1,290 search results for “labour maken” in the Public website
Selemat Datang! Leiden Law School op bezoek in Indonesië
Leiden has a tradition of collaborative ventures with Indonesia that goes back a long time. The country is one of three priority regions for our University. A report by Anette van Sandwijk.
Working with a disability
What will the future be like? This is something that every student wonders about as graduation approaches. What will I do? How can I find a good job? And even more importantly: How do I land that job once I have found it? If a student has a disability, additional questions may also arise. A symposium…
The person behind the truck driver
Most people talk about truck drivers rather than to them. That’s an error of judgement, says PhD candidate Anke van der Hoeven, who explains why we should be making their lives easier. ‘People just don’t realise it, but they’re an invisible group that keeps the European economy running.’
Poor countries recycle far more of our plastic than we thought. But it's not enough.
Countries that import plastic waste recycle an average of at least 63 percent of it. This is surprising, as we previously believed that the vast majority was incinerated or ended up as litter. This was discovered by PhD candidate Kai Li and his colleagues from the Institute of Environmental Sciences in…
This is what our experts say about the departure of Mark Rutte
Mark Rutte: an exceptional politician whose time was up. What are the consequences of Rutte’s departure. Experts from Leiden University give their view on this political event.
A constructive discussion about an inclusive Sinterklaas celebration
How can we make Sinterklaas inclusive as a national holiday? And what does this mean for our University community and Dutch society as a whole? These questions were the focus of the first edition of ‘Come Talk to Us’, a series of online dialogues organised by the Diversity & Inclusion Expertise Office…
Sackler Distinguished Lecture Series on Human Rights
The Sackler Distinguished Lecture Series on Human Rights was established at Leiden University through an endowment given by Dr. Raymond R. Sackler and his wife, Beverly, international philanthropists with a commitment to supporting scientific research. The lectures mark the annual celebration of International…
‘It will be much easier without the British’
The year 2020 should finally be Brexit year. The United Kingdom is set to leave the European Union on 31 January, at midnight Dutch time. Legal scholar Joris Larik from Leiden University College The Hague explains why he is not advocating remain.
‘Leiden has a special atmosphere, almost like a family’
From a lovely blossoming garden in Barcelona, Eduard Fosch Villaronga is talking enthusiastically about his postdoc at Leiden University. Due to the corona lockdown, he is currently spending the 2020 summer at his mother’s place, but he is looking forward to returning to Leiden (and to the Dutch bit…
Mike Field’s Leiden Experience: ‘I try to make research teaching and teaching research.’
Mike Field has been at the Faculty of Archaeology since 2008. As a driven archaeobotanist, he is consistantly contributing to the study of plant fossils encountered in many faculty as well as external projects. ‘Flexibility, spontaneity, creativity, these are all parts of being an academic.’
Meijers Lecture and New Year’s Reception: starting the new year full of enthusiasm and inspiration!
In traditional style, 2025 was ushered in at our faculty with the Meijers Lecture followed by the New Year's Reception. On Thursday 16 January 2025, the Meijers Lecture took place in the Lorentz Lecture Hall where the Meijers Prizes and the Van Wersch Springplank Prize were also awarded. At the New…
How Clinical Technology will change healthcare
In spring 2020, the country was facing a potential lack of hospital ventilators for the huge numbers of Covid-19 patients. In response, Clinical Technology students designed an emergency device in the space of just three weeks. ’These students become 80% doctor and 80% engineer.’
Volgens hoogleraar Sarah Wolff zijn EU-migratiedeals een slechte oplossing voor een niet bestaand probleem
Nu in heel Europa rechtse partijen hoog scoren in de peilingen is de verwachting dat de discussie omtrent migratie flink opgeschud gaat worden. Desondanks maant hoogleraar Sarah Wolff tot kalmte.
- Rondetafelgesprek Kernvisie
Manufactured drought? An environmental history of water scarcity in Colonial Kenya, 1895-1952
Lecture, PCNI Research Seminar
Leiden University Nationalism Network
Lecture, Leiden University Nationalism Network
Campus The Hague Career Event 2022
Course, Career Event
- GTGC lunch seminar: human rights for governing digital platforms
- Workshop: ‘Worker’s Health and Material Environment in Port Cities (1300-1700)’ (Leiden University and University Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Science and education policy
YAL raises its voice on policy matters.
- Volume 11 (2016)
Educational Innovation Hub
Since its founding, LUC has been a college of educational development and experimentation. Its mission statement identifies the college as “a site of innovation in pedagogy, curriculum design, and student well-being,” and it applies a student-centred approach to learning throughout its BA and BSc degree…
PhD Research Projects:
The team of WIIS-Netherlands exists out of the board members and the advisory council.
Humans of Humanities
In the Humans of Humanities series, we will do a portrait of one of our researchers, staff members or students, every other week.
Working Paper Series
The Grotius Centre Working Paper Series is an occasional series through which researchers in the Grotius Centre can publish the unedited versions of manuscripts that have been accepted for publication by journals and books.
Programme structure
The core curriculum equips students with the conceptual approaches and qualitative empirical research methods necessary to analyze law in context. Specialized electives enable students to dive deeper and focus on particular areas of legal practice—from legal mobilization to regulation and compliance…
Alumni event, Arbeidsmarktoriëntatie
Priorities of Poland's Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Orangutans and the Borders of Humanity in the Long Eighteenth Century
Lecture, Global Questions Seminar
Discovering and Uncovering the Crimmigration Control Apparatus from Within
- Materialising Prehistoric Societies in Western Asia
Radical Spotlights: Economics of Political Chaos
Inaugural lecture
Legitimation as political practice: everyday authority in Tanzania and beyond
Young people and children and the counter-smuggling project
Notes on the contemporary Art Novel
Lecture, Seminar
Daniel Carter, PhD – ‘There's “money law” and there's “people law” and I've always been more interested in the latter.’
Not everyone benefits from the increased flexibility in the labour market. EU migrant workers engaged at the lower end of the employment spectrum are falling behind. According to Daniel Carter, the legal system is at fault and in his PhD thesis he explains the reasons why.
Anthropological Research on Solidarity Economy in Croatia: the case of CSA.
Sustainable growth: a continuous balancing act for the FGGA Board
Erwin Muller, Dean of FGGA and Administrator of Campus The Hague, and Koen Caminada, Vice-Dean, share their thoughts on how ‘we’ as a faculty are doing based on three themes. A discussion about the balancing act between what is and what isn’t possible and the natural urge to continue to grow, the utility…
Why we need to co-create knowledge for sustainability – and why this is easier said than done
Recent debates on energy transitions and poverty illustrate the social ecological complexities of sustainability problems. These cannot be tackled by single academic disciplines – nor by academics alone. In this blog, Marja Spierenburg reflects on the need for, and challenges of ‘transdisciplinarity…
Leiden University researchers receive Vidi grants
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded Vidi grants to Leiden researchers.
A Summer at Shandong University
This Summer Eduard Fosh Villaronga visited Shandong University. He writes about his stay at the second oldest university in China.
Seven Comenius grants for Leiden lecturers
Eleven lecturers from Leiden University have been awarded Comenius grants that will allow them to work with their teams on an innovation project within their own teaching. They have been awarded three grants of 100,000 euros within the Senior Fellows programme and four grants of 50,000 euros within…
Maureen Rutten - van Mölken: 'Investeren in innovaties die de meeste gezondheidswinst opleveren'
Digitale medische technologie kan een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan betaalbare zorg en het oplossen van het tekort aan zorgpersoneel. Maar hoe weet je of een innovatie daadwerkelijk waarde toevoegt aan het zorgsysteem?
A multi-disciplinary conversation about urban transformation in Turin The case of Mirafiori Sud
This blogpost reports on one of these conversations, which Alessandro Pisano, political science student at the University of Turin, and I had with regards to the transforming neighbourhood of Mirafiori Sud.
GI grants awarded to Mariana Francozo, Sabine Luning and Wayne Modest
Global Interactions is pleased to announce that we have awarded a GI Advanced Seminar grant to Dr. Mariana Francozo (Archaeology) for 'Historia Naturalis Brasiliae' and a Breed Grant for 'Global Earth Matters' to Dr. Sabine Luning (CA-DS) and Dr. Wayne Modest (RCMC)
FGGA in 2023: This was the year of our faculty
2023 was another year full of highlights and special moments for the faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. Find out what the year was like in this year overview: we take you through the most important moments and news items month of each month.
Five History projects selected for Research Traineeship Programme 2016-2017
Five research projects of the Institute for History have been selected for the Research Traineeship Programme 2016-2017. The programme was initiated by The Faculty of Humanities to offer motivated students the opportunity to develop themselves in academic research. In December the research trainees,…
Modern Literature from the Middle East - The Reading List
The Middle East has a rich literary tradition, which is steadily gaining a foothold in the West. Modern literary works deal with contemporary issues, such as the legacy of colonialism, the struggles between traditionalism and modernity, the place of women in society and the war in Israel/Palestine.
Interview Roxane de Massol Rebetz – ‘Vulnerability doesn’t come out of a vacuum.’
The legal distinction between victims of human trafficking and victims of migrant smuggling is unjust, argues De Massol Rebetz in her PhD thesis. In certain instances, smuggled migrants should be treated the same as victims of human trafficking.