2,541 search results for “de wereld van talen en culturele” in the Public website
Hans de Iongh at National Geographic for Big Cat Month
In the theme of Big Cat Month, National Geographic interviewed Professor Hans de Iongh, guest researcher of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) about lion conservation in Africa.
Meet alumni Ella Keijzer and Job de Reus
What started as a student project in the Media Technology program, became a successful internationally operating company offering therapeutic virtual bike rides. Meet alumni Ella Keijzer and Job de Reus, founders and owners of Bike Labyrinth.
Erik Kwakkel elected to Comité International de Paléographie Latine
On 18 June, 2015, Erik Kwakkel was elected to the Comité International de Paléographie Latine (CIPL), a scholarly committee that specialises in the study of the medieval book.
Over nut en noodzaak van onderzoek naar hoger onderwijs
Inaugural lecture
De Witte et al publish in Nature Drug Discovery Reviews
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery volume 18, pages 82–84 (2019). The implications of target saturation for the use of drug–target residence time Wilbert de Witte, Meindert Danhof, Piet van der Graaf, and Elizabeth de Lange
Saying goodbye to our beloved director: Dr. Rudolf de Jong
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our director, Dr. Rudolf de Jong. We extend our deepest condolences to his loved ones. The Institute will be closed the coming week in mourning. Details of a memorial in Cairo will follow soon. Rest in peace, boss. We will miss you.
Interview with Huub de Groot for Leiden Open Access Blog
Open Access means shared responsibility for research programs. An interview with Prof. Huub de Groot for the Leiden Open Access Blog in the scope of the International Open Access Week.
Faculty of Science says goodbye to Dean Geert de Snoo
During the farewell reception on 29 August, the Faculty of Science will say goodbye to Dean Geert de Snoo. On 1 November 2019, he will continue his career as Director of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW). Colleagues talk about his significance for ecology, about his contribution as a…
PhD defence Andrea van Leerdam
On 21 October, Andrea van Leerdam will defend her thesis ‘Woodcuts as Reading Guides. How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550)’. To register, send an email to woodcutsasreadingguides@gmail.com.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer in NRC about Dutch Diplomacy
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor of International Relations and Diplomatic Practice at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), was interviewed by the NRC on 6 February about the government's warning words.
Els de Busser on Panel during EuroDIG 2019
On 20 June 2019, dr. Els De Busser was a panelist during the EuroDIG 2019 Conference in The Hague at the World Forum.
Edison Jazz Oeuvre Prize for ACPA alumnus Dick de Graaf
In 2017 saxophonist Dick de Graaf obtained his PhD degree with his thesis 'Beyond borders : broadening the artistic palette of (composing) improvisers in jazz'. His own views for over forty years on jazz and related styles (amongst other qualities) have lead to the Edison Jazz Oeuvre Prize.
Diener Award in Social Psychology for Carsten de Dreu
Carsten de Dreu has received the Carol and Ed Diener Award in Social Psychology which is designed to recognise a mid-career scholar whose work has added substantially to the body of knowledge to the social psychology field and brings together personality psychology and social psychology.
Research per university
What follows is a survey of existing programs and current projects for each of the participating universities.
In our HANDS!Lab for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies, we run projects pertaining to sign language linguistics with a focus on Africa. In addition, we are running projects on sign language teaching, tactile signing, deaf people’s experiences with the legal system, and deaf history.
Introducing: Anaïs van Ertvelde
Anaïs Van Ertvelde is a PhD candidate at the Leiden Institute for History. She is working on a thesis that investigates the cross-Iron Curtain impact of the UN International Year of Disabled Persons (1981).
Kamran Ullah: ‘I love working at De Telegraaf’
‘People talk at the coffee machine about what’s on the front page of De Telegraaf.’ Kamran Ullah took office as deputy editor-in-chief of De Telegraaf on 1 January this year. Ullah began studying Public Administration at Leiden in 2002.
Ewine van Dishoeck goes stargazing
From the birth of the universe to the molecules in a planet's atmosphere. The first five pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) show the enormous range in which the space telescope can operate. Ewine van Dishoeck, professor of molecular astrophysics, took a look at the first images Tuesday…
Legal professionals do not have a better understanding of the constitution
Do people actually understand the constitution? This is what Jelle But, PhD candidate at Constitutional and administrative law, wondered. To find out, he conducted a survey among 1333 respondents. His research shows that lawyers and other legal professionals actually do not have a better understanding…
Re-staging of ACPA Professor Louis Andriessen’s De Materie
This year’s edition of the prestigious art festival Ruhrtriennale, carried in diverse locations around the cities of Essen, Bochum and Duisburg (Germany), has re-staged De Materie, ACPA professor Louis Andriessen’s exceptional opera which overcomes traditional patterns of the genre in terms of dramaturgy,…
From the Rule of Law to a Culture of Justice: a Practitioner’s Challenge to Policy Thinkers
The Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance, and Development and the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies organised the Van Vollenhoven Lecture 2013.
Fabiola van Dam - Dissertation (Utrecht)
On 4 December 2020 Fabiola van Dam will defend her dissertation "Het middeleeuwse openbare badhuis, fenomeen, metafoor en schouwtoneel" (Utrecht). To attend this event online please send an email to: fab.dam@usa.net (mentioning "4 dec" in the subject line).
Podcast De Verbranders critical of European border and asylum procedures
The Dutch asylum application centre in Ter Apel is overburdened, an issue that is currently a prominent feature in the Dutch media. In podcast De Verbranders, PhD students Neske Baerwaldt and Wiebe Ruijtenberg engage in dialogue, and use different angles to examine themes related to migration, borders…
Veni grant for Nikki Ikani and Bernardo Ribeiro de Almeida
Nikki Ikani (ISGA) and Bernardo Ribeiro de Almeida (LUC) have received Veni-funding. A total of 188 scientists received grants in this round. Veni grants are awarded annually by NWO.
Vera de Regt wins Photo Contest Antropology 2016
Bachelor student Vera de Regt received the first prize in the Anthropology Photo Contest 'Street Life' with her photo 'Girlpower in USA river' of Tanzanian boys ánd girls passionately playing football together. On the festive award ceremony at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, after a…
Eric De Brabandere delivers keynote at Boston College Law School
Professor Eric De Brabandere will deliver the keynote address at the Conference ‘Reforming international investment law - Opportunities, Challenges and Paradigms’.
Geert de Snoo on lion conversation on radio Science071
Together with colleagues and students, Professor of conservation biology Geert de Snoo studies the decline of the lion population in a national park close to Kenia's capital city, Nairobi. He discusses how they try to protect the lions on radio Sleutelstad FM.
Martijn Manders about De Rooswijk at RTL Late Night & Pauw
300 hundred man went down with Dutch VOC vessel ‘de Rooswijk’ on January 9 1740 for the coast of Deal in the UK.
Nathaniel Martin in de Volkskrant about toilets in space
German scientists and NASA have developed a bacteria-killing coating for space toilets. With this coating they hope to protect astronauts in space stations from pathogens. Professor of Biological chemistry Nathaniel Martin sheds light on the discovery: 'You don't expect nasty bacteria up there, but…
CWTS chooses new leadership - Sarah de Rijcke new director
The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (Leiden University) has adopted a new governance structure. As of January 1, 2019, the centre will be led by Prof. Sarah de Rijcke, who has been appointed by the board of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences (FSW) as the new scientific director…
Denk en doe mee op het Just Peace Festival in Den Haag
Den Haag is de stad van vrede en recht. Rondom deze thema’s organiseren culturele en maatschappelijke organisaties het festival. De Universiteit Leiden is nauw betrokken bij de organisatie. Universitaire medewerkers en studenten doen bijvoorbeeld mee aan de Vredesloop, Marieke Liem van het Institute…
Hilde Woker en Renate Reitsma benoemd tot leden National Ocean Decade Committee
Het National Ocean Decade Committee heeft twee nieuwe leden benoemd van de Universiteit Leiden. Hilde Woker en Renate Reitsma zullen zich als leden van dit comité inzetten om het het belang van oceaanwetenschappen te promoten.
Vijver en Barmentlo in radio show Vroege Vogels about Living Lab results
Water fleas and damselflies are much more sensitive to crop protection products in nature than in the lab. These test results from the Living Lab were presented by Henrik Barmentlo and Martina Vijver in Dutch radio show Vroege Vogels.
Podcast 'Mind the Gap' overbrugt het gat tussen afstuderen en een eerste baan
Volgende week lanceren we de nieuwe podcast Mind the Gap, een initiatief dat studenten begeleidt bij de overgang van afstuderen naar hun eerste baan. Hosts Laura van der Plas en Loes Velthuis vertellen in dit interview meer over de podcast, waarin ze praktische tips delen voor een realistische en zelfverzekerde…
Leijten en Arenas Catalán present current research at conference on economic and social rights
On 9 and 10 November, the Institute of International and European Law of the University of Göttingen and the Minerva Center for Human Rights of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, organized a conference called ‘Unpacking Economic and Social Rights: International and Comparative Dimensions’.
Wim Voermans in het NRC: 'Het kabinet-Schoof is onvoorspelbaar en dat is riskant'
Het nieuwe kabinet is uniek, met vier coalitiepartijen en een niet gekozen minister-president. Hoogleraar Staats- en Bestuursrecht Wim Voermans analyseert het kabinet in een opiniestuk voor het NRC, en beschrijft een instabiele en ongekende situatie.
Transacties met verbonden partijen (RPT's) en concerns in het Oekraïense ondernemingsrecht
On April 8th 2020, Ivan Romashchenko successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 'Related party transactions and corporate groups: When Eastern Europe meets the West'.
Hoe laten we vaders minder werken en meer doen in het huishouden?
Gaan vaders minder werken als andere vaders dat ook doen? Helpt betaald ouderschapsverlof hen om meer op te pakken in het huishouden? Hoe bepalend zijn sociale normen voor verschillen op de arbeidsmarkt? Onderzoeker Max van Lent gaat het uitzoeken.
Gedichten en gedachten: creatief Honours-vak A Taste of Leadership smaakt naar meer
What do you derive your self-esteem from? Not a question you would quickly expect in a course on leadership. Lecturer Michel Don Michaloliákos opted for a unique approach to 'A Taste of Leadership', an Honours course with introspection as its core theme.
Asian Law
In this lecture professor Harding considered the implications of Asia's 21st-century rise for its legal systems and our approaches to studying them in the new situation we confront in the early 21st century.
LUC Alumni Spotlight: Hylke de Sauvage Nolting
After graduating from Leiden University College The Hague, our students spread out all over the world to continue their studies, do an internship or already start a job. Every other week we will catch up with one of our alumni and put them in the spotlight. They will share their LUC experience and talk…
This archaeologist dives to VOC ship De Rooswijk
Martijn Manders conducts research on the sunken VOC ship De Rooswijk. Tirzah Schnater from the Ministry of Education, Culure and Science produced this impressive report of the work of this underwater archaeologist.
Introducing Didi van Trijp
Didi van Trijp started her PhD project at LUCAS in October 2015. Her PhD project is part of A New History of Fishes. A long-term approach to fishes in science and culture, 1550-1880, a project directed by prof. dr. Paul Smith.
Introducing: Adriejan van Veen
Since February 1, 2015, Adriejan van Veen is working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for History. Here, he is preparing a NWO grant proposal on local experiments with candidate selection in British and Dutch politics in the nineteenth century.
Innovatie in de hepatologie door klinisch en translationeel onderzoek
Valedictory lecture
Las narrativas precoloniales en el occidente de Oaxaca, México
PhD defence
Europeización de la Educación Superior en Chile y Colombia
PhD defence
Op de juiste plaats en op het juiste moment
Inaugural lecture
Veni grant Lucien van Beek
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research has awarded dr. Lucien van Beek a Veni grant. This grant offers young researchers the possibility to develop their innovative ideas for a period of three or four years. The awarded research proposal focuses on the Ancient Greek dialects' contribution…
Dr. Anouk de Koning awarded with Urban Citizen Fellowship
Cultural Anthropologist dr. Anouk de Koning has been awarded the Urban Citizen Fellowship to carry out research about democratisation of local democracy in Amsterdam.