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Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to some frequently asked questions about the Public Administration master's programme.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to some frequently asked questions about the Public Administration master's programme.
Delay after delay: Is Dutch Government's reluctance to disclose information increasing?
The Dutch Open Government Act (Wet open overheid (Woo)) has been in effect for several months now. Yet various government authorities were in the news recently due to violations of the right to information. Newspaper Trouw investigated whether political unwillingness is on the rise.
Dutch government discloses climate spending – but it could be clearer
Financial support that wealthy countries provide to poorer countries in order to help them combat climate change and the associated emissions was the central topic of this year's UN Climate Change Conference in Baku. Annemarie Drahmann, Associate Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, discussed…
Roel Becker and Jelle But new PhD candidates at Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law
Roel Becker and Jelle But recently joined the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law as PhD candidates.
Michael Klos speaker at World Forum for Democracy 2019
Early November 2019 lecturer Michael Klos spoke about the freedom of speech on social media at the World Forum for Democracy 2019 in Strasbourg.
Heleen Andriessen publishes on sexual harassment in the workplace
The fact that sexual harassment in the workplace is a persistent problem became painfully clear again last year, especially after the widely watched ‘Boos’ broadcast on Dutch television. In June, the Supreme Court in the Netherlands settled a matter related to employment law: sexual harassment does…
Which Dutch political party gets which ministerial position?
Now that the new Dutch government's plans are set out on paper, the chess game begins for cabinet formation leader Richard van Zwol. He has to make the next move and put together the ministerial team. But how do you know if you’ve made the right move with the right chess piece? And who is a suitable…
Annemarie Drahmann appointed member of the NWO complaints committee
Annemarie Drahmann, Associate Professor at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, has been appointed as a member of the complaints committee of the Dutch Research Council (NWO). In performing this (ancillary) position, she will use her knowledge of administrative law, and in particular…
Wilders in coalition talks: are his concessions enough?
The process of forming a new coalition government in the Netherlands continued in the city of Hilversum last week. Geert Wilders has promised to withdraw three controversial own-initiative proposals in order to accommodate potential coalition partners. But is that enough to persuade Pieter Omtzigt,…
Leiden University staff attend EPLO reunion
On Friday 9 and Saturday 10 September 2022, the annual reunion of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) took place in Legrena, Greece.
Moderating misinformation remains a tricky business
A Pointer investigation has found that more than 30 Dutch podcasts regularly spread misinformation. Assistant professor Michael Klos spoke to Pointer about preventing misinformation in the media: ‘Realistically, you’re never going to achieve 100% moderation.’
Uitspraak Amerikaans hooggerechtshof immuniteit Trump: ‘Is de rechterlijke macht zichzelf niet aan het ondermijnen?'
Het Amerikaanse hooggerechtshof oordeelde op 1 juli dat een president tijdens hun ambtsperiode een zekere immuniteit heeft. Zij zijn onschendbaar in geval van ‘officiële handelingen’. Tessa van Buchem uit haar zorgen en kritiek in het FD.
Armin Cuyvers lectures on Brexit for Clingendael
On 5 December, Armin Cuyvers gave a lecture on the legal complications surrounding Brexit for Clingendael, the Netherlands Institute for International Relations.
Is it possible to ban a political party?
Dutch right-wing political party Forum for Democracy has repeatedly demonstrated that it has no lower limit when it comes to morals. Should the courts in the Netherlands protect democracy by banning parties like Forum? Several legal experts from Leiden University commented on this question in newspaper…
Porthos ruling has major consequences for Dutch construction sector
The Council of State in the Netherlands gave a ruling in the so-called Porthos case which revolves around the exemption currently in place for nitrogen emitted during the construction of major projects such as housing. The Administrative Law Division of the Council of State ruled that the partial construction…
MOOC: EU Policy and implementation: making Europe work!
Mooc Eu Policy Europe Europa
Greenpeace asks the court for decision on entire Dutch nitrogen policy
Environmental organisation Greenpeace wants to see a drastic reduction in nitrogen deposition on the Netherlands’ most vulnerable nature conservation areas. This would extend beyond the nitrogen targets that the Dutch government is currently striving to meet. Rogier Kegge, Assistant Professor of Constitutional…
International spotlight on transparency research
The 8th Global Conference on Transparency Research (GCTR) took place between 15 and 17 May.
Book presentation ‘Fit for the future?’
The Dutch government chairs the EU council this year. Researchers from Leiden took this opportunity to reflect on the future of the European Union and to give recommendations where possible. The book will be presented on Friday 29 April, 10.15 AM in Nieuws Poort (Den Haag). Attending the event are Ankie…
Stefaan Van den Bogaert and Armin Cuyvers speak and moderate Ambassadors forum on ASEAN Conference
On 2 and 3 September 2016, the International Conference on ASEAN Development (ICAD) 2016 took place in Leiden. The conference aimed to draw comparative lessons from the EU for the development of the ASEAN Economic Community, which was launched in 2015.
Schuurmans to chair independent advisory committee on self-reliance and legal assistance
Those who seek justice do not always manage to find their way through the legal system. Yet the Dutch Legal Aid Act assumes that citizens are self-reliant and can stand up for their interests in cases that are not legally complex. However, in the childcare benefits affair in the Netherlands, this proved…
David Icke barred due to risk to public order
The organisers of the big protest march against government policy, held on Sunday in Amsterdam, want to bring preliminary relief proceedings against the refusal to allow British conspiracy theorist David Icke to enter the Netherlands. Icke was due to give a speech at the meeting of the organisation…
Hoekstra puts unity of Dutch Government at risk with nitrogen comments
Politicians in The Hague were in for an unpleasant surprise when the interview with CDA politician, and also current Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister, Wopke Hoekstra was published. Especially Hoekstra’s suggestion to let go of the Government’s target to reduce the amount of nitrogen by 2030 raised some…
Why is the formation process in Belgium so complex?
The Belgian elections are over. Now it is up to the formateur to form a cabinet, but that is difficult. Fauke Deceuninck, program leader of Politics and Governance at the Center for Professional Learning, explains to Speechmakers why that is.
Meet the Professor in The Hague
Over 1600 pupils from primary schools in Leiden and The Hague were taught by a professor of Leiden University on the 444th anniversary of our university. Three professors from the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, visited several classes of group 7 in The Hague.
Szmulewicz presenter at Conference of the European Group for Public Administration
Between 5 and 8 September, PhD Candidate Esteban Szmulewicz attended the 45th annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), which was organised in close cooperation with The Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb and other key partners.
Conference ‘The Dutch Constitution Beyond 200’
On 11 November 2016, The Hague Law Labs and the department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, in collaboration with the Italian Association for European and Comparative Law, will organise ‘The Dutch Constitution Beyond 200: tradition and innovation in a multilevel legal order'.
Can council members participate in debates affecting personal interests?
The Municipality of Veere wants to limit accommodation for tourists. However, this puts a number of council members in a dilemma. Are they allowed to debate the future of tourism in the area while being landlords themselves? Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, comments…
Fireworks possession ban difficult to enforce
The current ban on setting off fireworks in the Netherlands is inadequate. An offender can only be arrested after setting off fireworks in front of enforcers, who can’t respond to loud bangs in the distance. Mayors from municipalities in the province of Gelderland therefore want to impose a ban on the…
Louis Honée winner at European Universities Debating Championship
Louis Honée, a student assistant for the Thorbecke chair and the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, is one of the new European Universities Debating Champions. Together with his team partner, he beat around 150 teams in the English as a Second Language category.
Hans-Martien ten Napel writes article for LSE Religion and Global Society Blog
On 15 July 2019 Hans-Martien ten Napel started a new series on freedom of religion or belief for the London School of Economics research-led interdisciplinary Religion and Global Society Blog.
Tom Barkhuysen advises General Council of Netherlands Bar on supervision of legal profession
For some time now, discussions have been held within the legal profession in the Netherlands about strengthening supervision in the sector and the establishment of a national supervisory authority ('landelijke toezichtautoriteit', LTA). Tom Barkhuysen, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative…
Armin Cuyvers speaks at Liverpool Law School on the role of national parliaments in EU Democracy
On 17 February 2016 Armin Cuyvers was invited to speak at the Liverpool European Law Unit (LELU) in a seminar on ‘Legitimacy and participation in the EU’. In his presentation, entitled ‘National parliaments as training wheels of EU democracy?
Leiden to participate in Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition
Master's students in labour law Just Bakker and Tess van der Putten are to participate in the prestigious Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition. This EU Labour Law competition will take place in Vienna from 20 to 23 June 2024.
Armin Cuyvers in Brexit panel of the Netherlands Association for European Law
On 11 November, Armin Cuyvers, Assistant Professor at the Europa Institute in Leiden, was one of the speakers on Brexit during the autumn meeting of the Netherlands Association for European Law (NVER).
To what extent is ChatGPT capable of drafting legislation?
All sorts of predictions have already been made about the AI system ChatGPT: the programme is going to turn education on its head, make search engines look old-fashioned, and put copywriters out of business. Copywriters? Does that include legislative draftsmen? In other words, can ChatGPT draft legislative…
Leiden Researchers Participate in the Fourth International Conference on Legislation and Law Reform, Washington D.C.
On 17 and 18 November 2016 the World Bank in Washington, D.C. hosted the Fourth International Conference on Legislation and Law Reform.
Guest lecture by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte at Leiden Law School
At the invitation of Professor Afshin Ellian, Prime Minister Rutte today gave a guest lecture to first-year law students as part of the course Inleiding recht (Introduction to Law) which is taught by the Deparment of Jurisprudence.
Geerten Boogaard: 'Netherlands moving towards constitutional court'
The House of Representatives in the Netherlands has requested advice from the Council of State about combining membership of the House of Representatives with holding a post in the cabinet. Geerten Boogaard sees this as a sign that the Netherlands is moving towards a constitutional court.
Wim Voermans on comments by FvD MP Van Meijeren: Sedition is prohibited
The Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) is to investigate whether comments made by 'Forum voor Democratie' MP Gideon van Meijeren about going to parliament to protest are punishable. How should the political centre in The Hague respond?
The Dutch Constitution should be more accessible
The Dutch Constitution is the second oldest constitution in the world after the US Constitution and it dates back to 1814. Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law and author of the book ‘Our Constitution’ published earlier this year, advocates for a more accessible Constitut…
PAO course on recent developments in subsidy law
On Tuesday 11 October, Demy Jongkind, Louise Verboeket and Veerle van Waarde gave a post-academic course (PAO) at the NetlawAcademy of Netlaw law firms dealing with recent developments related to subsidy law.
Do codes of conduct apply to civil servants’ free time?
According to research conducted by regional Dutch newspaper ‘BN DeStem’, emigration to Russia certainly isn’t off the cards for some Dutch people. Information sessions are being held for anyone interested in emigrating to these countries. Is it acceptable for civil servants to get involved in these…
Commercial consultancy firms take on role of civil servants
Research by Dutch television programme ‘Nieuwsuur’ shows that local councils in the Netherlands often lack civil servants and experts to support the implementation of the energy transition. As a result, they have become more dependent on commercial consultancy firms.
Opening facultair jaar met live talkshow Leiden Law op 1
Dinsdag 1 september 2020 openen we het facultaire jaar 2020-2021 met een live talkshow vanuit het Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw.
Are civil servants allowed to freely voice their political woes?
In October, the Provincial Executive in Friesland reprimanded four civil servants who had signed an incendiary letter asking the government to adopt a more active climate policy. Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, feels that the Executive made a mistake.
Legal justification Covid measures lacking
Ever since the coronavirus crisis began, people have been arguing about the legal justification for measures. The problem: far-reaching measures such as an obligation to wear face masks, get tested, or school closures violate the Constitution. The Cabinet had the difficult task of weighing fundamental…
A service-minded and cooperative government is essential in citizens’ initiatives
Legal frameworks are often a pitfall when it comes to citizens’ initiatives. Esmee Driessen, a guest lecturer at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law and an expert in citizen participation, conducted research on the support and facilitation of citizens' initiatives. In a Dutch journal…
No-confidence votes in Rutte IV cabinet continue to rise
The tally now stands at a 19th no-confidence motion in the Rutte IV cabinet, though it is just one year old. All Rutte cabinets combined have faced more no-confidence motions in the past 12 years than the entire parliamentary history before it. The score is 1.5 per month, 87 in total as of 2010 which…