942 search results for “beadle” in the Staff website
The Transformation of Science Systems in the Middle East and North Africa
PhD defence
Academisch ondernemerschap in juridische context
PhD defence
Rechtsverwerking en klachtplichten in het verbintenissenrecht
PhD defence
The art of balance: Addressing occupational stress and well-being in emergency department nurses
Prof. J.F. Brosschot Dr. M.P. van der Doef
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization:An International Institutional Law Perspective
PhD defence
Synthesis of chemical tools to study the immune system
PhD defence
Application, Adaptation and Rejection
Prof.mr.dr. E. Koops
Motivic invariants of character stacks
PhD defence
Tunen syntax and information structure
PhD defence
The Poet and the Underworld
Prof. P.T.M.G. Liebregts Prof. A.B. Wessels
Manipulation of Superconductivity in van der Waals Materials and Thin Films
PhD defence
Computational and Experimental Studies of Reactive Intermediates in Glycosylation Reactions
PhD defence
Prying eyes on radio skies
PhD defence
Guiding safe and sustainable technological innovation under uncertainty
Prof.dr.ing. M.G. Vijver Prof.dr.ir. W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg
Just to be sure?
PhD defence
Computational Modeling of Cellular Dynamics in Tumor Cell Migration
Dr. J.B. Beltman Prof.dr. B. van de Water
Zinnig Zoeken
PhD defence
Genomics applications of Nanopore long-read sequencing for small to large sized genomes
PhD defence
Patient derived zebrafish xenograft models for personalized treatment of uveal melanoma
Prof. B.E. Snaar-Jagalska
Understanding the Surface Structure of Catalysts and 2D Materials at the Atomic Scale
PhD defence
Politica del anonimato en el cine de América Latina
Dr. H.W. Siemens Prof. E. Sabrovsky (Universidad Diego Portales)
Life cycle assessment of emerging chemical technology systems: challenges and future needs
PhD defence
Network Analysis Methods for Smart Inspection in the Transport Domain
PhD defence
Silver of the Possessed. Egyptian zar jewellery between 1900-1980
PhD defence
Measuring Cold Molecular Gas Across Cosmic Time
PhD defence
mRNA and Drug Delivery with Lipid-based Nanoparticles
Prof. A. Kros
Verfransing onder de loep
PhD defence
Toetsing van deskundigenadviezen door de bestuursrechter
PhD defence
Treasuring teen friendships
PhD defence
Empowerment van patiënten
Prof. W. Kraaij Prof. A.J. Gelderblom
Liveblog as Genre in Pursuit of Credibility
PhD defence
Towards artificial photosynthesis on the lipid bilayer of liposomes
Prof. S.A. Bonnet Prof. A. M. Brouwer
On the shape and elasticity of bio-sheets, curved crystals, and odd droplets
Dr. L. Giomi Prof.dr. A. Achúcarro
Familiar Scars
Prof. M.J. Bakermans-Kranenburg Prof. L.R.A. Alink
Giovanni Punto (1746-1803), Cor Basse Célèbre
PhD defence
Ingredients of the planet-formation puzzle
PhD defence
Quantum Machine Learning For Industrial Applications
PhD defence
Schade en risico
Prof. A.G. Castermans Prof. J. Hijma
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Validity: Bridging the Gap Between Design and Implementation for Technology-Enhanced Learning Systems
PhD defence
Exploring big data approaches in the context of early stage clinical
Prof. J. Burggraaf
Big simulations for big problems
PhD defence
Bioorthogonal chemistry to unveil antigen processing events
PhD defence
Plain of plenty: Farming practices, food production, and the agricultural potential of the Late Bronze Age (1600 – 1200 BCE) Argive Plain, Greece
PhD defence
Artificial metallo-proteins for photocatalytic water splitting: Stability and activity in artificial photosynthesis
PhD defence
Advancing image-based localization of lipid-based nanomedicines for the exploration of targeted drug delivery
PhD defence
Scaling Limits in Algebra, Geometry, and Probability
Prof. E.A. Verbitskiy
Instrumentos musicais nas línguas bantu e a herança no português do Brasil
PhD defence
Trading Responsibility: Navigating national burdens in a globalized world
PhD defence
Stimulering en facilitering van burgerinitiatieven door de overheid
PhD defence
Mitochondria in chemical-induced toxicity
Prof. E.H.J. Danen Prof. B. van de Water