509 search results for “hybrid date” in the Public website
You can find an overview of events organized by the Platform for Post-Colonial Readings below.
‘Swipen voor een kwarrel’: alumni write about dating jargon
Online dating is hard enough on its own, but these days you also need to know what terms like ‘zombieing’ and ‘prela’ mean. Alumni Milou Andree and Vivien Waszink wrote ‘Swipen voor een kwarrel, a book that discusses all the dating jargon, from the ‘scharrel’ to ‘pigbutchering’.
Research into higher education
Research on learning and teaching in higher education
A computational study of structural and excitonic properties of chlorosomes
The long-held desire - to link structure directly to function and to explain molecular mechanisms based on basic chemical or physical principles - is finally coming closer, satisfying not only our scientific curiosity but also offering new solutions to the many challenges in the field of health, energy…
Evolutionary diversification and historical biogeography of Orchidaceae in Central America with emphasis on Costa Rica and Panama
In this thesis, I targeted the orchid genus Lepanthes, one of the six genera of angiosperms that surpasses 1,000 species in the Neotropics, as a study model to investigate the evolutionary processes that promoted species diversifications.
Painting with starlight : optical techniques for the high-contrast imaging of exoplanets
This thesis describes the development and validation of new high-contrast imaging techniques, with the ultimate goal of enabling the next generation of instruments for ELT-class telescopes to directly image Earth-like extra-solar planets orbiting around nearby stars.
Intersectional activism: Dutch-Turkish Muslim women 'talking back' to securitization and Islamophobia
This article investigates the efforts of influential Turkish Muslim civil society actors to amplify the voices of Muslim women in the Netherlands.
Find the answers to frequently asked questions about the Summer School here.
Philippine Confluence: Iberian, Chinese and Islamic Currents, C. 1500-1800
Situated at the crossroads of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the Spanish Philippines offer historians an intriguing middle ground of connected histories that raises fundamental new questions about conventional ethnic, regional and religious identities.
Cryptic species discovery
Do understudied animals contain hidden species?
School for Digital Deaf Studies
Leiden University has a leading position in research and education in the linguistics of languages around the globe, including sign languages. In recent years, digital approaches to studying spoken languages and their communities have rapidly expanded. Language technology and digital approaches relating…
Expression and Recognition of Emotion in Native and Foreign Speech: The Case of Mandarin and Dutch
This study investigates the perception and production of emotional prosody by native and non-native listeners and speakers, i.e. Chinese and Dutch listeners and speakers, including Dutch L2 learners of Chinese.
TRIXY Center of Expertise
TRIXY is a national Center of Expertise, in which clinical professionals and expert researchers work together to improve knowledge and clinical care for children with X and Y chromosome trisomies.
Hard power and the European Convention on Human Rights
On 18 June 2019, Peter Kempees defended his thesis 'Hard power and the European Convention on Human Rights'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. R.A. Lawson and Prof. H. Duffy.
Adaptive responses to environmental changes in Lake Victoria cichlids
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.K. Richardson, Co-Promotor: F. Witte
Biodiversity and trade: mitigating the impacts of non-food biomass global supply chains.
Dating with electrodes struck to your skin
Four thousand visitors immersed themselves in art and science during Leiden's Night of Art and Science on 17 September. They could choose from dozens of lectures, experiments, interactive events and a lot of art.
and Information: adventures in understanding large language models in hybrid settings
Corona virus update: June conference cancelled; new date pending
Due to the by now world-wide Covid19 restrictions on travelling and holding meetings, the committee has decided to cancel the conference in June. We are now looking into postponing the conference (either to a later date in 2020 or to 2021). We will keep you informed about any further developments. All…
New term dates for the Dutch language course
Important note: upon careful consideration, we have decided to resume our Dutch language courses.
The application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child by national courts
On 3 December 2019, Meda Couzens defended her thesis 'The application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child by national courts'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. T. Liefaard and Prof. J.J. Sloth-Nielsen.
Evolution & Biodiversity
Evolution & Biodiversity is one of the four research themes of the Institute of Biology Leiden.
Speed-dating to find your thesis supervisor
Four talented students will have the opportunity to progress smoothly from their master’s study programme into a research career. Master’s students in Applied Statistics can compete for one quarter of the € 800,000 grant recently awarded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).…
Staying positive and connected: Work hubs and the alternative coffee date
'Getting used to things, doesn't necessarily mean it's getting easier. That's why we're incredibly impressed by what everyone has accomplished.' How do our institutes stay connected and motivated? Lenneke Alink (Pedagogical Sciences) and Ed Noijons (CWTS) share how pub quizzes and who's who games, new…
The emergent ‘artistic object’ in the post-conceptual condition
Where in the model of contemporary art, which can be described as a hybrid and joint undertaking between artists, institutions, curators, theory and discursivity, is the actual 'object' of art located and generated? Where and by whom and in what configuration of positions is it produced? Who or what…
Promise, Pretence and Pragmatism: Governance and Taxation in Colonial Indonesia, 1870-1940
On 2 Juni 2021, Maarten Manse defended his thesis 'Promise, Pretence and Pragmatism: Governance and Taxation in Colonial Indonesia, 1870-1940'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. R. Arendsen.
UN Sanctions and International Law
Are UN sanctions regimes in need of further formalization in terms of substantive design, procedural architecture and with a view to regulating and governing the interplay with other regimes?
- Featured Reviews
Join our Online Experience Day
Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) offers a 3-year Bachelor's programme with a focus on Global Challenges: Peace & Justice, Sustainability, Diversity and Prosperity. The programme offers room for flexibility; you get to specialize in a major of your choice and combine this with a minor or electives.…
The Metabolic syndrome affects over 5 million people in the Netherlands. The HealthBox is an initiative from LUMC and NeLL to provide an innovative solution to help prevent and manage this chronic condition.
Polypept(o)ide-based Cylindrical Polymer Brushes as Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems
The polypept(o)ide hybrid material attracted more and more attention over the past decade by combining the multifunctional characteristics of polypeptides with the shielding characteristics of polypeptoid-pSar possessing similar properties as a shielding material as polvethylene glycol(PEG). Polysarcosine…
- Conflict Resolution Seminars @Leiden
Join our Online Experience Day
Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) offers a 3-year Bachelor's programme with a focus on Global Challenges: Peace & Justice, Sustainability, Diversity and Prosperity. The programme offers room for flexibility; you get to specialize in a major of your choice and combine this with a minor or electives.…
ALICE High Performance Computing facility
High Performance Computing (HPC) is becoming ever more important as a research tool in many research areas across all research domains. A University facility, providing serious computational capabilities, combined with easy and flexible local access, is a strong advantage for these research areas. It…
Delivery of Biotherapeutics
The Delivery of Biotherapeutics research group is led by Prof. Matthias Barz and focusses on the synthesis and characterization of polypept(o)ids and their application in nanomedicine to improve existing therapies or enable novel diagnostic or therapeutic approaches.
Polypept(o)ide-based nanostructures for therapeutic and diagnostic application
Nanoparticles exhibit a number of adjustable properties, e.g., their size, shape, and surface and core chemistry, which can be further diversified with different functional moieties. This opens a broad field for application in diagnostic and therapy. In this respect, the use of a polymeric hybrid material,…
NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2020
This open access volume surveys the state of the field to examine whether a fifth wave of deterrence theory is emerging. Bringing together insights from world-leading experts from three continents, the volume identifies the most pressing strategic challenges, frames theoretical concepts, and describes…
Physical health
How can we stay fit during hybrid working?
Activities and events
COI@Leiden organises activities and events throughout the year. These include a monthly seminar series on topics relating to conflict resolution and PhD labs to assist COI students in developing their research skills.
Iconclass for Image Analysis
Comparative Religion Network
Within the Comparative Religion Network staff and graduate students from LIAS-LUCSoR (and beyond) discuss ongoing work and cooperate on key issues in the comparative and systematic study of religion.
Centre for Digital Humanities
Study of human cultures using computational approaches
Two psychologists on a date with the Rector
Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker will retire on 8 February. If there’s one theme running through his career, it’s the links between the University and society. In this series of pre-retirement discussions, Stolker will talk one last time to people from within and without the University. In this edition…
Science Dates Live: Talent Development at universities During the UNLimited Festival
Does the university value teaching less than research? Can you advance in science without academic awards? Which scholars inspire you? Does the university pay enough attention to both your academic achievements and your personal well-being?
- Position paper: Impact of COVID-19 on Young Academics
- Position paper: Impact of COVID-19 on Young Academics
Calendar raises awareness about the impact on work and study of important dates
Last month, with the help of the advisory groups the D&I Calendar was launched for the Faculty of Humanities. The calendar serves as a tool to create awareness about important dates related to diversity and inclusion and their potential impact on work and study.
For LGBT+ migrants, dating apps are about much more than sex
When you think of migration, you probably won’t immediately think of dating apps. Yet such apps are important to many migrants, such as those who identify as lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer or questioning (LGBT+). Researcher Andrew DJ Shield studied the role that dating apps play in the migration process,…
This honours class makes you date your problem
Theoretical research does not always give us the right solution to a problem in society. This message, loud and clear, is delivered during the final presentations of the Master Honours Class 'Social Innovation in Action'.
Research projects for students of the University of Leiden and other Dutch Universities are often available at the MacBio group. The research lines are also described in the Research section. For details of specific projects contact the supervisor (Ubbink, Dame, Boyle, Jeuken or Wentink).