5,129 search results for “studies” in the Staff website
Transferable skills development FSW
The Personal Professional Skills Lab (PPSL) is an elective programme for all FSW bachelor students that enter in 2024 and on. The aim of the PPSL is to encourage students to develop personal and professional skills during the bachelor, that will give them greater resilience and direction: both in their…
- CER, regulations and guidelines
ICT in computer rooms
All faculties offer computer rooms for teaching and/or independent study purposes. The University Library also provides study stations with (or without) computer and a group instruction room.
Unacceptable behaviour
Leiden University aims to create a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable and no one experiences unacceptable behaviour. Should students experience this nevertheless, there are various resources that you can refer them to.
Webinar: Is LUC for me?
Study information, Webinar
Mandela Scholarship Fund
Bachelor, Master
Turfmarkt 99, The Hague
When university isn’t the obvious choice
They confounded expectations and went to university anyway – as a woman of colour, a working-class student or refugee... Throughout the centuries the university has always welcomed pioneers. Students for whom going to university was not the obvious choice and who did not grow up in an academic environment.…
Education grants
An education grant may be available for collaboration with universities outside The Netherlands. This webpage contains information about the available grants, application procedures and where to look for help and advice.
Projects 2023-2024
In 2023-2024 seven (teams of) teachers received a Grassroots or Grass shoots grant. Here you can read about their projects.
Tools and support
Under tools and support you will find information intended to support you in your teaching such as the FLO team, available services and support for students, various tools for teaching and assessment, rules & regulations, and inspiration.
- Updates
If You Encounter Strife, Return to Yemen
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Experience Day Leiden University College The Hague
Study information, On Campus Experience
From research to practice: Leiden researchers awarded European grant
Various Leiden researchers have been awarded a European grant to explore the commercial or societal potential of previous research.
Transferable skills
Transferable skills are skills that students develop during their studies and can use later in a variety of work contexts.
Call for proposals Scaliger Institute fellowship grants
The submission deadline for applications to Leiden University Libraries (UBL) Scaliger Institute fellowship programmes has been set for 1 April 2025. The Scaliger Institute, the special collections research centre of the UBL, supports scholars in any field of study and from anywhere in the world to…
Telephony coordinators
Your telephony coordinator is authorised to approve a name change or process your application for a new connection or telephone number.
- Leiden University Nationalism Network events
Graduation is an important occasion both for the student and for the University. This is the point in time when a student becomes an alumnus. The University is eager to maintain lifelong contact with its alumni.
Alumni relations
The Development and Alumni Relations department maintains contact with Leiden University alumni to stimulate and strengthen our alumni’s involvement with the University. If you wish to know more about our alumni, or organise an alumni event, do not hesitate to contact us.
Changing your online profile page
The information on your profile page is generated by different underlying systems. You can (request to) change or delete it. Please note that it may take some time before the adjustments are shown.
Accessible Education
Studying with a disability often costs additional time and energy. Leiden University wants to do all it can to offer equal chances to students with a disability. What can you do to support a student with a disability?
Workshop EnergiZING
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
- Advisory group Work Balance
Pop/Jazz Choir
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
To find funding, you first need to define your goal. Do you need to fund your own salary? Go abroad? Start up a collaboration? Buy equipment or do field work? Develop a company based on an invention that came out of the research? Next, find a match between your goal and the many funding opportunitie…
Alumni relations and funding
The Alumni Office maintains contact with Leiden University alumni and organises University activities for alumni, as well as facilitating and supporting the faculties and the study and alumni associations.
Hadassah Drukarch
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
The Individual Choices Model offers a number of options for buying or saving additional leave days, or exchanging leave days for extra income.
Science Skills Platform
Science Skills Platform is a versatile, digital skills learning environment for all teachers and students from the Faculty of Science. With more than 100 skills modules available, students can work on the skills they encounter during their studies whenever and wherever they want. Teachers can integrate…
Honours College: An opportunity you should seize
Challenge yourself, broaden your horizon and meet people from different background. Curious if the Honours College is right for you? Honours students Rebecca Bernasco and Pepijn Baggen share their doubts, experiences, and what they find so appealing about the programme. Rebecca: ‘I enjoyed one course…
Striving for Affect: Amateur Readers and Aswany's Bestsellers on Social Media
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Regelgeving onderwijs
Regelgeving onderwijs
The Harmonisation of Educational Logistics programme comprises several projects that aim to improve how our teaching is organised for students and teaching staff.
uSis is the University’s student administration system. All students are registered in uSis and can use it to keep track of their study progress.
Working in a lab
Working in a laboratory is different from working in an office. Some of the rules that apply when working in or around a laboratory are given below.
Did you know that research and education in the field of digital innovation are key pillars of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs? Over the next seven days, we are organising Cyberweek on our social media channels to showcase what we have to offer.
Beehive Student Centre
Turfmarkt 104, The Hague
Projects 2024-2025
This academic year, seven (teams of) teachers will receive a Grassroots or Grass shoots grant. Here you can read about their projects.
CEU Praesidium Libertatis Scholarship
GMS contact persons
If you have a guest or visitor who needs access to the network drives or a ULCN account, you can have him or her registered in the guest management system (GMS) via your GMS contact person.
Ferial Chummun Scholarship in Astronomy
Introducing: Jessie van Straaten
Jessie van Straaten recently joined the Institute for History as a PhD candidate as part of Evelien Walhout's starting grant project 'Human Development and Its Outliers: A Global Microhistory'. Below she introduces herself.
Thesis assessment
Thesis assessment is carried out according to faculty standards with associated assessment forms and manuals.
Course design
Whether you’re giving a course for the first time or aiming to update your learning objectives or teaching formats, effective education starts with good course design. This step-by-step plan will help you create or innovate your course: from learning objectives to teaching formats.
Yenching Academy of Peking University
Bachelor, Master
CSC-Leiden University Scholarship
Toelating en selectie
Toelating en selectie