4,799 search results for “european science agency esa” in the Public website
Armin Cuyvers in Brexit panel of the Netherlands Association for European Law
On 11 November, Armin Cuyvers, Assistant Professor at the Europa Institute in Leiden, was one of the speakers on Brexit during the autumn meeting of the Netherlands Association for European Law (NVER).
Ben Van Rompuy interviewed by various media on European Super League proposal
When the plans for a breakaway Super League in European football were announced this weekend, governing body UEFA threatened to ban all participating clubs and players.
Armin Cuyvers gives inaugural lecture of the European Legal Studies Centre of the Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
On 30 October 2020, Armin Cuyvers was invited to give the inaugural lecture of the European Legal Studies Centre of the Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
Announcement of the 7th conference by the Centre of European Law
On the 27th of October the 7th conference - organised by the Centre for European Company Law (CECL) - will be held in Rome, Italy.
Sarah de Rijcke and Paul Wouters in a new European consortium
Sarah de Rijcke and Paul Wouters (CWTS) are partners in a new European consortium funded by the Swedisch Riksbankens Jubileumsfond: Knowledge in science and policy.
eLaw engages the European robotics community in shaping the future of robot regulation
As part of the LIAISON Research Project, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and Hadassah Drukarch organised a workshop at the European Robotics Forum (ERF 2021) to engage the broader community in the projects’ goal of liaising robot development and policymaking.
First Lustrum for the PhD Workshop on European and International Insolvency Law
On Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 April 2023, the Foundation Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection (BWILC) organised its fifth PhD Workshop on European and International Insolvency Law.
- For Students
Career prospects
This Master enables you to practice professional activities such as: lead research projects and develop technically qualified projects in the field of transfusion medicine.
Symposium with first cohort of Data Science PhD students
On Tuesday, January 30th, the first symposium of the Data Science Research Programme took place at the Sylvius Building.
Alberto Ceria-
Jurriaan Witteman
Faculty of Humanities
Sanne Kellij
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Willem Otterspeer
Faculty of Humanities
Alies Jansen
Faculty of Humanities
Oscar Rueda
Hirad Rezaiejoo
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Student project Computer Science for Volvo Ocean Race
Seven bachelor students in Computer Science at Leiden University are participating in a research project on big data and event management. Their work should eventually result in a system that can be applied at the finish of the Volvo Ocean Race in The Hague in June next year.
Tanja Masson-Zwaan over de gevolgen van de oorlog in Oekraïne voor de ruimtevaart
Wereldwijd worden veel samenwerkingsverbanden met Rusland stopgezet vanwege de oorlog in Oekraïne. Hoe zit dat met de ruimtevaart, waar de Russen ook een groot aandeel in hebben?
Kutsal Yesilkagit Discusses the Exit Strategies of European Governments in Dutch Newspaper De Volkskrant
More and more European governments are slowly but surely taking steps to ease the measures against corona. In Austria cafés and restaurants will reopen on 15 May, while in Italy they are planning to reopen on 1 June. The French will have to wait until the end of May to get some clarity. The pace with…
CML highly successful in the European Institute of Technology Raw Materials programme
Last week, the results of the 2016 call for proposals of the European Institute of Technology Raw Materials (EIT RM) became available. Both Leiden University and Delft Unversity of Technology are partners in this Knowledge and Innovation Community, in which some 100 research institutes, industries and…
Bibi van den Berg in Nu.nl about the new European Privacy Act
From 25 May, a new European privacy law will apply. Companies and authorities must deal with personal data in a clearer and safer manner. Bibi van den Berg, Professor of Cyber Security Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), tells in Nu.nl what the law entails and about the…
eLaw Alumnus wins European Data Protection Law Review ‘Young Scholar Award’ at CPDP
Taner Kuru, an eLaw alumnus, was awarded the prestigious European Data Protection Law Review ‘Young Scholar Award’ for his paper on the shortcomings in the GDPR for the regulation of genetic testing at the prestigious Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP).
Rethinking Disability Webcomics in the Fȇte de La Science at Sorbonne University
The ERC-funded project Rethinking Disability was featured in the Fȇte de La Science which was held on 11 October 2019 at Sorbonne University in Paris.
‘Make science communication more work and less hobby’
Young researchers met this month for the fifth Science Communication Summer School. ‘This is the first time some participants get to meet other researchers who also enjoy science communication. It’s great to see’, says Julia Cramer, one of the coordinators.
Guidance documents of the European Commission in the Dutch legal order
Op dinsdag 11 februari 2020 verdedigde Clara van Dam haar proefschrift ‘Guidance documents of the European Commission in the Dutch legal order’.
Challenges to European Integration: welfare states and free movement in the EU
On Monday December 17th the ILS 2.0, SOLID project will hold an afternoon Symposium on ‘Challenges to European Integration: welfare states and free movement in the EU’ from 11.45 – 16.30. The symposium will take place in room A.014 at the Kamerlingh Onnes Building (Steenschuur 25) of Leiden Law Scho…
XIV Annual Convention of the Austrian and Central European Centres in Leiden
This year on June 8-12, the Annual Convention of the Austrian and Central European Centres was organised in Leiden. At this convention, directors and (PhD) students from all over the world come together to meet, have presentations by the students on their topics of expertise, and to get the know the…
Silver and bronze for Dutch girls at European Girl’s Mathematic Olympiade
At the European Girl’s Mathematical Olympiad, which took place from 9 to 15 April in Florence, Italië, Gabriëlle Zwanenveld (17) from The Hague won a silver medal. Christel van Diepen (17) from Arnhem and Anouk Egging (17) from Deventer both won a bronze medal. The fourth team member, Floor Beks (16)…
with Bernard Steunenberg about Dutch EU Presidency, EU-skepticism & European issues
‘‘Stop focusing on the money and start creating a heart for Europe’’ This Friday, the 29th of April, Bernard Steunenberg and his co-authors will launch their book ‘Fit for the Future’. We spoke with him about issues presented in the book, the EU Presidency and why people should read the book.
Social Science Matters: Climate change
Climate change is a hot topic and constantly in the news. Thousands of Dutch high school students protested at the Malieveld in The Hague. News website Nu.nl has barred climate change deniers from their comments section to prevent ‘fake news’. How does climate change impact the research community, and…
Mariana Gkliati presenter at 2nd Annual Conference, Refugee Law Initiative, University of London
'Mariana Gkliati delivered a presentation entitled: 'Accountability of the Europepan Border and Coast Guard Agency: The Litigation Route' at the Refugee Law Initiative's 2nd Annual Conference in London, on Monday 5 June
Peter Rodrigues on the reforms in European Migration and Asylum Law
Rodrigues delivered a presentation at the 13th Network Europe Conference on 'European Integration Perspectives in Times of Global Crisis', which took place in Athens from 19 to 22 June 2022 and was organised by the Europa Institute Zurich (EIZ). His contribution was entitled 'Reform Scenarios for EU…
Leiden University team European runner-up in Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court competition
The Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court competition was held in Vienna between 8 and 12 April 2024. This event was organised by the European Centre for Space Law in collaboration with the University of Vienna. The team comprised David Eagleson, Solène Flambeaux and Aleksandra Spyra, current students…
LLX virtual roundtable on the Social Summit and the European Pillar of Social Rights
Organised jointly by the Europa Institute, Leiden University and the Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, University of Lisbon on 31 May 2021.
Ton Liefaard Elected Member Steering Committee Children’s Rights European Academic Network
Professor Dr. Ton Liefaard, UNICEF Chair in Children’s Rights, has been elected as member of the Steering Committee of the Children’s Rights European Academic Network (CREAN).
Carola Schoor on Politico on the State of the European Union speech
Carola Schoor, programme manager for Public Affairs at the Centre for Professional Learning (CPL), reflects on Politico on the State of the European Union speech by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen from a political strategy and messaging perspective.
Marc van der Ham
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Helena Vrabec
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Migration policy of the European Union: what lies ahead?
Lecture, Seminar
Data Science certificates awarded to employees of Ministry IenW
On Monday, June 24th, 24 employees of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) received their certificates for completing Data Science courses, offered by the Leiden Centre of Data Science.
Nominees bachelor thesis prizes Political Science 2021
The nominees for the IRO thesis prize 2021 and for the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg prize 2021. Who wrote the best Political Science bachelor’s theses?
Leticia Rettore Micheli
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Data science helps in speed skating race for gold
Winning gold in speed skating at the Olympic Games is not just a matter of training hard; data science can also lend a hand. Jeroen van der Eb of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) developed the measuring skate for this purpose, with which he recently won the Nationale Sportinnovator…
to The Netherlands visits Leiden to mark the 20 year anniversary of European Enlargement
On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, students, instructors, staff and other guests gathered at the Faculty Club for an exciting event: a discussion entitled “The First 20 Years: Reconsidering European Union Enlargement into Central and Eastern Europe.” His Excellency Mr. René Miko, Ambassador of the Czech Republic…
Open Science als standaard: 'Wetenschap bedrijf je niet voor jezelf'
Open Science verandert de manier waarop onderzoek wordt gedeeld en wordt samengewerkt. Anna van ’t Veer won een award voor haar Open Science-activiteiten.
Ten years of Life Science and Technology
On September 9th 2009, the study Life Science and Technology (LS&T) celebrates its 10th anniversary. In 1999, a group of enthusiastic pioneers within the Technical University Delft (TUD) and Leiden University (LU) founded a novel study based on the biotechnological expertise of research institutes within…
Social Science Matters: Confidence in the future?
After a long period of formation, the Rutte III cabinet presented itself on 26 October 2017. The coalition agreement on which ministers will build is called ‘Vertrouwen in de toekomst’ ('Confidence in the future'). But what impact will this new cabinet have on our future? We asked our researchers in…
Latin America and Caribbean Security and Intelligence Network
The Latin America and Caribbean Security and Intelligence Network (LACSIN) brings together scholars, practitioners, government agencies and the diplomatic community to develop novel and interdisciplinary approaches to addressing key areas of security and intelligence in Latin America and the Caribbe…
Career prospects
After graduation you have a lot of opportunities: the field of science communication is very broad. You can also aim for a career in industry or research.