6,115 search results for “present” in the Public website
The Lower German Limes in the Netherlands
A scientific assessment of the site selection for the ‘Frontiers of the Roman Empire’ Unesco World Heritage Site.
- Centre for Computational Life Sciences (CCLS)
Experience Day Health, Ageing & Society
Study information
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy (HJD) is the world’s leading research journal for the study of diplomacy and was founded in 2005.
Grants and prizes
Leiden University is involved with various grants and prizes stimulating initiatives in the field of diversity and inclusion.
Control of early plant development by light quality
This thesis describes how different colours of light affect various aspects of the growth and development of Arabidopsis and tomato plants.
ELS Lab meetings
Our lab meetings are organized almost every month for researchers interested in empirical legal research.
Predictive Modelling for Archaeological Heritage Management
A research agenda
Guest Researcher
We welcome a new round of advanced researchers (post-MA) to apply to the institute's guest researchers positions.
The Tapuia of Northeastern Brazil in Dutch Sources (1628–1648)
This book presents the transcriptions and annotated translations of fifteen key historical documents concerning the Tapuia indigenous people written just before and during the Dutch occupation of northeastern Brazil.
Classics (800 BCE - 600 CE)
This research cluster aims to analyse and interpret the formation and transmission of Graeco-Roman culture by exploring the relationships between cultural products (texts, objects, practices) and their societal and historical contexts.
Tracing the evolution of protoplanetary disks
Promotores: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens, Prof.dr. L.B.F.M. Waters (UvA), Prof.dr. C. Dominik (UvA)
DigiDogon: Digitizing Dogon heritage. The legacy of Abirè, the Dogon prophet
This project aims at recording and safeguarding parts of the intangible cultural heritage of the Dogon in central Mali. A major song cycle, the baja ni, forms an integral part of Dogon funeral traditions. The song cycle is attributed to Abirè, a blind Dogon poet/prophet, probably from the 19th c., who…
Wiley-Blackwell and the editors of Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata have agreed to publish the proceedings of SIP2021 as a special issue of the journal, as has been the case for previous SIP meetings.
Interfacing the past
Computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology CAA95.
Moved by the tears of others: emotion networking in the heritage sphere
There is no heritage without emotional sharing and clashing. This article explores the involvement of divergent emotions in heritage making by discussing the debate series of Imagine IC and the Reinwardt Academy and zooming in on the commemoration of slavery and imagery of ‘Black Pete’ in the Netherlands.…
Knowledge extraction in the quantum random-oracle model
The aim of this thesis is to present novel techniques for proving cryptographic schemes secure against quantum adversaries. Most results are within the context of an idealized model called the ‘quantum random-oracle model’.
Inventing Origins? Aetiological Thinking in Greek and Roman Antiquity
Aetiologies seem to gratify the human desire to understand the origin of a phenomenon. However, as this book demonstrates, aetiologies do not exclusively explore origins.
Basis reduction for layered lattices
Promotor: H.W. Lenstra
The CSPPR’s activities range from hosting public events to small-scale seminars with internal and external experts.
Policing the Urban Environment in Premodern Europe
Tapping into a combination of court documents, urban statutes, material artefacts, health guides and treatises, Policing the Urban Environment in Premodern Europe offers a unique perspective on how premodern public authorities tried to create a clean, healthy environment.
Star-Forming Galaxies at the Cosmic Dawn
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Franx, Co-Promotor: Rychard Bouwens
Online project-based higher education: student collaboration and outcomes
The current dissertation presents a review study and three empirical studies, focusing on the understanding of the state of the art of research about PjBL in higher education and the investigation of the relation between PjBL and student outcomes in the context of Chinese higher education.
Holographic Duality in Condensed Matter Physics
The physics of black holes appears to be as far removed from the physics of electrons in metals as it can be.
Annual Conventions
The annual conventions, dedicated to the research of Austrian Studies, give a chance to researchers and (PhD) students to present their projects to their peers.
Collective Labour Rights and Collective Labour Relations of China
On Thursday 11 January 2018, Xiang Li defended her doctoral thesis: “Collective Labour Rights and Collective Labour Relations of China”. The supervisors are Professor Guus Heerma van Voss and Professor Barend Barentsen.
The production and perception of incomplete tonal neutralization
On the 13th of November, Yifei Bi successfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Yifei on this achievement.
Never-Neverland Revisited: Malay Adventure Stories
This study presents a re-evaluation of Malay adventure stories.
Episcopal Networks and Authority in Late Antique Egypt: Bishops of the Theban region at work
Renate Dekker defended her thesis on 7 November 2017.
Excavations at Tell Sabi Abyad – Prehistoric Investigations in the Balikh Valley, Northern Syria
Balikh Valley Archaeological Project Monograph 1 - BAR International Series 468
Biographies De La Radicalisation: Des Messages Cachés Du Changement Social
La radicalisation est devenue un mot désignant notre monde en couleurs négatives. Ce livre cherche à comprendre ce que c'est que la radicalisation au Sahel et aux Pays-Bas?
Information activities
Do you want to know more about Leiden University’s master's in Archaeology and what it’s like to study in Leiden? There are a number of events and activities that can prove invaluable in helping you choose which study programme is for you.
Programme structure
During the programme you will develop strong analytical and computational skills.
Museums, Heritage and Collections
Museums are powerful and influential institutions in their ability to shape knowledge and contribute to our identity. What we preserve and how we present our collections and heritage is closely connected to our identity and culture. In the multidisciplinary Museums, Heritage and Collections, you'll…
Socioeconomic diplomacy and global empire building, 16th-19th centuries
This summer school will explore the concept of socioeconomic diplomacy in the context of global empire building (16th-19th centuries).
International Resource Panel
Contributions to the UNEP international panel for sustainable resource management
Case studies in archaeological predictive modelling
About the programme
Biology consists of 120 European Credit Transfer System (EC) points and includes courses and electives (30 - 60 EC) and and one or more research projects (60 - 90 EC).
Information activities
Would you like to know more about the Master Biomedical Sciences? Or studying and living in the city of Leiden? Biomedical Sciences has several information sessions to help you in making the best choice.
Information activities
Want to know more about the MA/MSc Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden? There are a number of activities that can help you choose your study.
About the programme
The specialisation combines one year of Mathematics research (60 - 80 EC) with one year of science communication courses, internships and research (40-60 EC).
Programme structure
The Astronomy and Education specialisation enables you to connect your scientific experience in astronomy with the theory and practice of teaching in the classroom.
Programme structure
Connect theory and practice of teaching through the application of your academic knowledge about computer science to issues of classroom practice.
Linguistic Advances in Central American Spanish
Covering all seven countries on the isthmus, this volume presents the first collection of original linguistic studies on Central American Spanish varieties, which have long been neglected in Hispanic Linguistics.
Refining techniques for radiocarbon dating small archaeological bone samples
Direct radiocarbon dating of human remains is crucial for the accurate interpretation of prehistory. Yet given the scarcity of prehistoric human remains, direct dating is often too destructive for important fossils. The reduction of sample size necessary for dating bone is therefore of great interest…
LUCIS Keynotes
The premier LUCIS lecture series, running since 2021. Each year, two eminent scholars visit Leiden to deliver landmark lectures in Islamic and Middle East Studies. This forum for presenting and discussing cutting-edge research brings together researchers, students, and other interested participants…
Aesopian Fables 1500-2010: Word, Image, Education
This project aims to study the Aesopian fable from 1500 to the present day in its complex relationship between text, illustration and education, adopting a broad, transnational perspective.
EuDEco report on the analysis of framework conditions (D1.2)
D1.2 reports on the findings of an analysis of framework conditions relevant in the context of the data economy from a legal, a socio-economic and a technological perspective. The analysis is a key foundation for the creation of an initial, heuristic model of the European data economy. The deliverable…
We are proud to announce that the 1st Volume of INTER-SECTION is now available.
Thamyris / Intersecting
The mission of Thamyris/Intersecting is to rigorously bring into encounter the crucial insights of black and ethnic studies, gender studies, and queer studies, and facilitate dialogue and confrontations between them.