1,635 search results for “beadle” in the Public website
Bibliotheca Enchusana
PhD defence
Using cryo-EM methods to uncover structure and function of bacteriophages
PhD defence
Hacking stroke in women
PhD defence
Jade from the Other Mountain: Chinese Fan Fiction Based on English Source Texts
PhD defence
Personalized drug repositioning using gene expression
PhD defence
Essays on Welfare Benefits, Employment, and Crime
Prof. M.G. Knoef Summary: Bijstandsuitkeringen bieden een financieel vangnet tegen armoede, wanneer het recht op overige socialezekerheidsuitkeringen ontbreekt. Echter, stijgende overheidsuitgaven zijn in recente jaren in toenemende mate beantwoord met de inkrimping van veel Europese verzorgingsstaten,…
On the Benefits and Boundaries of Trust and Trustworthiness
PhD defence
Semisynthetic Glycopeptide Antibiotics
Prof. N.I. Martin Summary: The accelerated appearance of drug-resistant pathogens continues to present a growing threat to modern medicine’s capacity to fight infectious disease. A recent Lancet study estimates that in 2019 antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was directly responsible for a staggering 1.27…
Targeting for success: Mechanistic insights into microRNA-based gene therapy for Huntington disease
PhD defence
Environmental opportunities and challenges for IoT technologies in sustainable supply chain operations
PhD defence
‘In transformation’: trust, participation, and new socialities around collective food procurement networks in Gdańsk
PhD defence
A grammar of Ashéninka
PhD defence
How negative experiences influence the brain in pain: Neuroimaging and biobehavioral insights
Prof. A.W.M. Evers Summary: This PhD research dealt with neurobiological and behavioral aspects of pain. Previous research has demonstrated that pain sensitivity can be worsened as a result of learned negative expectations, a phenomenon termed nocebo hyperalgesia –a counterpart to placebo analgesia.…
A Sociolinguistic Study of an Ewe-based Youth Language of Aflao, Ghana
PhD defence
Political Factors Affecting European Union Legislative Decision- Making Speed
PhD defence
Health problems and risks encountered among healthy and vulnerable Dutch travelers
PhD defence
Intelligent Workflows for Automated Analysis of Mass Spectrometry- based Proteomics Data
Prof. M. Wuhrer Summary: Massaspectrometrie is een krachtige techniek voor proteomics omdat het de benodigde hoge gevoeligheid en snelheid levert voor de analyse van het complexe en dynamische proteoom. Echter, het gebruik van deze techniek levert massaspectrometrische data op die ook zeer…
MRI for planning and characterization of uveal melanoma patients treated with proton beam therapy
PhD defence
Tail Regeneration in the Tokay Gecko (Gekko gecko)
PhD defence
Making Crimes Mean: A Normative Analysis of the Acts that Constitute International Crimes
Prof. C. Stahn Summary This thesis examines the normative dimensions of the acts that constitute international crimes. It offers a conceptualisation of the normative dimensions of these acts as processes of construction and meaning making. Using the crimes of attacks on cultural property, pillage,…
Regulation of autophagy-related mechanisms during bacterial infection
PhD defence
Detection of schistosome circulating antigens CCA and CAA
PhD defence
Optimizing antifungal treatment through pharmacometrics: dosing considerations for enhanced efficacy
PhD defence
Single Supervision, Single Judicial Protection?
PhD defence
Biomechanical Studies on Type B Aortic Dissection
Prof. J.F. Hamming Summary: Uncomplicated Acute type B Aortic Dissection (ABAD) is still associated with a 30-day mortality of approximately 10%. Although the introduction of thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair (TEVAR) showed promising results in complicated ABAD, best medical treatment is still todays…
The historical development of the Dutch posture‐verb progressive construction including a comparison with German
PhD defence
The input pathways to the circadian clock: from nocturnality to diurnality
PhD defence
Multimodality imaging in patients with valvular heart disease and systemic diseases
PhD defence
Raising the bar for classification and outcome assessment for clinical studies in axial spondyloarthritis
Prof. D.M.F.M. van der Heijde Summary Dit proefschrift beschrijft verschillende onderzoeken naar axiale spondyloartritis, een chronische reumatische ziekte veroorzaakt door chronische ontsteking in de wervelkolom. De belangrijkste symptomen zijn chronische rugpijn (aanwezig voor ten minste 3 maanden)…
Generalization of placebo and nocebo effects on somatosensory sensations
PhD defence
Evolutionary adaptability of β-lactamase
PhD defence
Proteomics and functional investigation of SUMO and ubiquitin E3 ligases
PhD defence
Online Radicalisation: The Use of the Internet by Islamic State Terrorists in the US (2012-2018)
Prof. E. Bakker Prof. S. Macdonald (Swansea University) Summary Online radicalisation has been highlighted by policymakers, the media, and academics as a top security priority in recent years. This thesis unpacks the concept by empirically analysing 201 Islamic State terrorist actors in the US, discerning…
Evolution and development of orchid flowers and fruits
PhD defence
Breaking Barriers, Personalizing Pathways - Psychological health and self-management of people with chronic kidney disease
PhD defence
Quantitative Pharmacology Approaches to Inform Treatment Strategies Against Tuberculosis
PhD defence
Indistinguishable Likeness
PhD defence
Women, Family, and Litigation in Nineteenth-Century Chongqing
PhD defence
Glycoproteomics assays for prostate cancer biomarker discovery
PhD defence
Fear of choking and fear of falling in middle and end stage patients with Huntington’s disease
PhD defence
Functional analysis of genetic variants in PALB2 and CHEK2
PhD defence
Evidence-based treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy
Prof. C.J.F. Boon Prof. G.P.M. Luyten Summary: Dit promotieonderzoek gaat over de oogziekte centrale sereuze chorioretinopathie (serosa). Bij deze aandoening is er sprake van ophoping van vocht onder het netvlies, wat kan leiden tot een vermindering in zicht, verschil in contrastzien en soms ook vervormingen…
Targeting Inter-Organ Cross-Talk in Cardiometabolic Diseases
PhD defence
Safety of the Artisan iris-fixated phakic intraocular lens
Prof. G.P.M. Luyten Summary Er zijn verschillende opties om oogsterkte (refractie) afwijkingen te corrigeren. De meest bekende opties zijn een bril en contactlenzen. Sommige mensen kunnen, of willen, geen bril of contactlenzen dragen. Er bestaan ook chirurgische opties om refractieafwijkingen te corrigeren.…
Hong Kong's Place in South East Asia
PhD defence
Genetic and lifestyle factors in breast cancer prognostication
PhD defence
Labour Regulation of International Aviation: A Crawl-Walk-Run Approach in International Law
PhD defence
Algorithm Design for Mixed-Integer Black-Box Optimization Problems with Uncertainty
PhD defence
Entre la utopía tecnocrática y la colegialidad académica
PhD defence
Non-Textual Evidence in International Criminal Prosecutions
PhD defence