1,173 search results for “religious conversion” in the Public website
Leiden’s BA Religious Studies programme ranked #1 in The Netherlands
The BA Religious Studies programme has been awarded the label 'Topopleiding' (Top Education) in the Keuzegids 2021.
History and Religious Studies #1 and #2 in The Netherlands in QS World University Rankings 2017
History and Religious Studies in Leiden rank # 17 and #32 in the QS World University Rankings by Subject. With this, History in Leiden ranks as the best in The Netherlands and Religious Studies ranks as second best.
Program Current Issues in Religious Studies and Western Esotericism (University of Amsterdam), Academic Year 2023–2024
Religious Studies at the University of Amsterdam organises a postgraduate seminar on current issues in religious studies and western esotericism. You can find the programme for the year 2023-2024 below.
Enduring Christianity in a Muslim world
A project aimed at understanding the complicated process of religious transformation in one of the centres of the early Muslim world.
Visiting Scholar Dr. Lena Sadovski talks about religious hyperdiversity in early modern south-east Europe
On October 11, the Austria Centre Leiden teamed up with the Leiden Jewish Studies Association to welcome Dr. Lena Sadovski for a lunch time talk. Fifteen colleagues from across the university, including retirees and graduate students, attended Dr. Sadovski's fascinating lecture entitled “When religion…
Mobility of Ideas and Transmission of Texts. Vernacular Literature and Learning in the Rhineland and the Low Countries (ca. 1300-1550)
The programme focuses on the medieval dynamics of intellectual life in the Rhineland and the Low countries, nowadays divided over five countries (Switzerland, France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands) but one cultural region in the later Middle Ages.
Religious Studies students "learn with the city": bridging the gap between religion and society
Three students in Elpine de Boer’s class “Practicing Religious Studies” have been working together on a “Leren met de Stad” (“Learning with the City”) project with community centre Morschwijck, located in Leiden. The students were asked by the organization Incluzio to investigate to which extent cultural…
The Flag of Zhenyan Flies Again: The Taiwanese Resurrection of Esoteric Buddhism through Wuguang’s Appropriation of Imperially Imported Shingon
This study elucidates a critical facet of modern global Buddhism that has escaped the attention of the scholarly community by exploring the life, teachings and influence of Master Wuguang 悟光上師 (1918-2000).
A Brief History of Islam in Europe
Thirteen Centuries of Creed, Conflict and Coexistence
Arnold Mol
Faculty of Humanities
Maurits Berger
Faculty of Humanities
Kim Beerden
Faculty of Humanities
Lieke Smits
Faculty of Humanities
KNAW subsidy strengthens cooperation between Leiden religious scholars and secondary school teachers
Markus Altena Davidsen was 'extremely happy' when he heard that he and his colleagues had been awarded a grant from the KNAW pilot fund for science communication. Together with partners from all over the country, they are working on a book that should inspire secondary schools to renew their education…
Coping with Versnel: A Roundtable on Religion and Magic
Henk Versnel's work on ancient religion has been seminal. For his 80th birthday, a group of scholars assembled to celebrate and analyze his oeuvre.
Freedom and the Fifth Commandment. Catholic priests and political violence in Ireland, 1919-21
A new paperback edition of Brian Heffernan's book Freedom and the Fifth Commandment. Catholic priests and political violence in Ireland, 1919-21 was published by Manchester University Press in September 2016.
- Framing Late Antique Religion Lecture Series
In conversation with Frans Timmermans about plastics in Europe
14 March 2018 a Citizens’ Dialogue about plastic-use in Europe with First-Vice President Frans Timmermans took place in Utrecht. It was one in a series of dialogues organized by the European Commission held throughout Europe. LAPP-student Emily den Boer joined the evening.
Students in informal conversation with leaders Trudeau and Rutte
Hordes of photographers, students trying to catch a glimpse and take selfies, and cheering people at the entrance to Wijnhaven. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Prime Minister Mark Rutte were received like true pop stars, in the late afternoon at Leiden University’s Campus The Hague.
Metropolis M in conversation with ACPA alumna Anja Groten
Contemporary art magazine Metropolis M talks with ACPA alumna Anja Groten about her dissertation and corresponding book she self-published with the Hackers & Designers collective.
Geert de Snoo on lion conversation on radio Science071
Together with colleagues and students, Professor of conservation biology Geert de Snoo studies the decline of the lion population in a national park close to Kenia's capital city, Nairobi. He discusses how they try to protect the lions on radio Sleutelstad FM.
Summer School Books and Culture 2020: The Plantin Press and the Religious Book (Antwerp, 29 June - 3 July 2020)
Intensive 5-day programme on the world-famous Antwerp-based printing and publishing house founded by Christopher Plantin in 1555. International experts will discuss how it developed the production and distribution of religious books and related illustrations and prints in the following centuries.
Hans-Martien ten Napel has book published “Constitutionalism, Democracy and Religious Freedom. To Be Fully Human”
In 2014 Hans-Martien ten Napel received a Research Fellowship in Legal Studies at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ. The book he wrote as a result of this fellowship was published last week by Routledge Law.
‘Relationship between the state and religious and ideological beliefs in Belgium has reached its best-before date’
In Belgium, officially recognised religions receive financial support from the state. Partly as a result, there is no clearly implemented secularism (separation of church and state) though this is considered to be a guiding notion in modern constitutional theories. PhD candidate Alain Vannieuwenburg…
Archaeologist argues for circular economy during Carnegie Peacebuilding Conversations
Maikel Kuijpers was invited to join a session on material rights, resource use, and craftsmanship during the Carnegie Peacebuilding Conversations held in The Hague’s Peace Palace in September. Organised by Major Alliance the session brought together a diverse panel to discuss “The Universal Declaration…
Conversion of renewable raw materials on platinum shows unexpected behaviour
The electrochemical reduction of a group of organic compounds on platinum is strongly dependent on the arrangement of the atoms in the platinum surface. Christoph Bondue, postdoc in Marc Koper's group, published this in Nature Catalysis on 4 March. The reduction of such compounds is an important process…
In conversation with the head of the rodent facility
Before patients can take a pill, scientists often spend years in the lab developing and testing a candidate drug. That often includes experiments with laboratory animals. As head of the rodent facility, Ilze Bot and her colleagues ensure that these experiments are conducted in an ethically responsible…
Radhika Gupta
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Understanding Dutch converts to Islam
How do the pathways of Dutch converts to Islam involved in jihadist movements differ from those of Dutch converts who are not, in terms of their life prior to Islam, their conversion experience and the form of involvement with the Islamic community after conversion?
The mystical kiss of the mouth. The role of images and imagery in medieval spirituality (1100-1500)
How can the importance of the image in late medieval spirituality be understood in the context of the love mysticism inspired by the imagery of the Song of Songs?
Bert Koenders in conversation on US Elections and Geopolitics at Columbia University
On 13 November, Bert Koenders (Professor of Peace, Security and Justice at ISGA) was invited to take part in a conversation with Enrico Letta (Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) at Sciences Po in Paris and former Italian Prime Minister) on the European and geopolitical implications…
Francesco Walker in The Conversation on how children look at art
Adults and children view art in completely different ways, Cognitive psychologist Francesco Walker discovered at Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum. 'In a recent study at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, I used eye-tracking technology.' Walker talks about his research on media platform ‘The Conversation’.
Rethinking Javanese Religion: The Prospect of New Descriptions of Javanese Traditions
This study describes religion in Java.
From the lecture hall: in conversation with an inmate
Students stream into the lecture hall, handing in their mobile phones at the door. Once everyone’s seated, silence descends and all eyes turn to the large screen at the front of the lecture hall. A live connection has been set up with the prison where Marco is a long-term inmate. Today, the students…
Archaeologist Bleda Düring in conversation about new publication on Archaeologies of Empire
The School for Advanced Research organised an onlne conversation between Dr Bleda Düring and his co-editors of the publication Archaeologies of Empire and the editors of the publication Imperial Formations. Watch the resulting video.
Bert van den Berg on The Conversation: "Ancient scroll reveals new story of Plato’s death"
University Lecturer Bert van Den Berg shares about the recent research by The Greek Philosophical Schools project in Italy. The research sheds new light on the life and death of Plato.
Buddhism and social justice: doctrine, ideology and discrimination in tension
In Sri Lanka, a prominent Singhalese Buddhist monk publicly proclaims that it is not a sin to kill Tamils. In Japan, the family register kept in a Buddhist temple and specifying the outcaste status of a lineage is provided to private detectives investigating the marriageability of a young woman. Throughout…
and Liesbeth van Vliet argue in Dutch newspaper Trouw for better conversations about death
In the opinion article ‘Maak praten over de dood niet tot een morele plicht’ (Don’t turn talking about death into a moral obligation) Annemarie Samuels and Liesbeth van Vliet, argue together with Marike de Meij and Sander de Hosson that it is important to have conversations about death and dying but…
Colonialism Inside Out: Everyday Experience and Plural Practice in Dutch Institutions in Sri Lanka (c. 1700-1800)
Colonialism Inside Out: Everyday Experience and Plural Practice in Dutch Institutions in Sri Lanka (c. 1700-1800)
Call for papers: Compassion, Social Engagement, and Discontent: Believing and the Politics of Belonging in Europe Today
Leiden University Centre for the Study of Religion (LUCSoR), Thursday 10 and Friday 11 November 2016
Maarten Jansen
Faculteit Archeologie
Religious Discourse and Tribal Affiliation in Early Islamic Ifrīqiya
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Alumnus Marlon Titre: ‘Film is often the start of a conversation’
Marlon Titre (1982) studied at Royal Conservatoire The Hague, did his PhD and studied at Leiden University, earned several other qualifications and is now, among others, Director of Filmhuis The Hague. Who is this multi-talent?
So, what I want to pass on: dare to engage in conversation
The student navigator ‘Find your way’ helps students find their way around the university. The ombuds officer for students, Eugène van der Heijden, can also be found on this roadmap. Eugène talks about his work as ombuds officer and what he does for students.
Hans-Martien ten Napel presents paper during 24th Annual International Law and Religion Symposium at J. Reuben Clark Law School
From October 1-3, 2017, the 24th Annual International Law and Religion Symposium was held at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, USA. The Symposium was attended by 100 participants, from 50 different countries, while interpretation at the venue was available in 11 languages (Arabic, French, Italian,…
activism: 'It is precisely by being silent that you sometimes keep the conversation open'
We talk too little about silence, thinks university lecturer Gerlov van Engelenhoven. He has been awarded a Veni grant to investigate the role of silence in protest movements. Does silence sometimes really say more than a thousand words?
Comparative Religion Network
Within the Comparative Religion Network staff and graduate students from LIAS-LUCSoR (and beyond) discuss ongoing work and cooperate on key issues in the comparative and systematic study of religion.
Looi van Kessel on The Conversation: ‘Their passing is a reminder of the fragility of queer lives’
Assistant professor Looi van Kessel writes in The Conversation about the passing of drag performer The Vivienne, reflecting on their significance for LGBTQ+ advocacy in Europe.
The SyRI Judgment: A conversation with Jelle Klaas, litigation director of NJCM and plaintiff’s attorney
The District Court of The Hague announced its judgment on 5 February in the case of SyRI (Systeem Risico Indicatie). Two writers, Privacy rights groups, civil rights lawyers and the largest national labour union had rallied to fight this controversial surveillance system, created and used by the Dutch…
Narrative and Belief
How do religious narratives persuade their readers to believe their message? And how can it be that some readers even come to treat fantasy and science fiction as authoritative religious texts? These are the core questions treated in Markus Davidsen’s new book Narrative and Belief: The Religious Affordance…