1,836 search results for “translational” in the Public website
- Alumni Stories
Grotius Dialogue 'Beyond Bilateralism'
Leiden University Nationalism Network
Lecture, Book Launch Leiden University Nationalism Network
International Women's Day workshop: Freedom and refugees
LeidenGlobal Workshop
Novel Strategies to Investigate Lipoprotein Metabolism and Combat Cardiometabolic Disease
PhD defence
Woodworkers and farmers 3000 years ago: transitions from the Rigveda to the Atharvaveda
Lecture, VVIK lecture
VVIK Lecture | Uncovering the Manuscript History of the Śrīkaṇṭhacarita: Tracing and Reconstruction
Lecture, VVIK Lecture
Developing Sesotho as medium of instruction at tertiary level - challenges and opportunities
Lecture, Applied African Linguistics
The Other is the One left behind
Lecture, Research Seminar
Special Guest Lecture: Colonialism, Citizenship and the challenges for Decolonial work in the Netherlands
Guest Lecture | SSEALS
Unveiling Media Accessibility: From Research to Practice and Back
Lecture, Leiden Translation Talks
Tail Regeneration in the Tokay Gecko (Gekko gecko)
PhD defence
Policy Academy Programme
- ‘Theatres of Law: Policing, Prosecution, and Performance from Plato to YouTube’ – Workshop with Julie Stone Peters (Columbia University) and
Online Dispute Resolution through the Lens of Access to Justice
Japan and the Netherlands in a Global Context: Transnational Intellectual Currents of the 19th Century
Lecture, COGLOSS lecture
Interdisciplinary research and teaching at Leiden University
Many of the challenges of our time are too complex to be resolved within the confines of a single discipline. Leiden University is a broad-based university where an incredible number of research fields converge. That makes us the ideal breeding ground for, and practitioners of, interdisciplinary research…
Project Office IRP
Programme management of research programme “Strengthening knowledge of and dialogue with the Islamic/Arab world”
The formation of Islam: The view from below
By examining the impact of Islam on the daily life of those living under its rule, the goal of this project is to understand the striking newness of Islamic society and its debt to the diverse cultures it superseded. Questions will be the extent, character, and ambition of Muslim state competency at…
Late Pre-colonial and Early Colonial Entanglements of Venezuela with the Caribbean
This research project is an integral part of its mother-programme NEXUS1492 ERC Synergy Project directed by Prof. Corinne Hofman. Overarchingly, it aims at understanding and bridging from the archaeological perspective the late pre-colonial and early colonial history of the Southeastern Caribbean macroregion…
- Leiden University Gender Equality Plan 2021
The EU fundamental right to ‘freedom of the arts and sciences’: exploring the limits on the commercialisation of academia (AFITE) AFITE is an interdisciplinary five-year research project. It is funded by the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO), as part of its Vidi scheme. Its principal…
About our Faculty
The Faculty of Humanities offers an inspiring international working environment with room for diversity and innovation to staff and students from home and abroad.
Programme structure
The core curriculum equips students with the conceptual approaches and qualitative empirical research methods necessary to analyze law in context. Specialized electives enable students to dive deeper and focus on particular areas of legal practice—from legal mobilization to regulation and compliance…
The Principles of Representative Government: Thrity Years Later
Lecture, Workshop
Fire in Human Evolution
Attitudes and perceptions about democracy and authoritarianism under the new generations in Chile
Lecture, PCNI Research Seminar
Quantitative Pharmacology Approaches to Inform Treatment Strategies Against Tuberculosis
PhD defence
Proteomics and functional investigation of SUMO and ubiquitin E3 ligases
PhD defence
Digital Humanities Pilot Project Symposium 2025
Glycoproteomics assays for prostate cancer biomarker discovery
PhD defence
Disentangling citizenship from nationality and inclusion from belonging in Chile
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
The Scandal of Cal: A Conversation about the Role of Academic Institutions in Historical Exploitation
Lecture, Global Questions Seminar
In between looking and seeing
PhD defence
EU Privacy and Data Protection Law applied to AI: Unveiling the Legal Problems for Individuals
PhD defence
- Spinoza Lezing 2024
From reconstructing to constructing languages: How I created two conlangs for a movie about the Neolithic Revolution
Lecture, Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (CIEL) Seminars
The Need for Teaching a More Accurate and Inclusive History of Science: The Case of Islamic Contributions to Math and Sciences
Computational modeling of pharmacokinetics and tumor dynamics to guide anti-cancer treatment
PhD defence
Public lecture: On the Diversity and the Formation of Creole Languages
Graphic Novels in South-Africa: the Work of Nathan Trantraal
Arts and culture
- What's New?! Fall Lecture Series 2023
Treaty-making in Southeast Asia as a Cross-cultural Practice
Lecture, COGLOSS lecture
The Principles of Representative Government: Thirty Years Later
Lecture, Workshop
Our man in Jakarta keeps the institute running from Venlo
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many staff of Leiden institutes abroad to leave their posts in a hurry. How is the KITLV Jakarta team doing now? Director Marrik Bellen talks about the turbulent times for this Leiden institute and its staff. And can we learn anything from the Indonesian approach?
How do you help a child suffering from depression?
What causes depression in a child and how can they get over it? Leiden Professor of Psychology Bernet Elzinga and behavioural scientist Carine Kielstra recently hosted a webinar on the subject of depression in teenagers. The level of interest was overwhelming.
New Year’s reception 2021: a memorable online event
The Faculty’s traditional New Year’s reception, like everything else these days, was transformed into an online event this year. Dean Paul Wouters as the host led us through the programme filled with the Casimir Teaching Award, the Pieter de la Court Medals, the Master’s Thesis Prizes, and a short lecture…
Blog Post | Diplomatic Spaces Through Time: A Call for Interdisciplinary Research on Architecture and International Relations
The latest forum in the Hague Journal of Diplomacy highlights the rich potential for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of architecture, diplomacy, and international relations. These contributions, spanning from the early American republic to the contemporary era, reveal how diplomatic spaces…
The new self-evaluation of the Institute of Psychology: ‘The quality of the academic culture is more important’
Better supervision of PhD candidates, clear guidelines on career paths and an MRI scanner that can be accessed by all researchers: these are the recommendations from the new self-evaluation. Colleagues say: ‘This forces us as an institute to formulate our mission and vision more precisely.’
John Mydosh and the mystery of the Hidden Order
A 35-year-old uranium crystal will not disclose its secret: what causes a dramatic phase transition at 17.5 Kelvin? Thanks to a new artificial intelligence approach, half of the possible explanations are excluded, but the definitive answer remains to be found. 'It is very frustrating', says physicist…