Global Affairs (ISGA) verscheen in het NRC om te bespreken of er sprake kan zijn…
Quanta Magazine: where does Ewine van Dishoeck get her ideas?
In what settings do great ideas turn op? Quanta Magazine follows top scientists to their favorite places to think, tinker and create. Leiden astronomer Ewine van Dischoeck showed the magazine the Noordwijk beach. 'Somebody from the Netherlands is unavoidably linked with water.'
Remco Breuker
Faculty of Humanities
The phonological systems of the Mbam languages of Cameroon with a focus on vowels and vowel harmony
The languages of the Mbam-et-Inoubou District of the Centre Region of Cameroon have a unique position in Bantu linguistics. Being in between
Organizing Democracy. Reflections on the Rise of Political Organizations in the Nineteenth Century
This volume challenges the idea that the development of ‘democracy’ is a story of rise and progress at all. It is rather a story of continuous but never completely satisfying attempts of interpreting the rule of the people.
Kinderarbeid is ook slecht voor de taalontwikkeling
Dit blijkt uit het onderzoek ‘The Class Divide in Urban Indian Youths’ Lives; Their Time-Use and Adaptive Functioning’ van Radhika Bapat.
Gratama Science Award for Jojanneke van der Toorn
Jojanneke van der Toorn has been proclaimed the young and promising researcher of 2015. At the official opening of the academic year on 31 August she was awarded the Gratama Science Award for emerging talent.
Herman van Rompuy: inspired by the spirit of compromise
The European Union can only remain in existence if all Member States continue to be inspired by the spirit of compromise. Those words comprised the core message of Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council, who delivered the third Europa Lecture on 10 October at Leiden University.
Media | Art | Politics (MAP)
The Leiden Lectures in Media | Art | Politics (MAP) is a series of talks organized by Pepita Hesselberth and Yasco Horsman. Speakers from various academic backgrounds and in different stages of their careers reflect on diverging ways in which technological and social changes challenge and transform…
Bibi van den Berg in I/O Magazine
Professor of Cybersecurity Governance Bibi van den Berg was interviewed recently by I/O Magazine, the magazine of the ICT-research platform The Netherlands.
Puzzlegami: Martin van Hecke Lab in the media
The Van Hecke group published in Nature Physics about programmable origami, which was covered in the following media.
Anne van Rongen wins the Wayne A. Colburn Memorial Award
Anne van Rongen has been honoured with the Wayne A. Colburn Memorial Award at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP). This highly regarded award recognises the best poster presentation, celebrating exceptional research and presentation skills.
Wim van Saarloos Returns as Leiden Professor of Theoretical Physics
Wim van Saarloos will become vice president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), and return to the Leiden Institute of Physics as professor of theoretical physics. Currently, Van Saarloos is Transition Director at the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
Max van Duijn nominated for Discoverer of the Year 2019
Every person on earth can read another person’s mind. Not in the way psychics or witches do, but by putting themselves in the shoes of others and considering how they perceive the world. This kind of empathy greatly facilitates communication and interaction. Max van Duijn studies this phenomenon to…