3,568 search results for “data research” in the Public website
To what extent is ChatGPT capable of drafting legislation?
All sorts of predictions have already been made about the AI system ChatGPT: the programme is going to turn education on its head, make search engines look old-fashioned, and put copywriters out of business. Copywriters? Does that include legislative draftsmen? In other words, can ChatGPT draft legislative…
Rob van Nieuwpoort new professor of Efficient Computing and eScience
As of 1 October Rob van Nieuwpoort is the new professor of Efficient Computing and eScience at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS). Van Nieuwpoort brings with him a wealth of expertise: he is an expert in eScience, high performace computing and advanced algorithms.
LIACS part of Horizon 2020 project about social media analytics
Since January 2019, The Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science is part of the RISE_SMA project. In this European project 6 universities, in collaboration with companies, government authorities and NGOs, will join forces to get more insight in social media data during crisis situations. The kick-off…
Find out more about effective governance for global problems at this conference
The annual conference of the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) interdisciplinary research programme will take place in The Hague on 7-9 June. Why should you be there? ‘The problems in the world affect us all. This conference will be looking at planetary governance’, says programme…
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
Rethinking Responsible Scholarship: ‘It is in so many day-to-day decisions, we forget to pause and reflect sometimes’
Psychologists Anna van ‘t Veer and Eiko Fried will start a scientific integrity workshop tour after the summer, called Responsible Scholarship: Psychology. Their aim: giving the subject a more prominent position in the academic’s mind.
Investigating dynamicity of fluency for valid oral language assessment
To what extent do aspects of fluency fluctuate throughout time? And how do raters take the dynamicity of fluency into account when rating performances?
Reenchanting Buddhism via Modernizing Magic: Guru Wuguang of Taiwan’s Philosophy and Science of ‘Superstition’
Cody Bahir defended his thesis on 1 June 2017.
A composite indicator for evaluating safety and sustainability by design and circularity in emerging technologies
The first index to measure product safety, sustainability, and circularity, operationalising the EU’s (SSbD) framework.
Security Vision
How do technologies of computer vision, which promise to replace humans in the understanding of images, work in practice in the field of security, and what are their ethical and political implications?
Read more about the application procedure and apply now!
Tackling messy blood vessels to fight cancer
With a Vici grant of 1.5 million euros, Professor of Mathematical biology Roeland Merks will look for ways to fix messy and leaky blood vessels in tumours. His research combines mathematical simulations and lab experiments in a unique way.
- Career prospects
Citizens and governance in Nigeria
In countries with complex domestic situations, citizens have little opportunity to exercise influence on governance and policy. Leiden academics research these situations and share their insights with the public, such as in Nigeria for instance. This enables the people and their communities to improve…
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
Spinoza project Statistical Science
Developing and investigating statistical methods for complex data and models
Projects in the department of Industrial Ecology
New professor Elise Dusseldorp: ‘The longer you’re in research, the more humble you become’
Elise Dusseldorp has been appointed Professor in the Methodology and Statistics of Psychological Research. In the same way that she spends her spare time rambling through the forest, as a professor she sifts through colleagues’ research data. ‘I often come across information that doesn’t appear in the…
Psychology lab embraces open science
‘If you want to implement open science, you at least need someone at each faculty who can help researchers to solve practical problems.’ Dorien Huijser spent two years managing the transition to a new working method at the Institute of Psychology’s Brain and Development Research Center.
Guilt and sentencing in the Netherlands: the impact of mental health reports
In one in four criminal cases in the Netherlands, the court receives a report on the state of the defendant’s mental health. How is that information used exactly and what are the consequences? Scientific research has been lacking in this area. The PhD research of Roosmarijn van Es is a first step in…
‘A country’s immigration narrative really influences the people arriving there’
Immigration and naturalisation policies are an important theme in the upcoming Dutch elections. The Netherlands should be mindful of its immigration narrative, says PhD candidate Hannah Bliersbach, as this greatly influences the relationship between ‘new’ citizens and their new home country.
‘American’ Black Power movement was also active in the Kingdom of the Netherlands
In the 60s and 70s, Black Power groups were also active in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This is what PhD candidate Debby Esmeé de Vlugt has discovered.
Algorithms descend into our sewers to improve inspections
They never cross our minds until, that is, they become damaged and then they’re a huge problem: our sewers. Their maintenance could be much faster and more accurate, PhD candidate Dirk Meijer has discovered. Algorithms are also proving to be a godsend deep underground.
Electric car batteries can help drive the clean electricity transition
As early as 2030, batteries in electric vehicles could fully meet the need for short-term electricity storage around the world. By connecting them to the power grid they can provide their stored energy, improving energy security and enabling renewable technologies in cleaning the grid.
Computer Science at Leiden University
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Polarising chats? Political misinformation on discussion apps in India and Brazil
Political scientist Simon Chauchard (Leiden University) has been awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). This brings him recognition as ‘researcher with a promising track record’ and enables him to set up a research group in the coming five years. Chauchard et al. will analyse…
Beyond the Greater Angkor Region
How did Angkor interact with regional urban centers? How did the settlement system impact the society's agricultural system and regional resilience?
TOP Grant NWO for Prof. Dr. Aad van der Vaart and Dr. Robin de Jong
OP Grants NWO are awarded to 16 scientists in astronomy, computer science and mathematics, or a combination of these disciplines (multidisciplinary) by NOW Exact Sciences. The scientists received a total amount of 6 million euros.
What drives anti-immigrant sentiment among youths in Ecuador?
Four researchers from Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science have been awarded a grant to jointly investigate attitudes towards Venezuelan immigrants among youths in Ecuador. Combining their expertise and collaborating with the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, they will focus on school-going…
Leiden team wins challenge for faster MRI scan through artificial intelligence
Researchers from Leiden, in cooperation with Philips, have won a challenge in which international research groups dedicate themselves to accelerating MRI scans with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). They developed an algorithm with which it is possible to use eight times less data than normal…
Using factchecks to combat misleading graphs
How can misleading graphs be effectively corrected, specifically for people with low graph literacy?
Towards a crisis resilient society
Pandemics, terrorist attacks, environmental disasters... These are real threats, which we cannot ignore. In fact: we need to prepare better for the large-scale crises of the future. Preferably in a way that suits our lifestyle and respects our social values. Over the next ten years, an interdisciplinary…
The internet has many bosses. It’s chaotic but it works
Governance of the internet is chaotic, says Professor Jan Aart Scholte. Can we learn from this relatively new form of governance?
‘Children’s healthcare rights deserve more attention’
‘Children’s rights are somewhat of a poor relation’, says Professor of Law and Health Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm. In her inaugural lecture, she will emphasise how more attention needs to be paid to children’s rights in current thinking on law and health.
Minecraft in Morocco: virtual building blocks bring the past to life
Getting young people excited about history is quite possible without books. Researchers from Leiden travelled to Morocco to work with schoolchildren on reconstructing cultural heritage in the popular video game Minecraft. The result: one virtual 14th-century city gate – and 20 teens with a greater appreciation…
Hundreds of visitors learn about Leiden University science during 3 October University
Glorious sunshine, dozens of enthusiastic academics and huge numbers of Leiden residents ensured that this year’s special jubilee version of 3 October University was a great success.
Gerrit Dusseldorp joins Liveable Planet Interdisciplinary Programme: ‘Archaeologists can provide the time-depth perspective’
With the retirement of Wil Roebroeks, Gerrit Dusseldorp will take his place as the archaeological representative in the Liveable Planet Interdisciplinary Programme as an Associate Professor. An expert on the behaviour of early human hunter-gatherers, he will look at the interaction between humans and…
1K Z1E J3 bench placed on Wijnhaven Rooftop Garden: ‘Don't be afraid to start a conversation'
‘Een goed gesprek begint met iemand écht zien.’ (A good conversation starts with truly seeing someone). That text is written on a plaque that was screwed onto a IK Z1E J3 (I see you) bench on the Wijnhaven Rooftop Garden on Monday morning. The bench acts as a symbol to create room for discussions about…
Migrants cost European governments less than their own citizens do
Migrants are far less of a burden on the budget of European countries than is often thought. This is the conclusion of research by economists from Leiden University.